《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter thirty


Chapter thirty

Rose’s POV

I heard a gunshot and climbed back up the wall even as Seth tried to pull me down but I was covered in water so he slipped and fell and I saw Jason standing over Scott a gun in his hand as Scott’s eyes closed. “NO!” I yelled startling Jason. I jumped on him knocking the wind out of him. I got up and kicked him in the side of the head knocking him unconscious. I kneeled down by Scott. I couldn’t tell it he was breathing or not I grabbed his cell and called Erik. “He’s been shot.” I told him he cut the call off and found me carrying Scott off. “Don’t worry he’ll be fine.” Erik tried to assure me. I nodded stiffly and dragged Jason back to the house. I stuck his hand in between the railing and picked the lock to the handcuffs on my wrist and handcuffed Jason there. Some of my pack member saw me watching him trying to get me to move.

“What?” Jason asked confused. “Well love I thought this would be the other way around. he laughed. “Don’t make me sick.” I growled. My wolf had taken over a long time ago he looked scared. Good. My lips twitched into a half smile. “Do you know what happens when you kill a werewolf’s mate?” I asked him. he gulped. “AN alpha at that?” I laughed. “Nothing good Jason. Nothing at all.” I told him and felt my nails sharpening into claws. And I let my wolf have full control.

When I had control over my body again I looked down and saw Jason’s mangled limp body. Then my bloody hands. I saw various body parts laying around Jason his chest ripped opened. And puked next to it. I ran to a room looking for a kitchen. When I found one I washed the blood off my hands and rinsed my mouth out. Alex ran in and sighed. “Your safe.” He smiled then saw my face. “What’s wrong?” he asked me as Stefan came in. “Someone took care of Jason. We can go. Gordon’s pack is taking in the prisoners.” He told us. “Rose what’s wrong?” he asked me. “I killed Jason. My wolf took full control. And I killed him.” I whispered. Alex hugged me and led me out of the house avoiding Jason’s body.


We were at Gordon’s pack house so I followed Erik to Scott’s room. “most of his stuff is together. I got it ready while you where pacing outside the surgery room. the pack doctor kicked me out saying he would call me when the surgery was over. so far they hadn’t told me anything. I sat down on the bed. “Hey they’re transporting him home soon as there done. Don’t you miss your babies?” he asked me nodding I picked a bag up and followed him to the airport.

At my house my mother engulfed me in a hug. “honey. I was worried sick.” She whispered in my hair. “WE all were.” Dad said kissing my forehead. “Where’s Scott?” his dad asked looking around. “he got shot. I’m not sure where. But he’s in surgery now.” I told them as my mother handed me Stef and Rayne. I smiled and kissed their foreheads. “I missed you guys.” I told them as I kissed Ryan and Ryder’s foreheads. I saw mike’s head snap up. and sniff the air looking at jess. She winked at him and dragged me off before he could reach her. “come on Sara is waiting for you. she hasn’t had her baby yet. But I want to tell you guys something!” she said excited taking Rayne.

When I we reached Sara in the living room jess hugged us. “I’m pregnant!” she told us. “Yhea were going to be aunts!” we laughed as mike stumbled in looking at jess. “Are you pregnant?” he asked her. she nodded and he fainted. “Not what I was expecting.” Jess laughed and I heard a tiny giggle from Stef. “That was funny wasn’t it baby?” I asked her a smile on my face.


After everyone had settled down I played with stuffed animals along with my babies. I heard the door open and I froze looking at the babies. Then I looked up and saw Scott. I jumped up and hugged him. he winced. “Still sore.” He told me. “Where’d you get shot?” I asked him. “He missed my spine but it was close. It hit a rib. Got lodged in there pretty good. Lost a lot of blood for you. so who killed Jason?” he asked me. I looked at the ground. “I did. My wolf took over. completely.” I told him he nodded and kissed my forehead. “It’s okay.” He whispered and pulled my face up to his and kissed me. he licked my lip asking for permission which I granted as his hand slid up my shirt and I felt air go across my stomach. and heard tiny giggles. Scott broke off and we looked at the babies in sync. And smiled. there transformation was tonight.

Around midnight I woke Scott up and followed him to the nursery. He looked in the cribs with me and saw the little babies shaking in their sleep. but it wasn’t from the cold. One by one they turned into little fur balls. “Aww.” I whispered picking Stef who was a reddish brown color just like me up. and Ryder who was grey with a black spot on his back. I looked at Ryder and Rayne. Ryder was all black and Rayne was a sandy color just like Scott. I smiled and kissed Scott’s cheek. “Happy valentine’s day.” I whispered in his ear. He smiled and kissed me. “You to angel.”

I heard James yell in exit meant and run into our room. “Sorry but Sara’s in labor.” He told us I smiled and congratulated him.

please read the bottom!!!

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