《He's My Mate! He's A Rogue!》chapter eight


Chapter eight

Nate’s POV

I walked into the school and into the office. “Uh I’m here for the janitor’s job?” I told the secretary. “Uh one of the older janitors will show you what to do and how to use some of the equipment.” She told me as a guy Rose’s age walked in. “Hey I’m Sam.” He said and I shook his hand. “You the new janitor Nathan?” he asked me. “Nate.” I told him he nodded. “We’ll follow me. here are your keys.” He said tossing me a ring off keys. “so I can tell this isn’t your first choice so what are you doing here?” he asked me. “I dropped out of college because I had a psycho chick after me. and now I need a job so I can prove to my girlfriends father I can support her.” I told him the proving thing was a lie I just want Stef to have everything she wants. “nice. Who’s your girlfriend?” he asked me as Stef gave me a questioning look. “Stefanie Peterson.” I told him. “Her old man is okay with you dating her?” he asked me as Stef smiled at me and max dragged her away. “Yhea. he’s okay but not loving it.” I said and watched Stef walk away. a bunch if popular girls walked over to me. I brushed them off. “Sorry ladies! I’m taken.” I told them. “And I’m over eighteen so I can’t date any of you anyway.” I said and went to work.

Stef’s POV

I got yanked into a janitors closet and I smiled at Nate. “Tell me are there any sluts out there?” he asked me I peeked outside the door. “It’s clear.” I told him he smiled. “Good because they have been all over me.” he said and kissed me gently. “Go on you have class and I have to find that thing that cleans up puke.” He said shuddering. I giggled and pointed to what he was looking for. “see you later.” I said. “Wait uh I want you to wait about an hour and a half before you come home tonight. I’ve got a surprise planned.” He told me I nodded and walked out after making sure the coast was clear.


“Ohh what do you think the surprise is?” max asked me. “I don’t know!” I whispered as my dad taught his class he sent us a glare. I rolled my eyes. “okay shopping then I drop you off.” she said I nodded as the bell rang. “Stef can I see you?” dad asked me I nodded and walked up to him. Nate looked in, “uh where is room five o’ nine?” he asked us. “Other side of the building.” I told him he nodded and smiled at me before running off. “So Stef. I know you don’t understand my class but could you please at least pay attention.” He asked me I sighed. “fine. I’ll try.” I said and dad smiled. “No. you do not try. You do or do not.” He said quoting star wars. I giggled. “Alright daddy.” I said and hugged him. “Do you know why Nate got a job?” he asked me. “uh he wants to finish college. But he will wait till the whole stalker girl is over. we made a deal.” I told dad he nodded and waved me out.

I walked around the mall. “has it been an hour yet?” I asked max she shook her head. My brothers sighed leaning against the wall as we looked at cloths. “This one?” Anna asked me showing me an awesome t. “That would look awesome on you!” max and I said at the same time. she looked at Ryan. “Try it on babe.” He told her she nodded and ran off. I Pon De Replay started playing on my cell. I answered it. “Hey so my surprise is ready as soon as you are.” Nate said slightly breathless. “Where should I put this?” I heard dad’s voice. “Dad is helping you?” I asked him. “Yhea. I talked to him before he started. So what are you doing?” he asked me. “passing time by shopping.” I said simply and paid for my things. “Were just about done. See you at home.” I told him. “Love you.” “Love you too.” He laughed and I hung up. “So time to go?” Ryder asked excited. I nodded. he started texting someone. I shook my head and froze taking Rayne’s hand looking at Kyra watching us. I looked at Ryder. He took my other hand and took a deep breath. You see. We each have a power.


My brothers and I are the only ones who know about there’s. Ryan has telekinesis. Ryder has a force field. And Rayne can force your wolf down so it is no longer in control or just unable to speak to you. and you know mine. Separate we can’t do much. But together were unstoppable. Ryder looked at me I shook my head. Not yet. It’s a secret our weapon. He let go of my hand. if do this sort of dance our pack becomes stronger and we can’t get hurt. I sighed flipped Kyra the bird and walked away.

When I reached the car I got pushed up against it and heard my brothers growl as max and Anna climbed in the car. I pushed against the car and threw whoever was holding me down at the car next to us. I spun around and saw Stefan groaning a bit. I kicked him in the chest he gasped for air. I held him up by his throat. “Why are you on my Land?” I growled at him my wolf surfacing. His was close as well I glanced at Rayne and nodded. he closed his eyes for a second forcing Stefan’s wolf to remain silent. “Listen to me now and listen good. Next time I see you or your sister on my land I will kill you myself.” I snarled. “no I’ll leave you to Nate. I’ll just rip your sister to shreds.” He tried to hit me but I smashed his head against the car again. “Is this your car?” I asked him he shook his head. “Leave an insurance card.” I told Rayne he nodded and put one under the windshield wiper.

what do you think the suprise is?

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