《He's My Mate! He's A Rogue!》chapter three


Chapter three

Stef’s Pov

“Did I mention I hate school?” Ryder asked. I spun around. it was our junior year. “Shut it! we all do!” I yelled at him as we reached the school. “Behave!” dad ordered us. “you’d think I’d be used to your bickering!” he snapped as Yo Ho (A Pirates life for me) by Blood On The Dance Floor played on my cell played it was my mother. She made that my ring tone for her. and I don’t know why! It’s very perverted. Then again this is my mother. I answered and heard her say opps hang up and dad’s cell started playing. I shuddered and ran to my locker.

Anna and max appeared next to me with Kyle and Star –both dudes- ,Derek and Jace’s sons. And their mates, sky-star’s mate girl- and grey-Kyle’s mate dude-, Stefan and Alex’s sons. “Hey.” They told me as Seth ran by texting. I grabbed him before he ran into someone. “careful Seth.” I told him ripping the cell from his hands. “Hey!” he yelled. “Dude text later watch where you’re going.” I ordered him he sighed nodding taking his cell from my hand. “Your like the annoying big sister he never wanted.” Grey joked. I smacked his arm and headed for class. when my cell vibrated. I looked and saw it was Nate asking if I was okay. I replied I was fine and at school. He sent me a sad face asking if I could skip.

Me- no dad teaches my last class. and he’s my homeroom.

Stupid_Rouge- :’( Alex is boring me with his snores save me!

Me-na annoying u is 2 much fun!

I shook my head and turned my cell off.

During dad’s class I fell asleep and boy did I get in trouble for it.


“What were you doing all night!” dad asked me when I told him I was up late. “Talking to mom.” I lied when mom walked in. she looked confused for a minute and then shrugged nodding. “Look I promised Nate I’d show him around. and you said I could last night.” I reminded him as I yawned. He sighed and pointed to the door. “Wait! Don’t sleep in class again or I’ll take your cell phone.” He warned me I nodded and ran to Nate’s room. I walked in and froze. Alex and Nate were wrestling over Nate’s cell phone. I giggled making the freeze. Nate ripped his cell from Alex’s grip as max walked in. “Your dad said you where heading out you want to go shopping?” she asked me. I nodded and looked at the boys. “okay with you?” I asked them Nate shrugged and Alex looked at max and froze on the spot a slight smile on his face then it fell. “Shit!” she whispered making mike raise her eye brow. “What?” she asked him. “Not your type?” she snapped. “No that’s not it! it’s just I don’t want you to get hurt.” He told her pulling her into his arms. She sighed and pushed him away. “Okay. But if you cheat I will kill you.” she warned him she chuckled and kissed her as her dad walked by. he froze looking at them and cleared his throat. Max smiled at him. “Daddy I found my mate!” she smiled and his face hardened a little and grunted walking off. I laughed at him with max and Alex. *Well now I can hang out with you without anyone getting suspious. After all max is one of my best friends and Alex is your best friend.* I told Nate as I took his hand. he smiled at me and kissed my forehead lightly. “I’ll explain later.” I mouthed to max she nodded and we lead the guys to my car.


“So cool your mates!” she whisper yelled as we walked around the mall. I looked at Nate and Alex. I nodded and smiled when we walked past the candy store. “No.” max said as I walked in. the boys looked confused as max tried to drag me out. “No Stef. Your dad would kill me!” Star whined. “please.” I gave him the puppy dog face. “Fine. One forth pound of fudge is all your getting!” he told me. “Fine give.” I said handing him fifteen dollars. “no more sugar!” max yelled when we walked out. “Why!” I whined as I took a bite of fudge. “why can’t she have sugar?” Nate asked her as he took a bite of my fudge. I smacked him. “Mine.” I giggled at his face as I skipped down to the next store. “Sugar is like crack to her and her mother.” Max told them as she caught up to me.

Nate’s POV

When we got to the park Stef had finished her fudge a bag of skittles, M&M’s, and four bags of starbursts. We ended up chasing her around the park to get her pack in the car. “please shut up for five minutes!” Alex yelled at her. after a few seconds she was asleep her head on my shoulder. I smiled a little and pulled her closer.

At the pack house I carried her back inside her dad looked at us and sighed. “What happened?” he asked us. “She managed to get several different bags of candy.” I told him as her mom’s head snapped up. “Is there any left?” she asked us. “no. I finished it off.” I told her. and asked max to show me to her room. “I’ll put her to bed.” I said heading up following max. “I’ll show you!” Stef’s mom said running up to me and ahead of me. I followed her and she pointed to the door in her place that had Stef’s name on it. “Can I talk to you?” she asked me. “Sure Mrs. Peterson.” I said sitting at the dining table across from her. “Stef told me last night that you two are mates when I caught her sneaking out. luckily it was me not her father. Oh and call me rose. And just call Scott, Scott. With her being his only daughter he’s a little over protective. Where as my parents and his wanted us to be together they even had out wedding planed out when we were little. Anyway her brothers will threaten you when they find out and Scott will ignore you unless you get on his good side before you tell him. so my turn hurt her and I’ll hurt you.” she told me. and messed up my hair. I fixed it and ran downstairs to Alex and max when she went to Stef’s room.

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