《Our Little Moon》Chapter 50 - she's in florence


"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. —— "


"Are you sure about this Diana?" I asked after I wiped her tears away.

"Yes, Martin. I would never forgive myself if something happen to Papa and Mama." Diana sobs painfully while her head was leaning on my shoulder. It breaks my heart knowing that she will leave me as she's the only one who accepted me, even I'm a hitman.

The first time we'd met—- I was 18 and she's just 13. It was dark night and I was not lucky. I got stabbed on my stomach and I thought that would be my last day, but Diana found me on that dark alley and brought me to her house and treat my wounds. She saved me and owe her my life. And eversince then, we've became best of friends.

I don't know what's the reason as I'm a killer and she's so innocent. But it doesn't matter for me as I feel like I'm human being whenever we're talking everytime she's sneaking out from her home. I never knew that she's adopted and she's grateful that her adopted parents were good people and love her like their own. Although sometimes, even you've tried your best, you'll never please everyone, as there is always that will hate you even you're not doing harm on them. In Diana's case, it's her step-sister——- Violeta.

One night, she came into my house with bruised stomach because Violeta and her friends kicked her—- hurt her until they were satisfied. To say I was enraged was understatement but since then, I made a decision to help her and that was to get close to her step-sister.

And I didn't fail to achieve that because I know how to make a woman like Violeta, to fall for me. And after just a week, I became her lover and I used that opportunity to know her plan—- to know whatever her plan against Diana.

"Where you will go? You just turned 18 for f*ck sake." I seethed because I don't want her to go but I knew deep inside that she had no choice but to leave. Violeta does whatever she wants, what ever she likes and it doesn't matter who it is for as long as it's for her greediness.

"I have money, I'd be okay. I know how to take care of myself and I don't care even I suffered as long as my Papa and Mama are safe. Please don't let them know, you're the only one that I could trust about this." She said hurtfully and I just nod my head because I can't do anything but help her to get away———away from her evil step-sister.

"Tomorrow night. I'll make sure that she's not in the mansion. That time you can sneak out. Please be careful and don't ever—- try to cut our communication. Understood." I told her.

"Yes, I promise."

⚜️End of flashback⚜️

"And that was the last day that we'd seen each other. Everyone was devastated, except Violeta. She kept her promise to call me and I was so happy because she's safe until Violeta asked me to find her and end her life so that she's the only heiress of Mr. Carlos Rossi. I tricked Violeta by informing her that I can't find her whereabout. Until one day, she gave me an ultimatum that if I couldn't do the job, she will hire another hitman. And I can't allow it, so I contacted Diana and told her about Violeta's plan. That time, we thought you were dead Zeus and she had no one to rely on but me, that's why I made a plan to help her and save her. A plan that needs a mutual trust, between me and Diana." I paused for a while and look at the four pair of eyes that stared at me as if I've grown two heads.


I don't know whatever running to their thick skull but one thing they need to know is that I'm telling the truth.

That she's indeed alive. Not dead.

"Don't try to fool me you Ares told me that she's dead and he had her autopsy report from the hospital!" Zeus growled and I want to tell you that he's like a Lion, ready to devour mr.

But I won't cower like a dog.

"I know I'm a piece of sh*t thank you very much, but just so you know that this PIECE OF SH*T in front of your eyes, was the one who helped her when nobody can." I said while looking straight to his cold eyes. Our staring contest lasted for a minute until he submits.

"It's true that she died that day, as I injected her with some serum to stop her heart for a while. But I have the antidote. And when the ambulance came and carried her inside the vehicle, I immediately injected her the antidote and I went with her to the hospital. She regained her consciousness, but I told her to play dead. The report that Ares received was fake. I have my ways and I ordered someone who was working in the hospital to do the dirty work, and let just say that I used some force so that it goes according to my plan. Uhm—- that night I brought Diana back to my house. And once we made sure that Luna is safe with her brothers and Violeta was convinced that she's truly dead, I quickly send her here in Italy because we're afraid that if Violeta found out that she's still alive—- she won't hesitate to finish her off and again, I won't let her kill my bestfriend." My eyes looked up at Zeus and saw cluster of emotions flashing through his eyes. It's hard to read but one thing that I saw is happiness.

"Where is she? And why she didn't come back to her child?" Zeus asked with hint of sadness.

"Because we don't know that you're alive! You don't know how evil your ex-wife is Zeus! that even she's in jail, she could ask someone to kill her if she knew that she's alive. Did you know that she contacted me while she's in prison to kill your daughter? But I didn't and decided to disappear because I know that your son Ares will haunt me down. Violeta is a vile and manipulative evil b*tch and I don't know why you let her live. She's not sick trust me and just pretending to be, so that she could escape. And that also the reason why she's not coming back yet even she wanted to —- even she dreamed for it." I said truthfully as I look again to Zeus.

"Where. Is. She. Now?" Zeus asked again in deep voice.

I let out a deep sigh before I told him where she is.

"You will come with us." Zeus said.


"Wait! Dad did you believe him? What if it's a trap?" and I couldn't help but rolled my eyes because obviously I have no chance. They are four and I'm alone for f*ck sake.

"Uhm—-Excuse me—- Zeus' son? Whatever your name is. Listen okay, I was a hitman and I can be a hitman again, but I have no plan to be because I'm trying to change my life which I guess everyone deserves, even a person like me.... And if I really wanted to harm you, I could and trust me, you will never see it coming, but I promise you that I'd never." I said and I hope that it's enough for them to stop whining.


"Fine." Zeus' son replied as he started to walk towards the door.

"Wait, I'm hungry and I need to eat. I can't hold my hunger anymore. She's in Florence and it's two hours journey and we need to wear thick clothes because it's cold there." I told them before walking to my kitchen and search for food and grateful that there's some spaghetti with meatballs in the fridge.

"Want some?" I asked them. Daniel and Zeus shook their head, while the two who I assumed as couple, just looked at me with a frown.

"Alright." I told to myself and put the spaghetti at the microwave oven.

My feelings right now is inexplicable. To say I'm shocked is understatement hence I'm joyous at the same time. And I can't imagine her face once she found out that Zeus was alive and will take her back.

Finally, her dream to be with them once again, have come and I'm so glad that they never give up on her.

The sweetest and kind person that I've known will finally be happy and call me softy but I can't control my eyes to shed tears right now.

"Hey, are you crying?" And I almost kill that man who asked that.

"I'm not! My eyes just got sweaty." I replied to Zues' son before averted my eyes and stare at the oven and grateful that it's done. I carefully removed my plate out of the oven and enjoy my food.

Damn, almost two hours of train journey and I swear, I'm gonna die of how boring it was. The four didn't even talk to me and I hope that they get callous on their mouth.

"We have to walk a little from here." I already explained to them that it would be faster if we go by train than car which they all agreed, but we have to walk to her house as there is no available taxi on this area.

"It's fine, walking is good." Zeus replied that was backed up by the three.

"Good, I thought rich men hate walking." I mumbled and I don't know if they heard me or not.

"Just so you know, rich men loves walking and running too." Zeus' son scoffs and I smirk because I feel like I'm getting into his nerves.

"What's your name? Because I cannot stay calling you as Zeus' son forever." I told him and I'm sure that he's not bad as he's trying to show, just skeptical.

"It's Dionysus and this is my fiancè, Lucas." I smile as I waved my hand at Lucas and then to Dionysus. To tell you frankly, I know the de Luca brothers' name but I'm not familiar with their faces except Ares.

While walking, I could hear from them how the air smells so fresh and relaxing. And I smile again because her little house was surrounded by grape vineyard and lot's of trees and flowers. There's a snow at the pathways but not that much and I'm sure that a hot chocolate is perfect as of this time.

And after 15 minutes of walking, we've reached our destination and I asked them to hide behind the trees or vines.

Good thing is they didn't argue with me and do as I say.

When I stared at the door, my heart started to beat so fast because it's been a week since I saw her and I miss her so much. She's the only one that I consider a family and I couldn't imagine her reaction, to what she's going to see in just few minutes.

"Dianne it's me." I called her name after I knocked for few times.

And just like that, the door swung open and revealed a redhair woman with a smile already plastered on her face.

"Matty!" She cried out my name and I smile because I missed that nickname too that only her can call me.

"I missed you!" I told her as I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her from the ground. She squealed like a child while I'm doing that and I hope that Zeus won't kill me.

"I missed you too. I thought you will come here in new year? What happened? Is there something wrong?" She asked as she pulled her eyebrows together.

And I don't want to beat around the bush.

"Relax, there's nothing wrong. I'm just here because I have a surprise for you. But you have to close your eyes first."

"What is it Martin? My birthday had passed already and I told you that you don't have to give me a christmas gift." She said and I just rolled my eyes again.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her seriously and with that she closed her eyes and I take that opportunity to send signal to Zeus to come over.

Upclose, I could see how his eyes brimmed with tears and once he's standing beside of me, I nod my head at him and walk away silently, to give him his chance to talk to her again and to be with her again.

Author's Note:

Hello guys! Hope you like this chapter and if you found some plot hole please message me to correct it.

Thank you for the support and don't forget to vote.

Stay safe and god bless!

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