《mr lover man (zdh)》12


me, Caden, my dad, and my uncle all sat in my living room catching up on life "hey sweetie" my dad said calling me over to come sit next to him "what's up dad" i said with a smile on my face "so i have one last gift for you but it's in your room" i got up confused as he nodded his head towards the direction of my room. i quickly shuffled over with the others not far behind me i looked back at them one last time before looking inside my room to reveal a note on the bed i opened it and saw 5 tickets to Disneyland. i stood there's other my jaw dropped i squealed in excitement hugging my dad almost immediately "wait but there's four of us" i said in confusion "i know i didn't meet him yet but i got one for zach" he said smiling.

my smile managed to get bigger as i dialed zach almost immediately. his family is supposed to come over tomorrow for post Christmas dinner but i had to tell zach right away. he answered almost immediately "hello pretty girl you look extremely happy" he said laughing at me looking like a kid in a candy store "WERE GOING TO DISNEY LAND!!"

we had an awesome Christmas day and an amazing post Christmas day i met zach 's whole family while zach met my dad and uncle. i was so nervous but minuets into the double family gathering it seemed as if we had done it 100's of times before. i got small gifts for ryan and Reese and some cool adult thing for zach 's parents.

after we went to Disney land! even though we all agreed it's nothing compared to Disney world we were living life. i tried butter beer for the first time and thought it was absolutely disgusting. jonah hyped it up way too much but hey i still loved getting wands with zach. we actually got the ones that did spells around the park and once i found my favorite fountain one i did the spell waiting for the water to come out of the fountain. unfortunately for my dad and uncle they stood right in the spot where the water decided to come out soaking them. we all got a good laugh out of it and just enjoyed the day so much. zach and my dad were bonding and getting along so well. i was so happy my dad loved him


since then unfortunately everyone had to fly back home. currently i'm living the best life possible zach and i switch off sleeping over each others houses. but in two weeks zach's is getting his own place. so was jack and daniel all right next door to each other. corbyn and jonah got a nice big house around the corner together. the boys felt they needed there own space but still wanted to be close. so they decided to get connected backyards so that they could still be near each other often. and it worked out better for me since my building was now only two blacks away.

the boys decided to throw one more last huge party at the big house before they finally move out on Monday. we were setting up all the cups, drinks, decorations, and what not when all of the sudden zach 's arms snaked around my waist i smiled leaning back on his "hey love" he said kissing my head. i smiled and spun around hugging him. he hugged me back slightly lifting me off the ground making me giggle "thank you" i said only loud enough for him to hear "for what" he questioned softly pulling away from the hug. i hopped up onto the counter as he stood between my legs "for making me finally happy" i said smiling. he smiled back and leaned in softly kissing me "i'll do anything and everything to make you happy ivory green" he said after pulling away. i hugged him again and we stood there for a few seconds before jack and daniel abruptly started making fun of us. we all started laughing and i chased the boys around the house trying to get them back for bullying us

the party is going great we were all having so much fun me and zach the two light weights of the group were on a winning streak of beer pong. everyone was shocked but what can i say we make an amazing team. we were on our fifth game when we heard a loud bang inside. we run in and notice a really expensive vase broken. jonah and corbyn stood there in shock knowing that they were going to get murdered in the morning. the both looked at eachother and started pointing fingers which made everyone laugh. i walked up to them putting a hand on each of there shoulders "sticks and stones whoever has the same option as me doesn't have to sweep" the boys nodded "sticks and stones" we all said at the exact same time. me and corbyn holding up rock. jonah groaned while corbyn cheered causing people to laugh. jonah sweeper and we went on to enjoy the night


this is the life

this is amazing

life only gets better from here

or so i thought...


after having covid i feel like kid of making a covid section in the book. i'm not gonna make it a year long maybe a few months but still just feel like it so stay tuned

w.c: 931

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