《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter twenty one


chapter twenty one

Rose’s POV

I sat up and stretched then squealed when I saw it wasn’t a dream. Scott chuckled and kissed me getting up. “I take it you missed me?” he asked as he changed his cloths. “Uh you could say that. I was-” he kissed me. “Just admit it.” he whispered trailing kisses down my neck pulling my shirt up from my belly he kissed it and put his ear the it listening to the babies heart beats. “I know you missed me.” he said looking up at me. I blushed looking away. “Okay. I missed you.” I whispered tears in my eyes. “A lot.” I choked out. his head snapped up and held me. “Shh its okay angel.” he whispered rocking me back and forth. “I’ll never leave you again.” he promised and was about to ask me something as as his brother walked in. “I’m back!” he yelled and I glared at him pushing Scott off me and chasing after him. Scott followed us laughing. I really missed his laughter. He pulled me into his arms and buried his face in my neck. “you know this is really freaking me out.” he said pointing to us. “all I can remember is the two of you teasing each other.” Danny said pointing to us shuddering. I tossed a fork at him from someone’s hand as they were about to take a bite. He ducked and it hit my brother. He looked back at us I pointed to Scott and Damon rolled his eyes.

I was sitting in our new room at the new house as Scott looked over the house and the plans I made up. “without me you weren’t very busy.” He laughed and tossed me a key. “Your third present.” He said dragging me to the nursery door. I unlocked the door and opened it. three cribs one white one brown and one black. The walls had a black base with electric blue, neon green and bright purple sponge painted on the walls. The sheets were simple green and the changing table was brown and the dressers black. The closet had the six outfits I had picked out for when we brought them home. Three girls outfits. Identical except the under shirts. Pink purple and green. And for the boys blue green and red. I hugged him and cried. “What’s wrong?” he asked tightening his grip. “Nothing. It’s perfect. Did you get diapers?” I asked him. “Yhea there’s a ton of them four boxes stuffed into the changing table and in the box next to it has wipes.” He told me. I smiled and hugged him again. “What’s with all the hugging? You aren’t normally like this.” He said confused. “I love you. and when you where in the coma I was terrified I would have to go through everything alone.” I admitted. “I doubt my wolf would let me miss the birth of our babies.” He sighed fidgeting. “Go for a run. I know you need it.” he chuckled. “I know you need one too.” He told me. female werewolves can’t shift when pregnant without endangering the baby. “as soon as there out.” I told him. he nodded and walked out as several teens finished moving in. I saw Erik head over to me. “Hey. When you going to tell him Mr. Ferule is now your permanent English teacher?” he asked me. “Hope fully I won’t have to.”I was hopeing to avoid Mr. creeper talk. “you can’t avoid it.” he told me and walk to his room. there were only two bedrooms. One for the were he would train to take his place in the pack.


When Scott got back everyone was moved into their new rooms. He walked over to me and kissed the top of my head the collapsed on the bed. “Feel better?” I asked him. “much.” He sighed propping himself up. “Uh there’s something I should tell you.” I said biting my lip. He sat up. “Are you hurt?” he asked me. “No uh my stalker. Is filling in for miss Jackson till the end of the year. And he’s tried to do things after class. but I call a pack member and they save me.” I whispered he growled and paced in front of me. “What does he say?” he growled at me. “Just that he wants me and he’s led himself to think I want him as well.” I whispered. I heard his cloths rip to shreds and bones crack. I back onto the bed as he paced in his large wolf form. His wolf is the same sandy blonde as his hair with his human blue eyes. I gulped and waited for him to chase Mr. creeper down. I watched as he returned to human. He walked into the closet and grabbed a shirt and pulled basket ball shorts out of the dresser with he boxers. I watched him get dressed as he slowly stopped shaking. He sat by me making me flinch. I could tell his wolf was in control. “Angel. I would never hurt you.” he whispered his voice husky. When your wolf take over your voce gets husky your extremely overprotective of your mate and everyone around you is walking on broken glass to keep you calm. I nodded as he kissed me. I could feel his wolf losing control as Scott wrapped his arms around me and I responded to the kiss. I heard pounding on the door. Scott groaned as jess and Sara walked in. “Come on!” they shouted dragging me out the door.


“What is it?” I asked them as they dragged me out to the front yard. I froze when I saw the yard. GIVE HER TO ME. was graffitied onto the grass. *Scott!* I yelled he came running. I saw a picture on the grass and picked it up. It was a photo of me shopping. I stuffed it in my pocket. And saw a dark shadow. I didn’t want to worry the pack. “Who does it want?” he said watching the shadow disappear. I looked at the ground and handed him the picture. He stiffened then started shaking. “NO!” he growled pulling me into his arms. I kissed him lightly on the cheek and let him hold onto me.

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