《mr lover man (zdh)》21


(12 months later)

(ivory's pov)

our babies are finally three month old. yup you heard it right babies as in two. a girl and a boy. me and a zach like to think that the day we predicted names what the day my body decided hey two should be fun. now we have identical twin babies brinley and finley. they are the light of our lives. both have piercings green eyes with little specks of hazel just like me. and brown hair like zach's.

these past nine months have been hard for us. half way through my pregnancy the boys had to tour for two months leaving me alone. it sucked because they were still my only friends. thankfully Caden picked up online classes and stayed with me. i really needed it after the whole pandemic thing and not seeing him for awhile it sucked. he's actually the godfather of the twins.

speaking of family. when my dad found out he was not happy. he almost kind of ignored me for months but then we made up. i'm still a little annoyed that something i wanted to do would cause the only immediate family member in my life to drop me.

thankfully zach came back a month before they were born. the sleep schedule is disgusting and at a certain point we actually got a night nurse for the first two three weeks to help us get some rest. especially me because it took a huge tole on my body and i just wanted to sleep.

i was sitting on the bed with finn in my arms. peacefully grabbing my finger and admiring it for some odd reason. you could tell her was a mamas boy. you could also see how brin was daddy's girl. she was pacing back and forth making silly faces at her. this was our life now and it is amazing. i would scream at the top of my lungs if i could with how excited i am but i think if i did i would pass out


"babe you look tired you wanna head to bed" zach asked i nodded putting finn in the crib and kissing brin on the forehead before walking out until i was stopped "hey what about me" zach said pouting causing me to giggled before walking back over and kissing him. i smiled and headed to bed. tomorrow was gonna be a long day.

and just as i predicted it was. today was the first day that zach would be leaving me alone with the twins. it made me nervous knowing that i would be alone with the two. what if i needed to help both of them. i couldn't split myself into two

my thought were cut off by the cries of finn causing me to jump up and swoop him out of his bassinet so he didn't wake up his sister. he immediately calmed down as i sat back in bed with him on my chest.

zach shuffled a little in his sleeping turning to face me and finn smiling. he propped himself up on his arm leaning his head towards my shoulder admiring finn "good morning" he said in a low raspy voice not trying to wake up brinley.

i rested finn on the back of my knees holding him up in a sitting position. he was playing with my fingers admiring them and shoving them in his mouth every once in a while.

"are you gonna be okay today" zach whispered. i nodded not wanting to make him nervous. he smiled at me kissing my shoulder before brinley woke up and zach ran to get her

we got ready for our day and put the two in there little swings before zach came down with his book bag "love you i'll be home in a few hours" he said kissing me before he parted ways.


as soon as i heard the door shut i huffed and tried calming myself down

for the most part the twins were good. i was definitely overreacting and overwhelmed but i don't know i guess always having zach around made me feel safe

i was holding finn feeding him when all of the sudden brin started crying. i tried picking her up but could support her in a way she needed making me nervously sit on the couch trying to adjust her causing finn to cry

they both wouldn't stop and i didn't know what to do. brin was now crying louder than ever while finn kept trying to eat but couldn't latch. i started to panic "alexa, call zach" i said as alexa dialed and it rang "hello?" i heard through the speaker "zach help" i said in a panicked voice. "okay okay i'm coming" he said causing them to cry more because of the volume of the alexa

he hung up and i sat there. holding two kids who couldn't even calm down after being cared for by there mom. i'm a terrible mom how am i gonna do this for the rest of my life

just then zach walked through the door. "love why are you crying" he said. i didn't even realize the tears on my face. he grabbed brin who immediately calmed down and finn slowly fell asleep as soon as he stopped crying. zach took them both up in their beds as i sat on the couch with my head in my hands.

"ivy" he said sitting next to me and rubbing my back. i leaded into him as i cried he comforted me holding me and helping me calm down "i'm a terrible mother" i said "ivory green shut up right now. you are an amazing mom it's not easy taking care of two kids at all. you did it for the whole day i was literally supposed to come home in 15 minutes my love you did it"

i looked up at him smiling and admired his face. i grabbed his face kissing him

"you are going to be the best mom and i literally can't wait to marry you......


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