《Our Little Moon》Chapter 49 - Martin


Christmas is coming in two days and our little Luna was sad because Zeus went somewhere and he couldn't take her with him because child wasn't allowed. Though, he promised that he would be gone only for a week but it's been two weeks and he's not yet coming back.

Two weeks ago, four days after the twins' birthday, Zeus received a great news from his old friend in Italy about the whereabout of Martin—- the man who killed his Diana. After they talked, Zeus kept it to himself and informed Ares that he needs to go to Italy to visit a friend.

Zeus didn't say anything for that Ares was skeptical to believe him that it was just a simple visit. He knew that he won't leave them specially if Christmas if coming for that he asked his brother, Dionysus to follow their father in Italy.

"Bambina, please eat your pancake." Ares begged, as he looked at his baby sister who seems not interested at her favorite breakfast.

Luna's eyes stared back at him with tears and Ares feels like his heart was being pierced by a knife and he knew the reason.

"Bambina, our father will come back as I promised to you. There was just a bit problem but I assured you that he's fine and he's coming back." Ares explained while wiping away her tears that she couldn't control because of the overwhelming sadness that she's having right now. Not long after, the twins and Eros came to her and helped her to calm down.

"Tesoro, please don't cry, nothing's gonna happen to father. And Diony and Lucas went with him and I'm sure that they will protect Dad from any monster." Apollo replied that earned light smack from Hades.

"Idiot—- listen Love, Dad is fine. He's the GOD of SKY, remember? And who has the power to defeat a God? None." Hades told her softly before shooting his twin some daggers for laughing at him.

"And when did you learn those things Hady?" Apollo mocked him. But before Hades could hurt his twin, Eros butt in.

"Will you two stop bickering in front of her! Sorellina, our father will come back anytime soon, please believe us." Eros told her with conviction. And as soon as she look around and stared back at her brothers, her feelings started to light up as she could feel their sincerity and she knew that they won't lie to her.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I miss him so much. It's been three days and he didn't talk me. I'm just worried." She explained while suppressing her sniffles. Her brothers including Ares, find it so cute but tried not to smile or laugh or else they might be in trouble.

"There's nothing to sorry for Bambina, we understood and it's okay. Anyway, Delilah and I, will going out, do you want to come with us?" Ares asks while looking at her intently. The couple have planned to go to mall to buy gifts for Christmas, for everyone.

Luna shook her head and told him that she's tired. Hades' eyes grew bigger because hearing those words, don't sound good as he's planning also to bring her outside, to let her meet Regina, who he started to see since they've met at the bar. They became friends, though Hades started to feel more than a friend towards her. He don't want her to feel awkward so he decided to take slow and let time decides for their fate.


"Are you sure you don't want to go out? My friend wants to meet you and I'm sure you will like her."


All of them asked in unison, including Luna because it's very rare for Hades to have a girl friend and be vocal about it.

Hades ignored his brothers' outburst but looked at her sister with smile. Luna's eyes lit up because if someone was able to make her brother smile, it means she's a nice girl.

"You like her, isn't it?" She whispered to his ear. Hades wasn't surprise at her bluntness though he doesn't know how to answer her as he doesn't know if the feelings are mutual.

"Yes, but I don't know if she likes me too. Do you think she will?" Hades asked her in low voice, while their siblings are gawking at them. Apollo couldn't believe of what he just heard from his twin, same as Eros, but not Ares. He understood as he was same as him before, but everything changed when he found his love, his fiancè——Delilah.

"Who wouldn't love you? You're sweet and a loving person. Is she beautiful?" Luna asked again with full of curiosity. She slightly forget the sorrow that she had felt before and talking about Hades lovelife helps a lot. She feels like she's come kind of cupid that has an important job to do.

"Certainly. She has a long red hair too, just like you baby and she's nice." He told her and Luna could see how happy he is while talking about her, she's certain that her brother found already the right one—- that would love him for the rest of his life, just like Ares and Dionysus.

"We could see her in the afternoon, but first, finish your breakfast? Can you do that for me?" Hades pleaded and hoping that she would do that and his eyes glint with happiness because Luna didn't waste any minute and eat up her pancakes with so much enthusiasm.

Apollo, Eros and Ares' jaws were on the floor as they couldn't believe of how Hades persuaded their little sister to eat. They felt so jealous yet grateful at the same time.

"Bro how did you do that?" Eros asked dumbfoundedly, not caring if his sister heard him or not.

Hades just shrugged it off and continue with his food. Ares was curious too, so he looked at his brother with a raised brow as if waiting for his answer. Hades then let out a deep sigh before he speaks.

"Look Ares, you might be her favorite brother—- but me and her has special connection and that's it, don't ask me how because I have no answer for that." And as soon as he said those words, Luna looked at him and then smile sweetly and to her brothers' astonishment, specially Ares who felt so betrayed yet happy that his siblings are having this kind of connection.

Apollo and Eros were bit sad but didn't show it, though they also want to have this kind of connection with their sister, as Hades does.

"Poly, Rosy, please don't be sad. I could feel your sorrow from miles away and I don't like it. I love you too and always have special place in my heart." She explained. She asked Ares to help her come down from her chair and once he did, she immediately ran to Eros first, to give him a warm hug. The two were so happy, that they also felt guilty for being immature, thinking that she doesn't love them the way she did to Ares and Hades.


"Sorry Sorellina, it's not nice to be envious because we knew deep inside that you love us all. It's not fair to always put competition between us—- your brothers as it also affect you awkwardly." Eros said while looking at her eyes. She nods her head and said that it was understandable. Eros kissed her forehead before she ran to Apollo and hugged him tightly. Apollo told her how sorry he was. Luna then replied that there's nothing to sorry for and kissed him on his cheek to make him feel good. Apollo grinned like a cheshire cat because of his sister's affection and he couldn't ask for more but thankful.

Soon, everyone was done with their food and decided to go to the living room and watch some movies together with their babysister.

Elsewhere, in Rome Italy, Zeus along with his friend —Daniel, Diony and Lucas were finally found the person that they've been looking for a very long time. Though he didn't expect that Dionysus will followed him as he don't want them to worry. He kept this things from his children, because it's his job to avenge his Diana. But to his disappointment, his son was stubborn just like him.


"What the f*ck are you doing here?" Zeus scowled at Diony and Lucas after the two barged into his room. Dionysus didn't answer and just look at his father.

"Is this how you greet your son and future son-in-law? And I could ask same thing to you? What the heck are you doing here? Really Dad? Lying to us?"

Zeus immediately felt guilty after Diony said those words. He's right and they should be the one to be angry because he didn't tell them the reason why he left them for a while.

"I didn't lie, I really met my friend here—- I just didn't tell the reason because I know that you won't let me do it, as all of you will stop me from doing it." He said with hint of sadness on his voice. Thinking about his Diana still hurts him, specially if the person who killed her still walking freely in the face of the earth.

"Please Dad, tell me. We are here to help you. We will not say anything, just tell us the reason." Diony pleaded while Lucas sat on the couch and listened to the father and son conversation.

He just wished that he brought some pop-corn while listening to them.

"Alright, first don't be mad for keeping this things. So, after I've learned who killed my Diana, I secretly asked my friend to help me find that m*therf*cker after our man couldn't trace his location. I won't blame them though because even my friend face difficulty in finding him. After he got the info about his whereabout—- I didn't waste any time because the wrath, the fury that I kept inside my heart was like a lava that no one can stop to erupt. And I'm sorry. I know all of you, specially Luna were mad at me now, but try to undestand this old man of yours, that only want his sweet revenge." Zeus spoke hoarsely as he is trying not to cry in front of them. Diony's eyes soften upon hearing his father's confession and immediately wrapped his arms around his father to inform him that he understood.

Lucas felt like he's watching some telenovela but stopped himself because that was rude. Soon, Zeus told them everything, about the plan of how to send Martin to hell.

⚜️End of flashback⚜️

"Dad come on." Diony told him after he saw Martin entered the building. They knew which floor and apartment number he's staying at and they couldn't wait to get him and kill him, so that they could go back to their family.

Zeus stoically look at his son and nod his head. They have to hurry so that he won't have the chance to escape this time.

"Good evening sir, may I see your ID please?" Asked by the building security guard as he stopped Diony, Zeus at Lucas to enter the lift. The three looked at each other before their eyes fell on Daniel.

Daniel let out a deep sigh before he show himself to the guard and once he learned who is he, shivers ran through his spine and quickly throw himself to the side and let them enter the lift without looking at them. Well, what do you expect, it's Daniel Romano—- one of the wealthiest businessman in Italy and the guard definitely don't want to be on his bad side.

Once they reached their destination, Zeus knock on the door and because he's wearing a mask and hoodie, Martin didn't open the door but asked who they are. Zeus didn't answer but gave Lucas a signal to kick the door vigorously, that flew open in an instant.

Martin didn't expect that and completely caught off-guard in the process.

Zeus didn't waste his time and pulled out his gun and point it to his head.

Martin on the other hand recognized him and he knew that this day will come, that they gonna see each other or face each other. For that he quickly raise his hand before he open his mouth.

"If you're here to kill me, please don't or else you will never find the truth." Martin uttered while looking straight at Zeus cold eyes. He's nervous because he could feel the rage—-the anger that shows beneath his cold stare, but there is something very important that he needs to know.

"F*CK YOU! You're the one who killed my Diana and yes I'm here to kill you too but not in easy way." Zeus told him before giving his son a signal. But before he could inject the sedative to his neck, Martin dodge the injection and told them to listen at him first.

"And why would we listen to you?" Zeus asked through gritted teeth. It doesn't matter what is his plea as he needs to die for killing Diana.

"Because Diana is Martin announced that caused everyone to stop and just looked at him in complete shocked.

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