《Our Little Moon》Chapter 47 - The Twins' birthday- Apollo's POV




So after I get back to my room, my intention is to get only my phone and then go to my sister's room. I won't sleep here and let my sister be alone on her room even Orion was with her.

I know it's sounds crazy but my protectiveness over to her increase tenfold evensince the assault. I just let her go because she's a stubborn kid, that do what she says and nobody can argue with her. And because I don't want to be on her bad side, I just followed her like a good brother.

Once I open her room, my eyes land straight at Orion who was waiting outside her bathroom. His tail is wagging when he saw me, but stay on where he was, as I lay my back against her bed. My hands grabbed Mr. Choco, the stuff toy that I gave her and pressed it against my chest before closing my eyes until everything goes black.

My senses came back to me in a slowly manner as I felt like someone is kissing my face. And when I open my eyes, smile immediately appear on my lips as my sister stared at me lovingly in her cute school uniform. Her long red hair was tied in pigtails that highlighted more her angelic face.

"Hi baby."

"Good morning again, sleepy-head." She greeted back before kissing the top of my nose. God, how can I get up from her bed when she's giving me all the love in the world? I tried to catch her so that I could have some cuddles, but the munchkin was so quick and successfully avoided it. She's giggling at me and I can't control myself but to sit up and look at her with sad eyes.

"Come on baby, don't deprived my heart with your love. Come here and give me some hug." I asked dramatically, and open my arms at her. She looked reluctant though, so I used my puppy eyes.

Not long after, she came forward to me as I wrapped my arms around at her tiny body.

And I couldn't be happier the way my morning turned out today before going to school.

"Poly is that enough?" She asked sweetly and I just nod my head before kissing her forehead.

"Yes baby and thank you for being so sweet. Please don't ever change. I love you." I cooed.

"I won't and I love you too." She replied before telling me that she needs to go now because she has to visit Hades in his room.

"Ok. Take care baby and see you later." I said as I look at eyes that identical to mine.

"Thank you and see you later Poly." She replied happily as she rushed towards the door. My smile never leave my lips while looking at her until she disappeared from my sight.

"Now, time to go to school Apollo." I said to myself before grabbing my phone and go back my own room.

"Happy 21st birthday twin!" I blurted out at Hades as I take my seat in the passenger.

Today is our birthday but we don't celebrate it since our father's death, which is false as he is alive all along.

He squint his eyes at me as if I'm insane, but soften in seconds.

"Thanks and same to you, sh*thead." He replied before speeding off towards our school.

"Hey! We're identical twin so if I'm a sh*thead and so are you." I scoff.

"No." He replied with a smirk.


"Yes" I said while connecting my playlist to his car via bluetooth.

"No" he said again while tapping his fingers at the steering.

"Yes" as I won't give up and started to hum with the music.

"No" he said.

"No" I replied and look at him.

"Yes" He blurted out before his eyes widened, realizing his mistake as I burst out laughing.


"See, sh*thead." I told him while increasing the volume of my music before plastering a smug face which annoys him a lot.

Soon, we arrived at our destiny—- school.

I came out first from his car and noticed how girls ogling and drooling over to me and then to Hades like we are some kind of candy.

And Everyday, they are like this.

As in everyday, but we don't give a shit about it, like for me, I ignored them all, specially after what happened to our dear Luna. I think Hades womanizing life style had lessened, while the thought of Stacey still linger inside of my head and I'm not sure if I can be with a girl anytime soon.

It fears me. It's like, I got a trauma and it's terrifying because even my own mother did the same to my baby sister and I won't let it to happen again. But my thoughts were cut off because of Hades.

"What's your problem Apollo, I've been asking you but you're ignoring me." He snapped at me as if I pissed at his cheerios.

"Sorry? what is it again?"

"Forget it. Anyway, see you at the practice." He said before turning his back and walk towards his classroom, whereas I go to the opposite.

Even we're twins, we chose to take different degree courses. He chose Business Management so that he can help Ares in managing our businesses while I've chosen Cybersecurity, since it will help our family business specially the mafia in the future though I already did that before.

I might be lazy in reading and writing some shit stuff specially in essay but I am so good when it comes to computers stuff, that's why I took this course.

Anyway, as I enter the classroom to take my first subject, everyone peek at me but when I send them glare, they automatically look down and go back to their own business.


I told myself, before I make a beeline towards my chair, at the back. But I narrowed my eyes when I noticed that someone was already sitting beside of it.

After what happened to my sister, I keep myself away from girls and I made sure that it's clear to everyone but now why someone was sitting there? She's indeed a girl as her brown hair almost cover up her face while writing on her notebook.

I kept my stoic face before taking a seat with a thud, making her snapped out from whatever she's doing and jerked her head towards me.

I was stunned for a while, as my eyes stop blinking and just stare at her light brown eyes. It's so expressive and captivating, that it makes my heart beats so fast and I can't comprehend why it's like that. As my eyes scan her face, I must admit that she's quite pretty, but I learned my lesson that beauty is deceiving.

But then, why as I stare longer to those eyes, I found myself contradicting my own beliefs. It's kind of enigma and it's drowning me.

And I know that I have to stop myself because I don't know her.

"You're new here?" I asked impassively but in low tone to avoid attention.


"No." She replied before brushing her hair away from her face.

Damn is she going to bewitch me by those moves?

Nah, not gonna happen.

"And why you're sitting here?" Continuing being so cold.

"Uhm- I'm sorry, I—I thought you won't come today. It's just that somebody took my chair." She explained and when I look around I've noticed that there's no vacant seat except mine and the chairs beside me.

"I w-will go if you're not comfortable." She muttered and started to pack her things but our professor came already inside.

"No, you can stay where you're sitting at." I replied before closing my eyes and trying to listen to our professor's lesson.

Soon, the bell rings and the class dismissed.

And I've noticed that the first one who stood up and walk straight to the door was the girl beside me.

And I'm wondering why she's in hurry though.

Am I the reason or she just wanted to get out from this room?

But my thoughts were cut off when Ashley and her friends came to me. She is the Captain of the cheerleading squad and she has a long crush on me that was known to everyone. Though I never take advantage of that because she's not my type. I mean, I'm not fond of stereotype blonde-girl, with blue eyes that look exactly like a barbie as I believe that they just have face with no brain.

Forgive me but I preferred brain than beauty.

"Hey Apollo, I'll hold a party tonight at my place, and I'll take this opportunity to invite you, you know —— to have some fun and stuff." She said flirtatiously. She knew that I don't have girlfriend right now and I am sure that she's doing this to get me.

"I'll see." I replied impassively. After that she and her friends walk away and thank God that I can breathe again as their suffocating perfumes almost killed me. Letting out a deep sigh, I'd rather spend my night with my sister and family than to be with them.

"Phew!" I exclaimed after our Coach blew his whistle indicating that we're done with our basketball practice. I need to take a shower fast because the God of the underworld "Hades" my one and only twin, can't drive his new car and asked me to do so. And it's astonishing because no one can drive it but him. I don't know what's happening to him, he just said that he has headache and he needs some sleep and that's it. And I'm wondering what he did last night.

"Are you sure?" I asked again as he rolled his eyes and hope that it will stuck there forever—- hehehe.

"Yes! And if you say another words, I'm gonna leave you here." He said like I'm going to be scared.

"Hold your tits man, I'm just clarifying because you never let me drive your Darling, since you had this beauty." Referring to his white Porche 911 that Ares bought for him last month while I received a black Audi R8. I cannot drive it though because I got punished for sneaking out and coming home late and drunk last week. I went to a friend's party and forgot about the curfew and time for that my father gave me punishment by taking my car, and I think it's better that taking my phone.

"Just drive the car Apollo and SHUT UP!" He lashed out after he took his seat and then close his eyes. And I really tried not to laugh, but provoking him is fun.

"Hey! Why do you have headache and so sleepy? Did you sneak out last night? Without telling me? Your twin?" I blabber out. He didn't open his eyes but flip the bird at me that caused me to chuckle and decided to leave him alone and just focus on my driving.

My smile suddenly appear on my face once I pulled up the car because I'm gonna see again my lovely sister that I miss so much.

"Hady, wake up! We're here." I told him and I smile because he looks like a mess.

"Don't call me that as*hole! Only my sister could call me that." He said sternly as we both get out from the car and walk towards the main door. I want to reply to him but I've noticed something that is hard to ignore—- the silence.

Usually I could hear from the main door my sister's voice or giggles, it's either she's playing with Orion or talking to Dad or to my brothers, whoever came home first.

But now, why it seems so different.

"Hady, don't you feel something, I mean kind of weird?" I ask with wide eyes, he looked at me as if I'm stupid and removed my hand off the doorknob and let him open the door instead.

And all of the sudden, our ears were bombarded with loud sound of "Happy Birthday song" that completely caught me off guard. Because since morning nobody greeted me and no one shows that there would be party like this for me and Hades.

"Happy Birth day, Hades and Apollo!" They said in unison while grinning at us. My Dad, Ares and Delilah, Eros, Dionysus and Lucas, and ofcourse my Baby sister—- Luna and her friends, Isabelle and twins Caden and Hayden. All of them was holding gifts and I couldn't wait to know what inside.

"Wow! I didn't expect this." I finally said while walking to my Dad and give him some hug. Hades do the same and I could feel his tears on my neck.

"Happy birthday my sons, I'm so happy that I'm still here and be with you on this wonderful day of yours. My only wish for the both of you is to be happy and find someone that will love you for the rest of your life. I love you Hades, I love you Apollo." He cried out and I swear that I'm so touched by his words. I love him so much and I am so happy that he came back to our life.

"I love you too Dad." I muttered while trying to stop my tears because there are other visitors and I don't want them to see me crying specially that Caden and Hayden who are looking at us. But my eyes soften when my eyes fell to my sister who has tears on her cheeks and suddenly my legs went to her and hugged her like my life depended on her.

"Baby, please don't cry, my heart couldn't handle seeing you crying." I mumbled while stroking her back. She let out a soft sniffles before she told me that she's just happy and I don't have to worry for it.

"I got the feeling that you're the one who arranged this party for me and Hady, am I right?"

"Yes, did you like it?" She asked innocently. My eyes look around and saw how nicely they decorated our living room. And my eyes beamed with happiness when I saw the table full of delicious food, specially our cake.

"Like it? Baby I love it." I said before peppering her with lots of kisses. Soon, Hades took my place as he talk to my sister and said how grateful he is before kissing her the same that I did.

"Alright, so why don't we let our birthday celebrant to blow their candles and start the party?" Diony announced and everyone including us gathered around the table and started to sing again the birthday song before they told us to blow the candles.

"Make a wish!" Luna shout at us. And my smile appear again as I close my eyes and say my wish mentally. Hades do the same.

And after that we both blow our candles and soon clapping of hands and chanting erupted throughout the living room, and it's really fascinating because they all looked happy.

And I am happy too.

"Told you, something was unusual." I whispered to Hades, and he just shrugged it off and cut his cake.

Soon everyone take their plate as we started to eat the delicious food that they prepared for us.

After we ate, Ares came forward with gifts on his hand. For me and Hades. I didn't waste my time and open it because it's Ares that we're talking about. He's gift is always fantastic.

And I am not disappointed because it's a gun and I quickly hide it because the kids are looking at it.

"Wow, nice toy gun can I touch it?" Caden said and then followed by Hayden, with their eyes full of curiosity.

And I just shook my head and hide it away from them.

Hades got the same and he's grinning like a cheshire cat because that idiot loves gun so much.

Diony and Lucas shared their gifts for me and Hades and it's a new laptop for each one of us.


Next is Delilah who came forward to give me her gift and to Hades too.

And my eyes widened because it's set of throwing knives for me and when I looke at my twin, it's same and I smile at her.

"Thanks Delilah." I said before wrapping my arms around her body.

"Okay that's enough!" Ares said in deep voice, makes me frown for a moment.

"Hey! She's like a sister to me!" I replied that earned only a low growl from him.

Hades on the other hand just say thanks to her and smile, the hypocrite.

Soon, Dad and Eros step forward and give me my gifts. And I smile at them because it's a new pair of shoes and shades, that I'm sure gonna use so soon.

"Thanks Eros."

"You're welcome Bro." Eros replied. While Dad take my hand and put my car keys that he confiscated before.

"Thanks Dad, you're the best." I told him while grinning sheepishly.

"Yeah yeah, just don't do it again." He warned and I just nod my head before kissing my car keys like an Idiot.

Finally, I'm going to drive my sweetheart again.

Hades open his gift that he received from Eros and Dad, and it's pair of shoes too and his favorite perfume.

"Thanks for the perfume Eros." He said while patting his back.

"Welcome bro." I heard Eros replied.

"Thanks Dad."

"Welcome son."

And finally what I anticipated the most, the gift from my one and only baby sister.

"This is for you." She said as she handed me a rectangular box wrapped in gold and with a cute ribbon. My heart beat so fast because of excitement and I'm sure I looked like a child while accepting her gift.

"What is this baby?" I asked softly but she just smile at me and said to open it. I absentmindedly bite my lower lips because everyone is looking at me and I feel so shy.


And my eyes widened when I saw what inside.

An expensive watch and it's so beautiful.

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