《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter twenty seven


Chapter twenty seven

Rose’s POV

I woke up in a plane. And froze. There are three things I’m deathly afraid of. Snakes. And flying. Well it’s more of crashing. Than flying. And riding boats “Morning.” I heard the nineteen year old that kidnapped me say. “What’s your name?” I asked him making fists and closing my eyes when the plane shook. “call me Jason love. And I’m half werewolf not human.” He smiled looking me over. as bile rose in my throat. I grabbed the hat off the guy next to me and puked into it. “gross.” He said when I handed the hat back. “Please give me something to sleep.” I begged Jason. And felt the pinch again.

This time when I woke up I was in a bedroom. “pretty.” I muttered as I walked around. I tried the door. locked. Oh well. *Scott. Hello!* I didn’t get answer back. I patted my pockets for my cell phone as someone was thrown in. “Hey I’m Seth. I’m your roommate. Well cell mate. Hungry?” he asked me holding an apple out. “I also snatched a few banana’s.” he said pulling them out. “Well smashed banana’s.” he laughed handing me two. He looked familiar. But I don’t remember him. “how long have you been here?” I asked him. “ten yearsish.” He replied. “Peach?” he asked me. I nodded and took it. “What are you?” I asked him. “I’m human. A seer.” He told me. “werewolf. rose.” I told him he shook my hand. “Nice to meet you.” he smiled.

“so what you here for?” he asked me.

“Jason. Kidnapped me. I’m not sure why.” I told him resting my chin on my knees.


“What’s wrong?”

“I miss my husband. Mate.”

“Oh well I can help you with that. You want to see him?”

“How?” I asked him he smirked and took my hand. “What’s his name?” Seth asked me. “Scott Peterson.” I told him. “I’m going to show you a vision. It’s what’s going on right now.” Seth told me.

-Seth’s vision-

“Diapers?” Scott called out as Stef cried. Erik tossed him one holding Ryder. He picked Rayne and handed him to Shane. “Are you sure you can watch them?” Scott asked them. they nodded and Scott ran out. following him to our parents. “Anywhere?” he asked them. “No packs have seen her.” dad told Scott. He started to shake. “It’s been three days!” his mother told him. “And in four more our children will have their first transformation! I promised myself she would be here by then!” he shouted and transformed. Heading for a run to the lake. Resting his head on the edge of the dock he sighed and rested there.

-vision over-

I looked at Seth. “Thanks.” I told him he nodded and hugged me. “Look Jason has you for a reason. Figure it out. what makes you special?” he asked me. “My dad’s an omega. My mate is an alpha. And I just had quads.” I told him. he sighed. “No think you individually. Personality.” “I’m slightly insane. I have a bit of an anger problem. I like to annoy people.” I tried. He groaned. “We’re going to get nowhere this way, hand.” he ordered me. I gave him my hand and his eyes clouded over. “nothing.” He told me. “Wait Blake? Rose Blake?” he asked me I nodded. “is your mother Claire Green?” he asked me I nodded. “Jason was in love with your mother. And now he’s taking you instead.” He groaned. “You need to get out of here.” he told me as the door opened and I saw the guy who’s hat I puked in I jumped up in front of him the door wide open. “Hi!” I said waving. Then punched him in the jaw knocking him out. I patted his pocket And found my cell and a set of keys. I nodded to the door and ran out Seth right behind me. “Against the wall.” I ordered him smelling other wolves. I saw a vent above us and climbed into it. pulling Seth in as well. I sniffed the air woods. I followed the scent but fell into Jason’s office. Seth was above me. “Ops.” I said looking for a way back up. “don’t bother love.” Jason said as I heard a door shut. “don’t call me love.” I snarled. My wolf hasn’t been let out in seven months. Eight actually. I haven’t transformed since Scott got back. “Do not test my temper young lady.” He growled. I snorted. “Your temper isn’t my concern.” He shook his head. “Let’s settle this like civilized wolves love.” Jason said relaxing against the door. “I told you not to call me LOVE!” I snarled my wolf taking control. I jumped at him transforming. He moved at the last second making me crash into the door and it collapse under my weight. I snarled and chased him around his office I jumped on top of his desk snarling and clawing at his desk finally I jumped on top of him. and butted my head with his knocking him out. I picked him up by his shirt and dragged him down the steps Seth following us.


I threw him at a wall waking him up. “Rose dear.” He laughed as I growled at him. “you can’t contact you mate. The area were on no one can talk through their minds. Seers can see things here but can’t read minds.” Jason laughed I snarled at him as Seth nodded. I transformed and Seth tossed me his tee shirt. “I will get out of here. wherever here is!” I snarled at him. he laughed. “Love you aren’t even on the same continent as your mate.” He told me I froze. “WHERE AM I!” I snarled as his guards picked me up. “Romania.” He told me with a slight smirk. I squirmed trying to break free of the guards grip. Until they tossed me back in my cell.

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