《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》Chapter twenty six


Chapter twenty six

Scott's POV

I heard rose groan next to me. I sighed as she pushed me out of bed to go get the babies. This would be the third time tonight they woke us up. I went to the nursery and checked their diapers and they were all clean. But when Rose walked in with their bottles they were fine. We brought them to our room and laid them in between us. “There asleep.” I whispered to Rose. She nodded. “Can’t fall asleep either?” she asked me. I nodded. “Day out? tomorrow?” I asked her. “I don’t know. I mean we just got them home two days ago. I had them five days ago.” she said reluctant. “Your mother would be more than willing to baby sit. And besides we both have to go to school tomorrow. you if you want to graduate with your class.” I reminded her. she sighed and nodded. “One hour.” She warned me. I nodded and closed my eyes.

I shook rose awake after her mother finished helping me put the babies in their bassinets. My mom is coming over to help her later. “What?” she asked me rolling out of bed. “School.” I told her handing her some coffee. “If you drink this do you promise not to get a second cup?” I asked her. she giggled. “I promise not to get a second cup of coffee.” I kissed her forehead and got ready for work.

Rose’s POV

I slept through most of my morning classes. And lunch. After that I was wide awake. “So I have to go to the bath room see you in class.” I told jess after English. She nodded and left.

As I was washing my hands a nineteen year old guy walked in. “oh sorry I’m the new janitor.” He told me. I waved and dried my hands. “Okay so I have class.” I told him walking by and his arms went around me. “What don’t recognize me?” he asked his voice change into Mr. creeper’s. I froze. “how?” I asked trying to shake his grip. “I’m a shape shifter.” He laughed. “Half demon half human.” I whispered and felt a slight pinch in my arm and my vision went fuzzy.


Scott’s POV

During class I was skittish. Rose was late jess shook her head meaning rose wasn’t answering her texts. I paced as the pack members stayed after class. “What happened before class.” I asked jess. “She had to go to the bathroom.” Jess froze and ran to the bathroom. She came back with a needle and handed it to me. I ran to Mr. Ferule’s class. when I got there he wasn’t there. I asked the principal where he was. And he told me Mr. ferule had quit for a permit job somewhere else. I started to shake as I ran out to my car.

She wasn’t at either pack house or the lake. After I had searched the whole town over I walked into the nursery. My mother looked at me and saw the tears in my eyes. “I can’t find her. anywhere.” I said sitting in the rocking chair and holding my daughter. “Do you know where mommy is Stef?” I asked the infant I took hold of her hand. and saw a picture of rose flash across my mind. I looked down in surprise at Stef. “You want momma?” I asked her. and rose’s face flashed across my mind again. “Hand me Ryder.” I told my mother and switched. “Do you want momma?” I asked him and got nothing. “Call Andy.” I ordered Erik laying Ryder down and took Stef.

“What’s this about?” Andy asked me. “Stef. Ask her if she wants rose while holding her hand.” I told him. he did then looked at me. “Do you think she can do this with anyone’s mind?” I asked him. Shane walked in and grabbed something from the fridge. “come here for a second.” I told him he nodded and smiled at Stef. “Can I hold her?” he asked me. nodding I handed her to him. “Hey there.” She said with a smile she grabbed his finger and pulled it to her mouth. “Give me my finger.” He said and froze. “uh I think she showed me rose.” He said confused. Handing me my daughter back. “I’m a little freaked. So I’m going to run upstairs and try to process this whole werewolf thing again.” he said then fainted. Erik walked in and ran over to him. “What wrong with him?” he asked. “Fainted.” I told him stepping over Shane and headed upstairs. “Okay.” He sighed and tossed Shane over his shoulder and carried him to their room.


“Go home mom I can hand myself for a few hours.” I told my mom once it started getting dark. I had cleared a spot in the living room and laid down in between my babies. “So let’s try and think. Where could he have taken mommy.” I asked them as a tear broke through. next week is their first full moon. And their first transformation. I will have rose back by then.

I uploaded HAppy face! sorry it took forever but my internet was down and when it came back up my computer failed to connect! oh well i'm just glad i didn't throw it at the wall during that short time. ;) Working on the new chap will be longer than this one hopefuly.

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