《Bonding Journey》Naruto's Mistake


Feeling teeth clamp down on his ear, Naruto gave a jolting moan. He wasn't prepared---that's why he had told Gaara to wait; the guy was just as hardheaded as he was!

As the Kazekage nipped at the ear, the blonde loosely tugged at his own hands---though it seemed the other paid him no mind. Soon enough, his ear was given a rest... only for his neck and collarbone to receive the next attack. Naruto began to shift, eyes clenching and, yet again, moan pushing its way out.

'Never would I have expected these reactions from him,' Gaara thought to himself, and it was true; he didn't expect them, but it wasn't like he was complaining. In fact, he sought to get more out of him, hands loosening and eventually letting go of the blonde's wrists as a result.

He couldn't do much with occupied hands.

Fingers slowly began to trail down his friend's torso, pads firmly pressing into the flesh as they made their way down to the pelvic area.

It wasn't enough.

Gaara wanted to touch him even more.

Wipe that cheerful, obnoxious grin from his face.

Shatter him.

Briefly, he pulled his hand away, soaking a few fingers in his own saliva before the hand fully extended down to the male's rear, a single appendage moving to probe at the entrance.

Gaara was thankful just as he was envious of him. They were so similar, but at the same time... completely different. No matter the pain---even despite what he'd gone through, Naruto still had the strength to continue fighting, but before he met his friends... what made him push through? How could someone have the desire to preserver when they had no life to live---no purpose? Gaara could remember the ninja's words---words that rang inside his head every damn day. He'd been saved from his pain and loneliness by his friends, and with the words he spoke, Naruto had saved Gaara as well.

He'd never forget.

He'd never be able to repay him.

With his finger intruding into the entrance, the sand shinobi scooted his way down, lips trailing heated kisses down the porcelain abdomen below him. His body was on fire, and hearing the noises that slipped from the boy only set him ablaze even more. He needed to draw more out of him. He wanted to see him in the most vulnerable state possible.

A second finger pushed its way in, forcing a loud groan from the blonde.

Why was Gaara in such a rush?

The redhead moved his fingers, letting them explore deep inside the other before partially yanking them out and repeating the process.

It wasn't that he was rushing. No... more like he was unable to stop himself. Something was driving him, and it was irritating because he didn't know what it was. Meanwhile Naruto was seriously having a crisis here. His face was beginning to flush a bright red and his body was an absolute inferno.

This was so embarrassing!

Ocean blues crept open to a hood, glancing down at his partner, and as soon as he did, he swallowed hard, sea greens flashing back.

"What's with that look?" Gaara spoke.

"Haah? W-What look? I was jus---gaah!"

Fingers had given a forceful thrust.

"I was just looki---ngh!"

Another thrust.

"Aren't you going to answer?"

"I can't---answer anything with you doing that to me d-dammit!"


"I thought you said you'd be able to handle this? You mean to say you can't even form a coherent sentence?"

Naruto's brows furrowed, teeth gritting as he inhaled sharply in hopes of calming himself.

No way!

The blonde pointed a finger in front of the male's face.

"Whaaat? Are you kidding me? This has no effect on me. This is nothing! Please... a chimp would be better at this than you."

"I see," Gaara stated, movement ceasing. He closed his eyes in a few moments of silence before pulling out his appendages. "Then..."

Gaara sat up.

"That must mean you're ready for the real thing."

At first Naruto was relieved, but then...

"Real thi---"

He choked, hands furiously waving about.

"No, no, no! I didn't mean it that way! On second thought---yeah! What you were doing before totally had an effect on me, so just go ahead and continue alright? Wonderful!"

Hands latched onto the nine tailed's thighs, using them to jerk the teen's body down before spreading them open, and just as he proceeded to align himself with the male's entrance, Naruto's hands shot up to grip onto his shoulders.

"Woah---woah---you're not seriously going to put that thing in are you?!"

"What else did you think I was going to do? Make you tea? Just relax your body; it won't go well for you if you tense up like that."

"G-Gaara wait a sec---!"

Oh dear.

The moan was so loud he'd be damned if the entire Leaf Village didn't hear it. Naruto had thrown his head back, nails digging into those shoulders.

Just as soon as the sand shinobi had entered, the feeling was more than he could bear. The heat, the tightness, and most importantly, the immediate pleasure. Just as Gaara felt it, Naruto could feel it as well---perhaps even more so than he. It hurt---though he expected as much.

"Y-You idiot... shoving it all in at once--"

"I'm sorry. I grew impatient, but a reminder: I did tell you to relax."

Naruto's cheeks were definitely on fire now, hot to the touch. Was it arousal? In fact, when he shifted his body he could feel Gaara inside of him.

It was odd, yet... satisfying.

Naruto released a slow, shaky breath.

Blue specs opened to a hood once again, lips parting as they moved to rest upon his partner.

"... are you going to move... or are you just going to stay there?"

Was that a request? If so, he'd gladly accept.

Gaara closed his eyes briefly, releasing a breath before reopening them, and with hands tightly grasping onto the blonde's hips, he thrusted. Although he was still feeling impatient, for the sake of Naruto, he went at a normal pace... or so it appeared 'normal' to him.

".. ahhh! Mhn--"

Naruto's eyes closed tightly, breath---as well as some moans---releasing. He felt it before, but now he definitely felt it. He whined, and although it was embarrassing just as it was childish, he couldn't help it. Sounds he never thought he could make were being drawed out left and right.

More like yanked out.

"Gaa-- ... hah-- not so--"


His face was on fire.

Hands removed themselves from the male in order to cover his face, though the Kazekage had something to say about it.


"Nh-- ...move your hands."

A demand from Gaara, but Naruto couldn't comply. He didn't want to be seen in such a state. It was so... degrading.

"It's embarrassing..."


The sand shinobi grasped onto both limbs, fingers clasping with the blonde's as he firmly pressed them into the stone.

"Look at me."

Why fight?

It was useless.

Blues leisurely moved to meet greens, cheeks stained to the brim with a darkened hue of red, and as Naruto briefly gawked at Gaara's features... he could see that he too was becoming heated.

The knucklehead's lips parted, moan slipping through with every thrust his companion gave. Naruto couldn't think straight; the only thing circling about in his head were all these feelings jumbled up, but he could feel one beginning to take over everything. His speech, his mind, and most definitely his body.


Gaara's brow bone had furrowed, leaning down to press his lips to the blonde's neck, and in due time, teeth eventually sunk into the flesh. For some odd reason... he felt the desire to mark him---mark him so that every time he stared at himself in the mirror, he'd think of him.

Or maybe, perhaps, it was an underlying feeling of possession.

Nevertheless, a mark indeed he made, dark and distinct.

There was no missing it.

Gaara found himself vulnerable. These feelings moving through his body were completely destroying his composure, flushed cheeks as proof. With his nails dinging into Naruto's wrists, he gave a hard, forceful thrust into his partner's hips.

Then another...

and another...

all up until he was going steady.

The blazing steam of the springs along with the body to body contact, made the heat all the more ferocious, causing sweat to roll down Gaara's forehead and drip onto his fellow shinobi's chest.

He closed his eyes, biting down on his lower lip.

"Mngh! Ple... ase.. Gaara---let go of my h-hands..." Naruto pleaded.

His hands?

Opening his eyes, the sandman briefly peered down at Naruto in silence, though he complied with the request, releasing the wrists his hands held captive, and almost immediately after their release, the nine tailed's hands glided up to firmly wrap themselves around the redhead's neck.

Naruto couldn't fight the feeling any longer. He was already entranced.

"Ha.. ha--mo..re."

That seemed to catch the Kazekage's attention, hues widening as they remained on the figure beneath him.

Who knew Naruto could be so... lewd.

Gripping onto the Leaf shinobi's sides, the redhead yanked him onto his lap, arms tightly finding their way around the boy's waist as he continued to thrust. With this position he was allowed to reach even deeper than before.

It was perfect.

With one hand securing his partner upon his lap, the other moved up to gently rest against the jinchuriki's left cheek, thumb softly caressing the skin.

It was smooth.

Momentarily, the sandman watched the expressions and heat arising on the blonde's face, though it didn't take long for eyes to close and lips to morph with the other's. It was genuinely passionate---caring, much unlike any before, and his receiver reciprocated with just as much care and passion.

"Hah-- ... you're twitching," the sand shinobi murmured, pulling away from the kiss.

"Sh-Shut up-- ... pervert... gaah!"

Fingers gripped at those hips, slamming them down.

"Mmm... but it's true. You're the one who seduced me, remember? You brought this on yoursef."

Gaara nudged his face against Naruto's ear, lips brushing against the skin.

"You're even tightening around me. I never knew you could be so greedy," he whispered into the ear, causing the blonde to shudder.

"I... I can't help it! My body... ngh---it's acting on its own dammit!"

It was the honest to God truth. He wasn't even able to control his reactions anymore, and it seemed that the harder he tried to, the more the damn thing acted up. Everything was so embarrassing. Gaah! He never imagined things would go this far, so of course he wasn't prepared. More importantly... just how the hell was Gaara so good at this? Had he... already done it before?

Naruto violently shook his head.

No way!

The thought of Gaara having sex with someone... it was hard to imagine, but now---he was doing it with him--

'Dammit!' he cursed to himself.

"That means you're enjoying it," the Kazekage commented, body shifting. "Unlike your head, it accepts that fact."

It was clear Naruto was enjoying his time, but even more so was Gaara, and with every push into his partner, he came closer and closer to releasing his own embarrassing noises. There was something about the heat of the hot springs that made this experience even more pleasurable. The sweat was seriously starting to accumulate at this point, rolling it's way down every part of his body, just as it did to the nine tailed.

Rolling backwards to allow his head to rest flat against the stone, the redhead kept a firm grip on the Leaf ninja's lower half, lips parting as he gave a pant.

This whole thing was incredibly draining; he could already feel a tight coil---just as before---forming in his lower abdomen.

With ocean blues falling down to his captor, Naruto found himself toppling over, hands resting upon the other's chest for support; he simply hadn't the energy to stay upright. With this new found pleasure filling him, he couldn't help himself from pushing back against the force---grinding himself down against the Kazekage, which caused the sand shinobi to grunt.

How much time had passed was a mystery, and it was a surprise that no one else had walked into the springs. If that were to happen, Naruto would kill himself. No question about it.

As Gaara shifted himself and continued to thrust, ears finely tunned into the sound of a lewd moan---by far the loudest yet.

"Wait, wait-- ... n-not there--!"

Of course--

He had hit it, hadn't he? The 'sweet spot', as they so called it.

With brow bones furrowing, hands firmly held the blonde down by his lower waist, hips slamming into his.

"Uwaah! I s-said not---there... G-Gaara... no---ahh!~"

Naruto dug his nails into Gaara's chest, head hanging down while lewd, erotic moans practically leaked from that mouth of his.

"Nhg... told you---"

"Sh-Shut up dammit---you're s... so dirty!"

He was nearing his limit, and surely Gaara was too. Biting down on his lower lip, Naruto gave another moan, hips giving a few hard grinds against the male's length.

"...h-hah... I c-can't anymo--"

"I know."

Using an elbow to prop himself up, the Kazekage allowed his remaining hand to move, gliding up and intertwining with golden locks. He yanked his fellow ninja into a final kiss, giving one last buck of the hips before spilling his load inside his partner.

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