《He's My Mate! He's A Rogue!》Chapter twenty nine


Chapter twenty nine

Stef’s POV

I woke to the sound of cries. Sighting I sat up and looked over at my husband. I smiled and smacked him with a pillow. Scaring him causing him to fall off the bed. I giggled and laid back down. “What?” he asked. “Get the twins.” I said he groaned. “Why you’re already up?” I raised an eye brow. “Really your asking me that? Did you push two somethings the size of a watermelon out of something the size of a grape four days ago?” I asked him he groaned going to get the babies. “Good boy.” I said getting two bottles. Ready. When he came back I handed him a bottle and took one myself.

“They are so cute!” I giggled after burping the twins we laid them between us and waited for them to fall asleep. “Natalie looks like you.” Nate said. “only she has her daddy’s dark brown eyes.” I giggled and laid my head down falling back asleep.

When I woke up I felt arms around me and smiled looking at Nate. “you have work.” I told him seeing the clock. He shrugged. “I took the day off.” he told me I nodded as he nuzzled my neck slowly kissing it. “continue that and I will kill you.” I warned him. “Why?” he whined. “That is how we got those.” I said pointing to the twins. “but they’re so adorable.” He said happily. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. “you know what we haven’t done!” I yelled sitting up so fast my head spun. “My twin brothers. Mom gave birth too.” I said. realizing how early I was. “WILL THEY BE OKAY?” I asked scared for my babies lives. “Because they’re werewolves they’re fine.” Nate told me. I breathed a sigh of relief. “Come on lets go.”


I knocked on my mom’s bedroom door. I smiled at her and hugged her. she looked at the babies. “I’m sorry we haven’t seen much of each other lately.” I said and showed her the twins. She smiled pointing to the two beside her. “Sedric and Ryan meet your big sister Stef and niece and nephew Natalie and sage.” She smiled at me and we talked for hours. Dad and Nate walked in each had a beer. “They’re only older by a few weeks.” I said pointing to my brothers. Nate laughed. “And a few months older than Sasha.” I looked at him confused. “Seth decided to name the baby it. I don’t know why.” He shrugged. I shook my head and looked at my babies. A bright smile on my face.

Rayne smiled at me as he picked Natalie up waking Nate and me up. he smiled at us. “I came in to check on you I saw she was up. didn’t mean to wake you sis.” He said I smiled at I'm as Seth walked in a smile on his face. “You have any ice-cream?” he asked. “Back of the freezer.” Nate grunted snuggling into my neck I elbowed him running for it. “We split it.” I told Seth rummaging through the freezer for the chocolaty goodness I knew was in there. I threw useless bag of vegetables around sighing when I found it.

Nate grumbled something about an insane mate. I scoffed as I grabbed two spoons and sat next to Seth on the couch. Nate rolled his eyes and relaxed his head in my lap smiling up at me. he soon fell back asleep. “He didn’t sleep much. Use the excuse you carried the thing in your stomach for nine months. Because well you can’t use mine.” I giggled as Ryan Alex Anna and Max walked in Alice and Ryker walked in too. “We want to see our niece and nephew.” Ryan said as Anna sat on Nate’s chest waking him up. “Why do people have to bother me!” he grumbled. “They want to see the babies.” He flipped everyone off. I giggled as Anna repeated the action confused when Alex slapped Nate upside the head. “Screw you.” Nate muttered looking at me he opened his mouth and I sighed giving him a spoonful of ice-cream he winked and got comfortable. “so can we see Sage?” Alex asked. “bedroom.” Nate grumbled. “They do realize I have school tomorrow right?” I nodded. “Why do babies have to be so damn cute.” His eyes closed and I awed at his sleeping face then watched my family. All of them I realized how in just a few months my family had doubled. I got married had twins, found out my brother was gay and was dating my best friend since the kid was thirteen. Smiling down at my sleeping mate I knew this was only the beginning of our long road of travels.


Nate’s POV

I woke to a note on the coffee table I picked it up and read it.

I chuckled and looked at Stef who had fallen asleep sitting up. I picked her up and carried her to our room and smiled as I looked her over wondering how in heaven and earth I could have ended up with someone as wonderful as her.

arn't they adorable! just an epoluge and a little something extra for you dedicated fans left

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