《mr lover man (zdh)》13


(2 1/2 months later)

(third person pov)

the group of six look at there phone in shocks


this scared them. would they be able to see each other? should they have moved out of the big house? how long would this last? but these were questions running through the minds of every human being ever at them moment. the boys wouldn't be able to go on they're next tour, ivory wouldn't be able to attend school, none of them could fly out somewhere, ivory couldn't see Caden or her dad or uncle, the boys couldn't see they're families.

in a matter of seconds all six phones ring each one of them answering frantically. a mixture of "hello" and "yes i'm fine" ended in "i'll see you soon don't worry" or "i'll stay safe but you should too"

after the 100's of phone calls the group sat in silence for a few more minutes before jonah had broken the silence "you guys what are we gonna do" some let out a huff others putting hands on they're faces to cover them "we have to do what they say" jack said "but can we at least stay isolated and be with each other" zach questioned worried he wouldn't be able to see ivory and the boys "i mean yes i guess our houses are near each other but god for bid one of us get it then we're all screwed" daniel said trying to reason and make sure the youngest of the boy bad understood. "zach can i talk to you privately" ivory said quietly

zach nodded grabbing her hand and walking around the corner to the kitchen leaving the boys to discuss more. "what's wrong love" he said grabbing both her hands trying to comfort the fragile girl in front of him. he knew she was shaken up. this information brought complete sadness on the girl knowing the only people she had was the 5 band members. sure she had summer but they weren't close and Caden was now stuck in Nevada


"can we move in together" ivory said tears brimming in her eyes knowing that if he said no she would loose it he looked down at the worried girl as a tear rolled down her cheek. he gently put his hand on her face wiping the tears and kissing her forehead "of course we can you know that's not even a question" the girl smiled slightly

"who's house though" ivory loved her apartment but zach needed to be near the boys for his career so she sadly knew the answer "how bout my house it has more space, two floors, and a lot more" zach said ivory nodded as they discussed more

the 4 others were trying to figure out how to work this out "guys we have to really be careful what if this lasts too long" corbyn said running his hands through his hair. jack was the quietest out of all the members. he just remembered he wouldn't be able to see his baby girl for awhile. it made him not only sad but angry. gabby took her away from him and that wasn't fair now she has to spend a whole pandemic with her mom not seeing her dad whom is desperately trying to see her more. it wasn't fair

"yo jack you good" jonah said patting his back. he nodded in response "just thinking" he said blandly and as soon as he did ivory and zach walked in "guys ivory is gonna move in with me" the couple stood there with smiles on their faces "aw yay congratulations" daniel said standing up and hugging ivory "now were neighbors" daniel said still in the hug "hey don't forget about me i'm the other neighbor" jack said standing up trying to lighten the mood a little bit for himself and everyone else. it worked as people responded with laughter making him happy.


"guys we're gonna get through this" jonah said everyone stood up and did a big group hug. this was family and it cant be ruined because of the pandemic it was the one thing they all had no matter what

the goodbye that day was hard knowing that, that was the last time they would see each other for almost a month. tears were shed and promises were made. a group face time every night and once a week they would sit on the front lawns with protection and distance and eat together. it would be the thing that kept them going through the lock down.

ivory and zach headed into ivory's car pulling out of jonah and corbyn's driveway. they drove over to ivory's condo. zach driving while she spoke on the phone with her landlord who was very very generous and understanding she told her she had till Monday which gave her 24 hours to pack up and leave

the rest of the day consisted of packing boxes while zach drove back and forth dropping them off at his house. it was hard but they managed to do it. ivory managed to drop some of the rent cost if she left some stuff so she left her guest room furniture and some other things

after 18 hours all her boxes were in zach 's house. they agreed to change zach 's room a bit and make the guest room a home studio. this left them with a little project to do durning quarantine.

this pandemic is going to be the hardest thing for them but they don't see it yet. they see this as 3 weeks little did they know it would last much longer then that.... it would get harder, anxiety will spike, covid cases would take over the world causing millions to die and even more to get infected. what mattered is that they protected themselves for the worst because this was a big deal that was going to change everything

this is only the beginning


feel like i made this a little too dramatic and ik on like 50 ppl read this but hey welcome


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