《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter twenty eight


Chapter twenty eight

Rose’s POV

“you got a three?” I asked Seth. “Go fish.” He told me. After about three hours of ramming myself into the door I gave up also busting my cell in the process. my side was all bruised and I don’t have enough room in here to transform without breaking something. “Fives?” he asked me I tossed them at him and he placed his matches down ending the game with me losing. “Cheater.” I complained. “how do you cheat at go fish?” he asked me. “Give me a minute.” I told him making him laugh. “I HATE YOU JASON!” I shouted again. Seth shook his head. “Calm down.” the gaud outside the door ordered. “NO! JACKASS!” I shot. “Can you scratch my back?” I asked Seth. He gave me a look. “Fine. CAN I HAVE A BACKSCRATCHER?” I asked the guard. “NO!” he said confused. “damn.” I said and decided to use the corner on the wall. “You are starting to creep me out.” Seth told me relaxing on his bed. I gave him the finger and continued to scratch my back. “CAN I HAVE SOME MUSIC?” I asked. “NO!” the guard yelled annoyed walking off. That’s the fifth one today. I thought as a new one took his place.

Scott’s POV

I punched another cement wall down. I was in an old warehouse that was getting torn down. three days till the transformation. I looked over at my watch. It was almost noon. I headed back to the pack house. “Scott!” Shane yelled and ran into me as I opened my front door. “I have a lead.” He told me my head snapped up. “Where?” I asked him. “A security photo from an air port. A private plane. Don’t ask how I got it. the plane was heading for Romania.” he told me. I hugged him. and ran to my office and called a friend of mine from school asking for permission to be on his land. Then to buy tickets for me and my best fighters. Including Erik. The best tracker in the pack.


Jason’s POV

I put my feet on my desk relaxing. “Jason?” my beta asked walking in. smiling at him I allowed him in. “How do you know she’ll marry you?” he asked me. “I have my ways.” I told him holding a gun up. he gulped then nodded. “She looks just like her mother. Too bad her father had to ruin everything. And sad he won’t be able to see his grandchildren grow up isn’t it?” I asked my beta. “You don’t have her father.” Alex reminded me. “Yet. I don’t have him Yet. Soon as her mate sets out to rescue her father will come after me as well. old man won’t stand a chance.” I smirked at Alex and pointed the gun at him then the door he got the point and ran out.

Scott’s POV

I looked out the van window and saw Gordon one of my friends from high school. I tutored him a lot. “Hey Scott. So why are you and half your guard here?” he asked me. “This guy kidnapped my mate.” I told him showing him a nineteen year old in the picture that was carrying my mate. “Him. he’s half demon. Jason took over a pack a few years back. The pack was not keen on keeping the rules. But he sure scares them. it’s not a very large pack. he lives in some weirdo land that keeps people from communicating through the mind link.” He told me. nodding I followed him my pack behind me. I could tell we were larger than they were just by looking at the pack house. “I’ll help you get your mate back.” Gordon told me. “Thanks.” I said shaking his hand. “My sister will show you to your rooms.” He said and I nodded to my pack. we followed her.


“Hey so tomorrow we go to the air port. I’ll see if I can get anything.” Erik told me as we entered a room together. Gordon’s sister eyed him. I shook my head we were the last room in the hallway. “I think you’ve got an admirer.” I laughed. He looked at Gordon’s sister and jumped in surprise. “I’m Sasha. Let me know if you need anything.” She sighed. Looking him over he waved a little as she left. “Help me!” he begged me as I laughed. “No way.” “Shane’s expecting a call from me.” he said and walked into the hall. Sighing I tried rose’s cell again. nothing. I let my head fall in my hands looking at the picture I had of rose and the babies. I set it as my background and sighed relaxing in my seat. I’d have rose back soon. And that’s all that matters right now.

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