《He's My Mate! He's A Rogue!》chapter two


chapter two

Nate’s POV

I ran from Ryan a tracker sent to find me from Kyra. She believes I’m her mate. I’m not. Thing is she loves me I hate her and she’s a slut. So now I’m on the run with my best friend for our live he thinks of this as a game. *I smell a different pack close. Maybe a hundred yards away Nate.* Seth told me as we raced. Just when we passed the boarder I saw heard a howl and saw fighters surround us. All I have to do is tell the alpha our problem. *GO!* I yelled at my best friend he looked at the clear path and then me. *I’ll come back for you man.* he promised and took off. I blocked them from going after him. “Transform back rouge.” A fighter in human form told me as the others transformed. I did as I was told and untied my jeans from my leg and pulled them on. I let them take me in despite my wolf hating not being in control. As they took me to their alpha. There were only three of them. when we entered the pack house I lowered my head smelling the most beautiful sent my mate. I wanted to see what she looked like. “Rouge.” One of the fighters told them as I heard someone jump back I looked up to see a woman with a base ball bat going at a man as everyone watched.

“Calm down you can kill daddy later.” An angels voice said I couldn’t help it I peaked through my hair and our eyes locked far a second but then she looked away. “Fine.” The woman huffed punching her mate in the gut. “now you know how I feel idiot!” she yelled running upstairs. I looked at the ground until someone tossed a shirt at me. she avoided my gaze. “HEY!” an the man that was being attacked by his wife yelled. “Eyes off my daughter.” He growled at me as a guy kissed my mate’s forehead when she handed him popcorn. “Thanks girlie.” He said and went upstairs. “Dad need me?” she asked her father. nodding he had two fighters hold me down to keep me down I couldn’t hurt her. I would never her. she’s my mate and she’s the daughter of the alpha.



I sat in the plain room as the guards tossed me my bag that I had tossed when they captured me. I looked out the window. “Hey so uh see you in the morning I thought you might be hungry. Here.” my Stef told me. I spun around to see she had a thermos and a bottle of water. “Thanks.” I told her taking the things from her. “Wait.” I begged as she turned to leave. “Tell me a little about yourself.” I said patting the space beside me. nodding she sat and bit her lip. “I’ve never been kissed. My mother is crazy. She has random out busts a lot do not get in between her and dad when she’s mad at him you will be harmed. I have three older overprotective brothers. The four of us are quadruplets. I inherited the alpha command over my brothers. I don’t know why. I was also unexpected. Dad says I’m a lot like my mother was at my age. Only a little crazier and slightly saner. I don’t understand what he means by that. You?” she asked fidgeting. “Your slightly insecure. Scared easily. your brothers fault most likely. Probly pranked you often as children. Your stressed from the pressure over you as next in line. Correct?” I asked her she stared. “H-how?” she stuttered. “I’m good at studying people. Alright. Nate Collins. My parents died when I was young. I have one best friend who will probly come to rescue me later. You might want to tell your dad. Midnight most likely. Uh my favorite color is green. I’ve never had a girlfriend. And I love my mate.” I told her. she smiled. “we have the same favorite color.” She smiled. “I’ll talk to dad about showing you around.” she smiled as she left. I saw a small note where she sat.


-I’ll see you at midnight

I smiled and did a fist pump.

Stef’s POV

I looked out my bedroom door and saw the coast was clear. At least until I heard my mother clear her throat in the kitchen. “hi mom.” I said looking around for an excuse but I was half way out the door. “So why is my baby girl sneaking out?” she asked me. I sat down at the dining room table that we never use and sighed. “You can’t tell dad.” I whispered. “You found your mate!” she gasped sitting across from me. I nodded and looked at the floor blushing. She put her hand under my chin and made me look at her. “I won’t tell your dad. You have to tell him. but when your ready. No sex. Look where it got me!” she laughed making me gag. “Stef I’m kidding. He’s your mate. But wait till your married for your dad.” I nodded and hugged her. “So who is he?” she asked looking like a teenage begging to get a secret out of her best friend. I giggled. “Nate. He’s the rouge.” She gasped. “my lips are sealed.”

I knocked on Nate’s door and he pulled me in as the alarm went off another rouge on our land. “Alex. One second.” He said running out and came back holding a guy by his ear. I hid behind the door as he explained who he was to my dad. I held my breath as he growled that this was stupid and asked if anyone else was coming. “their all dead.” Alex told him. “When we met a group of rouges had us cornered we teamed up and fought our way out. then found something we had in common. No one.” I bit my lip as my dad left. Nate closed the door and smiled at me. “hey angel.” he whispered and Alex looked at me confused. “Wait angel did you find your mate? Dude this could work to our advantage!” “Oh shut it no one in the pack but my mother knows.” I growled at it. “What! Don’t mate’s go at it or something when they first see each-” “I said shut it!” I growled again. he tried to say something but couldn’t get it out. “Damn you’re an alpha’s kid.” He laughed.

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