《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter twenty nine


Chapter twenty nine

Rose’s POV

The guard handed me new cloths. I’ve been wearing Seth’s extra’s. it was jeans and a green day tee shirt. I also had new sneakers. Soon as he closed the door it started raining. I groaned and Seth smiled. “I have a plan. I know how where going to get out of here. I’ve been waiting for someone else to help me because it takes two people to get over the wall. One will have to pull the other up.” he told me tossing me a leather jacket. “I’ll be able to pull you up easier.” I told him he nodded in agreement. “Okay here’s the plan. When the guard brings in the food you knock him out again and we lock him in here. then I’ll lead us outside.” He explained as the door opened but we say Jason instead of a guard. “Love it’s time for us to wed. my friend here will get you ready.” He said gesturing to a woman the first I’d seen since I got here. “No.” I growled low and threatening. Seth winced along with everyone else. except Jason. “Oh see you’re my prisoner.” He laughed. “You do as your told love.” He said and I got picked up.

it took four very large guards to get me to the different room. the lady hand cuffed one of my wrists to the bed. “I’m sorry.” she told me and left. “That’s all you had to do!” I said I was worried for nothing. I thought ripping my arm from the bed post snapping it and letting the other half of the cuff fall loosely on my wrist. Kicking the door down I went back to get Seth. I knocked the guard out and opened the door. Seth smiled and lead me to a window. “We have to jump.” He told me. I looked to the side and saw it had those vine things all over it. “We could just climb. We are three four stories up.” I told him he nodded as guards saw us and we started climbing. My vine broke as guards followed us down shouting orders to others. I fell to the ground and groaned as Seth fell next to me. “You okay?” he asked me. “I’m fine lets go.” Looking to see a maze. “Oh come on!” I shouted as Seth took my hand and lead me through it.


“this is the third dead end Seth!” I shouted. “Well I don’t do shrubs!” he complained as we heard the guards get closer. I sniffed the air. “Do you smell that?” I asked him and took his hand running from the smell. I froze when a black cloud formed in front of us. “Rose dear. You can’t leave. your surrounded.” He laughed. “I know.” I smirked and kicked him in the nuts making him fall to the ground Seth and I ran. “The walls close.” He said when he tripped. “Dead ahead.” He told me I looked at the bush in my way. I ripped the shrub open and Seth nodded. “That’s easier.” He mumbled as we reacted the wall. I saw ropes. I sniffed them. “Scott.” I whispered realizing the scent. “Go!” I told him making my way back through the maze. Following Scott’s scent.

Scott’s POV

I looked all through the house freeing who I could. But no rose. I came up to the top level. Her scent was strongest up here. I saw a busted door. and looked in seeing two twin beds and a television. I followed rose’s scent. To another room. it was filled with another man’s scent ad rose’s. just like the other one. I held my wolf in. I saw the one bed post was busted in half. If rose was hurt I would kill whoever it was that hurt her. I followed her scent to a window. Jumping out I followed her scent into a maze. To find her fighting off four guards with a stick. I froze. “BACK OFF YOU IDIOTS!” she yelled at them and wacked one on the head. “Rose come on! their in wolf form the can’t follow us!” a male voice said and she shot whoever it was the finger. I jumped on the one that was about to pounce on her. “Scott.” She whispered in shock. As I snapped his neck and then spun her around to kill the other three. When I was done I felt rose’s arms go around me. “I missed you.” she mumbled into my chest. I kissed her hair. “I missed you two angel.” I whispered. “Alright love birds whatever I have been in this place for too long you coming or not?” a voice asked. “Shut up Seth.” She snapped at him. “dude she’s crazy.” Seth told me. I nodded. “I know. Rose go over the wall and find Erik. He’ll watch you.” I told her helping her up the wall. “Where are you going?” she asked me. “TO find Jason and kill him.” I growled his name. “Careful he’s Mr. creeper. He’s a half demon.” She told me. I nodded and blew her a kiss. “Touch her and I’ll kill you too.” I warned Seth he nodded and jumped down the other side of the wall. Now where to find the half demon.


I heard a gunshot and then felt pain in my back. I looked back and saw Jason Kane. He smirked as I fell to my hands and knees in pain. “Silver is a werewolf’s one weakness other than his mate.” He whispered in my ear. “That shot was meant for rose’s father but you’ll do.” He said as my eyes closed and I heard a scream as the darkness took over and my breathing slowed.

One more chapter plus and extra part! So sad! i love this story!

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