《Love, Lust or Bloodlust?》chapter 27



my lip quirked into a faint smirk, though it didn't reach my eyes. i went around and crawled into his bedroom window, an Stretched out on his bed. and began to wait




i laid my head back on the edge of the pool, the gentle water warm from the desert sun. Gaara is not here yet. He must have went back to the village for a little while. maybe he just wanted to check up on things. i wasn't sure but i didn't mind either way. Gaara will come. i trust him. its simple. my eyes slid closed as my muscles relaxed. a faint slithering sound, made my lips smile, but i otherwise didn't move. gaara's feet were soundless, as he crept up behind me and sat on the edge. his fingers trailed me neck and tilted it upwards where he kissed me gently. his legs were half submerged in the water on either side of me.

"mm. Gaara," i giggled quietly. "i missed you." Gaara simply kissed me more, and i felt content. though he may not speak often. his actions revel his mind. i reach my arms up high above me and intertwined my fingers with his own, which had rose to meet my mine. i felt completely blissful. utterly. and completely. i felt myself being pulled up and out the water, and up into Gaara's lap. i nestled into his warmth. Gaaras arms wrapped themselves around my, keeping my safe from the world. protecting me. i turned and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. perfectly content to lay here, forever. Gaara's breath tickled my ear, as he leaned close to me ear and began to whisper.

"naru-chan. i have some to tell you." i eyebrows twitched. i always think break up when i hear those words. but. Gaara isn't going to do that to me, right? i felt a tug of worry pull at me. my eyes slowly opened and turned me face to gaze upon Gaara, the sun casting a glow upon his lovely red hair.


"what is it?" i asked softly. half afraid to know. gaara leaned close his lips drifting first to my mouth just barely brushing them, before them made their way to my ear.

"i might become Kazekage." joy shot through me. Gaara would make a brilliant kazekage. his teeth gently grazed my ear. "what do you think of that?"

"well, i like the new use for teeth...."i said trailing off. i felt his lips curl into a smile as he gently nibbled at my ear. "and, if your half as good at being Kazekage as you are in bed, then i think you will make history books with a flick of your finger" a silent. chuckle rippled through gaara and he ran a finger up and down the middle of my back as if he was petting me.

"i'll be leaving for Konoha in the morning. i will be accompanied by the other candidate as well as my sister and who ever Mina decides to bring."the meaning behind his words was clear. after tonight it might be a few days AND nights until we can even see each other again. my lips set about searching for Gaara's own ear, and upon finding it, sucked it into the depths of my mouth. treating it with the same gentleness and care which Gaara bestowed upon me. my treatment of his ear soon ceased as he trailed his mouth down to just under my jaw, and latched upon my jugular. my eyes slid closed as the tip of his tongue trailed the length of my neck before he gently bit at my jugular. my heart was pounding. to have something playing with my neck and trusting them not to do anything. i shuddered once more ad his finger which had not yet ceased trailing up and down the middle of my back, trailed further down than before. my body felt warm. so very warm. i was aching from a feeling emptiness. my heart ached equally, it felt as though every touch was not enough. i wanted more. my hands clenched onto his shirt. i wanted so much more. more of his touches, more of his kisses, more of his everything. i groaned softly, and a deep rumbling purr echoed around us. Gaara's sand had stripped him of all but his loose pants, which i had trapped underneath my boxers, which i had in fact used in place of swim trunks. i felt so, greedy. greedy for his love. my hands moved to wrap themselves around his neck, gripping him tightly and pulling against me. but it wasn't enough. i felt as though i was trapped, and unable to touch him. an aching feeling which i didn't like. but gaara's mouth on my neck distracted me,if only for a moment. Gaara's arm tightened around me. i pulled away to look at him. to gaze into his eyes. my lips found his. and we held each other close as are lips dance with one another. it felt different than before, my eyes never closing, instead focusing on Gaara's green ones. Gaara kissed me sweetly, tenderly before he gently laid be down on the sand next to him as he himself laid down on the sand. we simply laid there. our fingers intertwined themselves a feeling of contentment washed through me.



a shooting star pass overhead as we lay on our backs on the warm sand which seemed to be our bed for the night. naruto turned to me and whispering said to me,

"a shooting star. make a wish Gaara." i blinked at him as i gazed into his eyes which looked deep enough that they might encompass the entirety of the sky. stars and all with ease. then i smiled and turned my face to the sky. and made my wish. my wish, that our happiness will never end. my eyes trailed back over the form of my blonde lover and somehow, i felt as though it was wish the could come true. despite all boundaries which may separate us. i rolled back over and i kissed Naruto once more. i leaned over his body, claiming his as my own.

"Naru." i said between kisses. i said it over and over again. i trailed my lips down down to his neck, then his collar bone. Down to his stomach. further down to the edge of his boxers. my eyes glanced back up to naru and i smiled gently. "naru-chan, do you want me to continue?" i asked him sweetly, as my tongue dipped down into the edge of his pants. Narutos blue eyes focused on me, and he nodded.

"more, gaara-koi. plese?" i smiled at him.

"of course. naru-chan."


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