《Love, Lust or Bloodlust?》chapter 25



i fought hard to keep myself in check. i sighed inwardly. why, why of all people did i fall in love with Naruto?



the house was all tidied up, for when Naruto came back tonight. my eyes glanced out at the pool the was resting just outside the wide double doors from out bedroom. and i allowed myself to think about last night. to think about Naruto's face. the look of pure ecstasy.

i pulled my eyes away from the pool, and my mind away from naruto, as i decided to head back towards Suna. i stepped over to the door silently, putting on my shoes, and slipping my gourd on with practiced ease before opening the front door and stepping out into the heat of the desert sun. the sand roared as i allowed for it to take me quickly to the village gates, where i simply launched myself over it and proceeded to cross over roof tops towards my siblings home. a soft swish of sand was heard as i landed on the roof before going into my room via my window. i suppose i need to work on that habit. entering through windows, rather than doors. but, for now. its fine. i had just landed when a knock sounded out from the direction of my door. i turned my head, an used to sand to turn the knob, and was greeted with Temari's face. i tilted my head towards her, acknowledging her presence in my doorway.

"oh, good! your back!" temari said with a look of relief. "i was worried. kankuro and i didn't know where you were. where were you?"

"i was out in open desert."

"i see." she said, thinking over my words before shrugging. "well, that better than loosing control-" she flashed me another look before asking tentatively, "you didn't loose control did you?" i shook my head. "well, thats good. anyway, the reason i had wanted to see besides that remember how the elders had called you in? well, the finally decided on it, so they wanted to talk to all of the candidates before making a decision." i blinked.



"in about.....15 minutes?" temari replied after a brief moment thinking about it. i nodded towards her.

"i see." she began to shut the door at my words but i stopped her, "temari," i paused for a moment, struggling, "thank you." she look surprised and smiled at me,

"your welcome, gaara." then shut the door to leave me to my thoughts. she didn't bother trying to make sure i got ready. she knew i would either be there on time, or i didn't care about it at all, and then there would really be no point in me even going. but i did care. so i was going to be there on time. my sand swished around me, as it worked to make my self a presentable at possible. which was not too difficult, since i did technically have a bath this morning with Naruto. though, bath was not exactly what we did, the point still stands. i glanced down at my clothes. and made a mental note to be sure and take some over to our home that way i could just back clean and already dressed. sand slipped on clean clothes an the gourd was placed once more onto my back after i completed changing then i stepped out of my window and proceed towards the Kazekage tower to meet with elders.


i felt my concentration was slipping and going wildly out of control. i just could not seem to be able to focus as i normally do with Naruto around. i tried once more, and failed. i sighed, as Naruto launched his own Kunai at the target where i had missed.

the last three times.

how embarrassing for an Uchiha. not to mention in front if Naruto. then man i seem to have fallen in love with. with the target finally taken care of, we moved on towards camp where sakura and kakashi took the man to be question. the missio was almost over. my mind though back to when we were younger. this type of mission could have take three days. and now, a few hours. i stifled a chuckle. my eyes slid bak towards naruto, an once again i was struck by the look on his face. his blue eyes seemed focused on some thing far away, his face soft in the layers of deep and consuming thoughts. happy thoughts. curiosity was chewing away at me slowly, as i ached go know what naruto is thinking about with an expression of such joy and utter, love. a trickle of fear flashed through me. but i banished the feeling. i mean. there was no way Naruto has a lover. if he did i would know the persons name by now. besides, i thought, trying to assure myself, if Naruto had a lover, he would be the type to show his relationship off to the world. to make sure everyone knows. they are together. that and Naruto is not the best secret keeper. feeling satisfied with my ideas and thoughts on the idea, i tried to force myself to relax and focus.


no way in hell was i going to look bad in front of Naruto again.


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