《Our Little Moon》Chapter 51 - I am here now


"True love has a habit of coming back."

Since I started living in this city, It feels like my sorrow and longingness had lessen and I thank Martin for helping me finding this beautiful place.

Moving here helps me a lot compared at Rome where I couldn't stop myself but to think of my Luna, my baby.

I miss her so much, and my heart is bleeding everytime I remember the night that I woke up and she's not with me anymore.

She's my life.

My happiness.

But being with her will cause her safety and I can't take that risk. That I would choose to suffer myself than to see her getting hurt. If I need to sacrifice myself for her sake, so be it.

But sometimes, as a mother, it's so hard to stay strong. It's so hard to pretend that everything is fine, where obviously it is not. That your only escape is to cry—- just like what I'm doing right now. Fat tears are running down at my cheeks as I stared at the oven that provides heat to my muffins.

Since it's my off today, I decided to bake and clean my humble-abode to make myself busy. I'm working as secreatary to a medium size company and I'm happy as it keeps my mind occupied.

As I wiped my tears away, the timer gave alarm and I smile because my muffins are ready. I open the oven carefully and inhaled the delicious aroma that caused my stomach to growl.

"We have to wait for five minutes before we devour the muffins, okay tummy?" I told myself but before I could put the hot tray at the table, I heard some knocks on the door and I'm confused because I'm not expecting anyone.

"Dianne it's me." I heard someone said and there is only one person who called me that.


"But why he's here? He told me he will come to visit on new year's eve so that we both going to welcome the new year." I told myself again, before opening the door. And there he is, grinning at me and I couldn't stop myself to shout his name.


"I missed you!" He said as he hugged me so tight, like I'm the teenage kid that he met a long long time ago.

"I missed you too. I thought you will come here in new year? What happened? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Relax, there's nothing wrong. I'm just here because I have a surprise for you. But you have to close your eyes first." And I try not to smile because I'm not young anymore for this stuff.

"What is it Martin? My birthday had passed already and I told you that you don't have to give me a christmas gift." I told him as he rolled his eyes and I hope that it won't stuck there.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

'Do I trust him?' I asked myself before I close my eyes.

A few moments later, I feel like someone is staring at me, intensely.

I could feel the heat around me as my heart started beat in uneven manner. And I don't know whether I will open my eyes or stay still.

"Matty." I called out his name.

But there's no answer, for that I decided to open my eyes to see what he's upto.

But my eyes, couldn't believe what I'm looking right now.

My brain couldn't fathom what's in front of me right now.


"Am I just dreaming?" I muttered to myself.

"No my Amore, you're not dreaming." I heard the man said.

The man that I love the first time I saw him.

The man that taught me how to love and be loved.

The only man that can make my heart jump inside my chest—- just the way my heart is doing right now.

"Z-Zeus? Is it r-really you?" I asked as I swallowed the lump inside my throat. And his blue-green eyes that stared back at me says it all and I can't help but sob, as I couldn't contain the emotions inside of me. It's overwhelming but one thing that I'm sure is, I missed him so much.

My vision became hazy as he cupped my face and kiss me deeply, passionately. And I don't care about everything right now, I just want to be with him.

"I missed you so much my Amore." He whispered as we pulled away from each other to take some air. My heart was shattered when I saw the fat tears that rolling down to his cheeks. His body is shaking and all I think about is to hug him and tell him that I'm here now.

"Please don't cry—- I'm here now." I told him as my trembling fingers wiped away those tears as I press my lips again to his.

"You're alive." He stated as he starts showering my face with tender kisses. My whole world stop spinning around as I feel his arms around my body and finally, once again I feel so secure. The sparks that I have always had whenever he touches me, came back.

"Yes. Zeus w-where have you been? I t-thought I w-would n-never see you again. And how did you find me?" I ask continuously as I have a lot of questions that keep popping up inside my mine.

I gave him a pointed look when he gives me a soft chuckle instead of answering me.

"I'm sorry Amore but you have to relax. To start—- I was kidnapped and kept by a gang, but someone helped me. She went to my son—-Ares and told him that I was alive and they rescued me before my captor could kill me..... lot of things happen after that, but during those times, my heart keep bleeding—- for you because I thought you left me. But I'm so lucky to have Luna by my side, that never gave up on reminding me that you're just here, inside my heart —— always." Pointing to his chest while his eyes brimmed with tears again.

My heart bleed again, as I felt the same for him but what I couldn't handle anymore was when he mentioned our daughter's name.

"Our Luna—— please tell me how's my baby?" I begged him as I miss her so much that it hurts.

"Ssshhhh—- don't cry, she's doing fine and safe with her brothers. She's a pure soul, compassionate little human being. So smart and bubbly. So strong — in mind, in body and I know that she got it all from you." He said while caressing my still wet and red cheeks.

I grin at his statement because as far as I remember, he always brag that she got everything from him, and I just let him to believe that because I love him.

"I thought she got it from you." I teased and I didn't expect him to laugh so hard in front of me. It's contagious and I hope that it never comes to end.


Soon, our eyes met again.

"I love you so much my Amore. We may not be together at the beginning but our love found its way. I am not perfect—- but I promise you that you're the only woman that I will cherish, love and worship for the rest of my life."

" and my heart will always be yours no matter what." I replied. His lips pressed against mine and I felt like my body is in clouds 9. That everything feels so right,

Until, I heard someone cleared his throat.

My reaction was quick. I pushed Zeus a little to have some space to see who was it and my face turned red like a tomato because it's not one but four men, including Martin, gawking at us, like we are the finest movie at all time.

And I looked down at my feet to hide my redness as I remember how me and Zeus made out just a while ago.

And I wish that the ground would open up and swallow me.

Oh God!

After few seconds, Zeus drew circles at my back to help me calm down.

Soon, I lift my head and smile at them. Suddenly, guilt filled my heart because they were still standing at my front door and snow was falling down and I know how cold it is outside.

"I'm so sorry, please come inside." I invited them.

I recognized Dionysus out of the three while the two seems unfamiliar.

Once they took their seat at my simple couch, all of them started to introduce themselves to me. The other two were Daniel and Lucas—- Dionysus' fiancè.

While we're talking suddenly something pop-up inside my head.

"Guys, I baked some muffins and I could make some hot chocolate too if you like, to help warm your body." I offered with smile.

My house was a bit warm because just now I fired up my fireplace and drinking some hot choco would be nice.

All of them including Martin squealed in happiness when they heard about the muffins and I couldn't help but giggles at their reaction.

"I will help you." Zeus say, that earned some sniggers from Dionysus and Daniel.

Zeus just ignored them and grab my hand as we hit the kitchen.

"Hmmm the smell is so good in here. Those muffins look scrumptious my love, just like the old times." He told me cheerfully.

"Thank you but you don't have to flatter me because I will give you more muffins, don't worry." I said because he loves muffins, it's his favorite.

But the next thing was unexpected as he starts tickling my waist that is so sensitive and he knew it!

I'm laughing so hard while trying to avoid him. And I hope that the people outside the kitchen won't think the other way around or else I will feel so doomed again.

"I can't wait to bring you back with me my Amore. Our Luna will be thrilled once she saw you again." And just like that, he stared at me like something popped inside his head.

"Sh*t! I have to call her Amore! Oh my god she will never forgive me for not calling her since yesterday!" He blabber out, and then pulled his phone out from his pocket and then frown. I'm so confused as why is like that?

"No signal." He muttered under his breath before he looked at me like a lost puppy.

"This area has problem with signal, I'm sorry." I told him while trying not to laugh because as soon as I uttered those words, his shoulders dropped and he looked so broken.

My heart saddened, for that my hands cupped his face and told him that I know a place where we can call her and his eyes beamed with happiness after that.

"Thank you Amore... you just saved my ass." He said before smashing his lips at me once again. Our lips were dancing to our own tune and I don't know if we were able to stop ourselves to cherish this moment.

But I guess, sometimes not everything is according to plan as we were interrupted again by a loud knock.

Holy mother of God!

"Could you two continue making out later? Where are the muffins and the hot chocolate? I'm so hungry." Martin stated. His face carried the mischievous grin that I know and I'm speechless because until now the hot chocolate is not yet ready.

Oh boy!

"Sorry Matty—- just give me another five minutes." I plead and I saw how he scrunched up his nose before he walk away. I then continue what I'm doing before, while Zeus helps me by arranging the muffins on each plate and lined up the mug for me to pour the steaming hot chocolate that caused me to moan because it smell so good.

"Don't do that again." Zeus said in hoarse tone. At first I was confused but when I noticed his lower pants, I absentmindedly bit my lower lip and look away.

"Thank you." Daniel told me after he took the hot mug from me.

My eyes filled with excitement when everyone bites their muffins and drank their hot chocolate and I'm so excited to see their reaction.

Can't blame me. After what happened and be away from my Luna, I have nobody to taste the food that I always cooked. Martin was always out because of his new work and I have no friends in Rome because of fear that someone will recognize me, for that my excitement right now is killing me.

My eyes just stared at them and soon my mouth went ajar as I couldn't believe of what I saw.

Empty plates.

And it only takes a seconds for them to finish all my muffins. Like it was carried away by a strong tsunami or hurricane—- because all the muffins are gone.

"What happened?" I asked dumbfoundly at Zeus who has wide smile on his face, until he burst into laughing. The rest including Martin, laughed with him too and I'm so baffled about it.

"Amore, why you're so surprised? It's the best muffins in the world and you expected us not to devour it so fast?" Zeus replied while shaking his head. Though it's warm my heart, my mind was still in shock and I just wished that I baked more.

"Thank you, I should've baked more." I told them.

"It's alright, we came here unexpectedly and we are the one who should be grateful. I agreed with Dad—- those were the best muffins that I've ever tasted. And I can't imagine my brothers, who will kill for those, once they taste it too." Dionysus said softly that again warm my heart.

And thinking about coming back with them making me so anxious yet excited at the same time.

"What if Luna won't forgive me for leaving her?" I ask while tears started to form. And this is one of those scenario that I don't want to face.

She's kind and sweet but I hurt her. I left her and I don't know if she will forgive me.

"Amore, why you're thinking like that? She will never do that to you. Our daughter is the kindest soul and the most intelligent/smart kid that I've ever known, my boys were like this compared to her." As our eyes stared at him as he shows the comparison between his sons and his daughter, using his hands—- and smile appeared on my face when I saw how high is my Luna than the other. Dionysus whined at his father but I know that he's just playing at him. I can see from his eyes how he loves and adore his sister and I am so grateful that I made the right decision to leave her with them, her brothers.

Right now, all I did is kick those negative thoughts outside my head because Zeus was correct, I shouldn't think like that. Luna will forgive me and if ever she didn't, I will never stop asking her forgiveness because she's my world to me and I will do everything for her.

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