《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter nineteen


Chapter nineteen

Rose’s POV

It was Christmas and I was sitting in my parents’ house looking at my pile of presents waiting for Damon and Jenna to finish their pile. We have a system. Oldest to youngest. I always open mine last. I laid my present for Scott on the table next to him before I came. Damon opened his last one and I tore through the biggest one. It was a giant box of CD’s from my favorite artists. I smiled at my mom and dad. And hugged them I saw the one from Jenna and Damon. They gave me a giant stereo system for my room I looked at the smallest and knew who it was from. I stuffed it in my pocket and refused to open it. it was a tiny box most likely jewelry.

Dad found a card from my stalker in the mail. He wouldn’t let me see it so he put it in the paper shredder. I didn’t even want to know what it was. I also got several things from my friends.

I heard a knock on the door. I went up to it and opened it. I saw Sam standing there with Shane by his side. “Hi guys what are you doing here?” I asked them. “Your present.” Shane said and they handed it to me. I opened it as their mom honked the horn. It was scene it harry potter version. I hugged them. I reached in my pocket and handed them the leather bracelets I got all my friends. “Thanks.” We said at the same time. I hugged Sam then Shane he whispered in my ear, “My cell died from texting Erik all night can you tell him I’m going to be out of town till new years for the pack party? I’m meeting my grandparents.” He asked me. I nodded as he left and waved to their parents.


I walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter. And texted Erik to let him know what was going on with Shane. Mom put her hand on my cheek. “I know you want him to wake up baby girl. Just breath in and out. think what would he want you to do?” she asked me. “I know what he would be doing.” I told her a small smile on my face. She smiled when I giggled. He would be freaking out spazing throwing tantrums all the time. until he just collapsed and cried. A week later. My dad smiled and messed my hair up. I smacked his hand and fixed it. I watched my mom make lunch and I took a cookie she just took out of the oven and stuffed the melting goodness in my mouth. “HOT.” I said fanning my mouth. “Spit it out.” my mother ordered me. “No it tastes to good!” I told her. well it sounded more like this, “No wit wastes ew ood.” She shot me a confused look. as I swallowed it and drank some cold milk. “It tasted great mom.” I told her walking out of the kitchen. “I’ll never understand that child.” Mom grumbled as she set the timer for something.

~*~ (I skipped the rest of the day because it would have been boring.)

I woke up and ran down stairs I was going to check on Scott. I realized I still had the little box in my pocket as I entered the garage and saw something under a tarp I knew it was a car. I opened the box and saw car keys. “He got me my car.” I said a little tear escaped. “No I won’t look at it.” I told myself putting the key back in my pocket. And got in Scott’s car to drive to Andy’s house.


I ran up to Scott’s room and saw he was still out sighing I pulled the picture the Christmas pictures out and put them in the scrapbook telling Scott what everyone got me. I saw his cell. He had better game on his than mine. I grabbed it and turned it on. I saw his background was me sleeping on the bed sheets just covering my body. I raised an eye at him. I haven’t been on it since before the stalker appeared in my life. “Really?” I asked him. “I’m sleeping for your background. You idiot.” I told him pointing his cell at my face flipping it off I took the pic and set it as his background. Ahh sweet revenge. My face fell. It’s not as fun when I can’t bug him. and he doesn’t fight back. I laid down next to Scott my vision blurry and my breathing picked up in speed as I started to cry. I fell asleep.

Someone shook me awake. “Hey we need to run a few tests to make sure he’s okay.” Andy told me. I nodded. he dose this daily to make sure Scott hasn’t taken a turn for the worst. I nodded. “I’m going to the lake.” I told him and headed out. I sat down on the edge of the dock and watched the lake.

It was peace full I pulled my notebook out and decided to write some poems. “Fear.” I named it.

Danger is near

Fear waits but never leaves

The danger is here

Fear is hostile

Fear is overcome

But Fear is never gone

Fear is a risk

Never taken lightly

But always here.

I sighed and re-read it. thinking about William Blake’s the tiger.

“TIGER, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night

What immortal Hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry

In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder and what art

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand and what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? What dread grasp

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,

And water'd heaven with their tears,

Did He smile His work to see?

Did He who made the lamb make thee

TIGER, tiger, burning bright

In the forests of the night

What immortal Hand or eye

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?”

“You know that Poems about hell right?” a voice said from behind me.

GASP! who is it her stalker? a friend? WHO?!?!?!?!?! -on the ground begging- lol


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