《Our Little Moon》Chapter 48- The Twins' Birthday - Hades POV




"Goodnight Selene, remember if he's snoring too much, you can come to my room, okay?" I told her after she gave me a goodnight kiss.

"Silly, Poly don't snore." Then giggles that makes me want to keep her with me for the rest of the night, but ofcourse someone might declare a world war III on me because it's not my schedule so I have to control myself.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked instead while caressing her chubby cheeks.

"Uh huh." She said while looking at me and I know that I need to let her go now.

"Alright, goodnight baby and I love you." I say before kissing her forehead, one last time.

"I love you too my Hady." she replied before her short legs pace towards my twin's room and shut the door.

In an instant I feel so bored.

I'm not tired nor sleepy so I think about of getting out. But if I'd go out now, I might be in trouble because of our freaking curfew.

I will be 21 tomorrow and our Dad treat us like teenager—- specially me.

But I won't blame him because I knew that he just doing it for my safety. He added that it's either I will go out with a bodyguard or follow the curfew.

But who sleep at 9 pm for fudge's sake?

( on their weekdays, anyone can go out to have some fun but should go back to their house before midnight and on weekend, they are free to go out until 2 am.)

So f*ck curfew! As I grab my phone, my gun and keys before walking out from my room. I went to the hallway that will bring me to the back door of our house to avoid getting attention and the cameras.

For Ares—- it will be alright if I caught but if it is Dad, I'm sure that I'd be dead.

(he means that Zeus will seize his phone and will order him to clean all the cars for a week, imagine that!)

Unless, I will come back before midnight, which I'll try.

"As usual boss?" The bartender asks while my eyes scanning the area as if I'm looking for someone.

"No, just a beer." I told him as I'm not planning to be drunk tonight. I just want to kill time and fight the boredom.

"Here you go."


While drinking my beer, my eyes suddenly connected with a pretty blonde girl that seductively dancing in the dance floor in skimpy dress. Soon, she came forward and without shame whisper something to my ear that is really hard to refuse. And as I man, I'm not made of stone and it's been two weeks since I had s*x, so forgive me but I need some release tonight. For that I didn't waste time and grabbed her hand and guide her to one of the VIP rooms that I usually occupy when I'm coming here.

After an hour, my mind and body felt so relax now and I think it's time for me to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" The girl asked and to my astonishment, like what the heck is her problem and asked me something like that?

"Leaving?" I replied nonchalantly.

"And just like that?" And my eyes narrowed because I don't know what else does she needs from me.

She asked if I want to have s*x with her and we did that, so what now?

"What do you want?" I asked in cold manner and I'm started to feel tired as I know where it is going.


Soon, her legs walk towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist and suddenly I felt so awkward as I'm not affectionate to anyone but to my baby sister Selene.

"Can we see each other again after this." She said while batting her eyes as if she could change my mind to "no string attached" that I told her before we had s*x.

And because I knew this type of woman, I have no choice but to nod my head and just wait for her next words.

"Here is my number, and I will wait for your call Hades." And I almost cringe when my name came out from her mouth right now.

Sue me but it's what I feel.

"Alright, can I go now?" I asked after I took her number that was written on a piece of paper.

She tried to kiss me on my lips but I'm quick and avoided it, so it fell on my jaw.

I can feel her lipstick on my skin and I couldn't wait to wipe it out once I get out from here.

And as soon as she let me go, my legs strode towards the bar and give some money to the bartender as tips.

"Thanks boss." He said as I walk straight to the exit door. But before I could reach to my car, my eyes caught something and that something makes my blood boils.

"S-Stop, let me go!" The girl cried out while trying to fight back a man that almost twice her size. He's forcing her to get inside his car and I couldn't help but feel furious.

"Shup up sl*t, you're working here so it's abvious that you're a b*tch that I can f*ck!" The man said in a mocking tone and trust me, I won't let it slide.

My legs rushed straight where they are and I didn't think twice and swung my fist direct to his jaw followed by an upper cut that drew blood out from his mouth. I hit him hard on his body that will surely leave dark bruises or might send him to hospital. Punch after punches and I don't think if I would stop because he's an as*hole and needs to teach some lesson.

"Sir please s-stop, or you might kill him." My eyes narrowed as I heard what she just said but when I stared at her teary eyes, my eyes soften and that's the time I stop my fist to draw more punches to his ugly face. My knuckles were covered with his blood and I'm sure it has some bruises too.

After regaining my senses my hands then grabbed his collar vigorously and force him to stand up despite his unsteadiness and I don't care. I don't regret what I did.

"Don't ever show up your disgusting face here or else I will kill you, got it?" I said through gritted teeth. He nods his head in numerous times and smirk appear on my lips.

"Go, before I change my mind and kill you with my bare hands." I said before kicking him out of my sight. He's lucky that I cannot use my gun to end his life here....

So lucky....

And like I expected, he run away like a dog with its tail between its legs.


Soon it's only me and her and the silence is so defeaning.

I don't know what to say as I'm still furious to that m*therf*cker.

"Thank you Sir, i-if you didn't c-come, I'm n-not sure what w-will h-happen to m-me." She stuttered and my knuckles become white again because no one should experienced that.


My jaw clenched when I saw her torn clothes and without a second thoughts I took my jacket off and put it to her to cover her up.

"It's okay, come on I will drive you to your home." I said but she shook her head and stare at me intently.

"I- I can't go home, yet as I still need to work at the bar." As her voice trailed off and my eyes soften because she still sound terrified yet so determined. She added that she's working as new waitress at the Viper Club—- the club that I went to and owned by my brother— Ares.

I asked who is that D*ck, and she said that he's a customer that followed her when she went outside to throw the garbage. She said that she never expected that he can dragged her towards this area and grateful that I came in right time.

"What time is your out from work?" I asked. This time in soft tone to make her feel comfortable as my rage dissipated.

"After an hour." So it means 12, and it also means that I will be dead, if I'm caught.


"Okay, come on......" I paused as I don't know her name.

"Regina. And you are?" She asked shyly.

"Hades." And stare at her striking grey eyes to see her reaction.

"Uhm, thank you so much Hades, but you don't have to wait for me as I can go by taxi."

And I should feel at ease on her answer right?

But why does I'm not?

"What if that as*hole is still waiting for you and then follows you to your home? What would you do then?" I asked with a raised brow and with that she became mute and look down at her shoes. After few seconds she looked up and let out a deep sigh.

"You know what, you're still stranger to me.... But b-because you s-saved me I will trust you." And I nod my head because she's right, she shouldn't trust me but how can I allow her to go home on this state? She still looks terrified and she just trying to be looked okay, typical gesture of a strong-independent woman.

"Thank you Hades." She told me for hundredth time and I tried not to laugh because she's kind of cute.

She lets her curly red hair loose that almost reach her lower back and she looks so beautiful, I must say.

After I brought her back to the club, I talk to the bartender to get some information about her.

According to him, she's 19 and working as waitress in the night amd student in the morning. He added that she just started last week and he thinks she's kind of quiet type of girl and that's it. After that I just asked another beer and kill the time until she came to me and tell that she's finished and ready to go.

"You're welcome Regina." I answered while looking straight at her eyes. I could feel her tension and as I said before I don't know how to show affection to other than my baby sister.

But I feel like she kind of need it for that I clear first my throat before I ask her phone. She looks stunned but gave me anyway her phone. I dial my number on hers and then save it and give it back to her.

"Listen Regina, don't be afraid, okay. If you need—- I mean if you want to talk, you can give me a call anytime.... Alright?" And I don't have idea if it is enough to make her feel safe. And I hope so because I was never this soft to any girls except to my sister.

"Okay, thank you again and goodnight—- uhm I mean good morning—- bye bye." She blabber on and on and this time I let out a chuckle and her eyes beamed while looking at me.

"You know, you look more handsome when you're smiling and also less scary." She vocally said and I just nod my head with smile still on my face because I'm not aware of that as I don't smile unless when I'm with my family.

"Thanks Regina and I will consider that from now on." I replied.

She soon open the door of her apartment. It's small but looks nice and quiet and I guess that it's alright as she's living alone and I didn't ask why like that as I don't want to overwhelm her.

"Good night Regina—- see you again." I said before turning my back and walk reluctantly towards my car. I could still feel her stare and I'm fighting myself to not look back but my body has it own mind for that once I open the driver's door, my eyes connected with her and I couldn't explain why I feel happy on that moment.

But it's still early, whatever it means only time could tell.

As I look again at my phone, it says that I am late by an hour and I ready myself that if I'm caught, I could just say that there was an accident on the road.

After I pulled up my car, I run as fast as I could towards the house and hope that my Dad isn't the living room or hope that he's already asleep.

And I feel like I'm so blessed because nobody is in the living room.

But I was wrong because Eros appeared in front of me with a frown face.

"What?" I asked impassively.

"What you mean what? Why were you late?"

"I don't answer to you idiot so get out from my sight." I told him as I continue to walk to my room, but I abruptly stop when he mentioned that Daddy was looking for me—- few hours ago.

"What did you tell him?" And just like that the idiot turned his back while taunting me that I'm dead.

So what? I could still explain my side and I have reasons for being late. I'm sure Dad would be reasonable specially if I mention what happened.

My eyes slowly fluttered open when I heard small footsteps that I knew who owns.

And since I knew who it is, I close it again and pretend to be sleeping and anticipate what she's gonna do next.

And soon, her soft lips touched my cheeks, my nose and my chin and my smile appeared on my face because it tickles me.

"Morning another sleepy-head." She said while trying to open my eyes with her fingers. She is so naughty that's why I grabbed her hands and started to tickle her waist. She squaeled and tried to get off from my grip but I won't let that happen.

"Tell me that I'm your favorite brother and I will let you go." She looked at me with a smile and I swear that my heart just melted into a puddle.

"I love you Hady, you know that, right? But I cannot answer you, of who is my favorite brother because I love you all. But I can tell you, that you—- my Hady has special place in my heart, forever." She said and to say that I'm astonished is an understatement. I'm speechless and couldn't say anything but stare to her eyes that mirrors mine.

"I'll go now Hady to school. Have a nice day and I love you." She said before kissing my cheek and gave me a sweet hug that I will always love every seconds of my life.

"Take care baby, and I love you so much. See you later." I told her as I kissed her forehead and pat her lovely hair.

Soon, my baby sister rushed out from my room, leaving me alone but I was wrong because my Dad just appeared at my sight with stoic face.

And I know what it means.

"Morning Dad—- okay listen, I did not purposely to come home late for no good reasons." I said. His eyes soften and that's my cue to tell him what happen last night. The boredom, the encounter with that as*hole guy and Regina.

"Uhm— so this girl, did you find her special or just another flavor of the month. See son, I'm old and my only wish is to have all of you a purpose in life and in love. I want before I die that each one of you has someone that will stay with you forever—- for the rest of your life. Don't be like me. Don't let someone special walk away from your life because I swear to you it's sucked. Life is so short, son."

"Well to tell you Dad—- she's pretty, grey eyes, redhead, little shy but I think she's just afraid to come out from her shell and I know that I could help her with that." And his eyes glint mischievously and I know exactly why's like that.

"So when you will invite her to come here?" And my eyes widened because I just knew her last night, technically a few hours ago and still early to say anything.

"Dad she's studying in morning and working at night, I don't know if she has time but we will see. She's working at our club so it's not a problem." And once I said that, he just nod his head and told me that he will let this slide, and to my relief.

And as soon as he leaves the room, I quickly get up from bed and rushed towards my bathroom.

"Come on, Apollo." I called out his name while turning on my car. He's so slow and I don't know how he became my twin.

"Happy 21st birthday twin!" He blurted out and honestly I want to punch him because I want silence as I have throbbing pain in my head. But I will spare him because it's our birthday.

I have to be kind to him.

"Thanks and same to you, sh*thead." I told him before before speeding off my car.

"Hey! We're identical twin so if I'm a sh*thead and so are you." He scoffs.

"No." I replied because there's no way that we're alike 100%.

"Yes" he said while connecting his phone to my car's bluetooth.

"No" I said again while tapping my fingers at the steering wheel as the music started to play.

"Yes" I hear him say again.

"No" I said while thinking about a certain red hair girl.

"No" He said for the last time and so I answered him with a "Yes" and that was a mistake—- but it's too late as he burst out laughing like an idiot.

"See, sh*thead." He said while increasing the volume of the music that adds annoyance to my current state.

And thank God that we arrived at school because I couldn't take anymore to listen to his muppet voice. He quickly get out from my car and I follow as soon as I wear my shades to cover my eyes as I'm sleep deprived and I really want to take some sleep even just for few hours.

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