《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter 14


Chapter fourteen

Rose’s POV

I looked at my stalker as he walked through the school. James looked at him and then me nodding. All the wolves in the cafeteria looked at me then him nodding. Two wolves walked over to me. *come with us alpha Scott wants you somewhere safe.* Derek and James got up. “James stay with Sara. She needs you more than I do.” I told him. he took a step closer. I gave him a look growling low in my throat. *alpha’s orders.* he nodded sitting back down running a hand through his hair nervous. Jace got up and followed us. We got in my brothers car and drove to the pack house. I learned the other guys names were Stefan and Alex. “There’s something off about him I just can’t put my finger on it.” Stefan said and hit the wall. “I know.” Alex said pacing. Sighing they sat down and watched me play go fish with Derek and Jace. “Cheater!” they yelled throwing the cards on the table in sync. I giggled. “Poker?” I asked them. “NO!” Jace whined. I rolled my eyes and smiled at Stefan and Alex. “So you guys find your mates yet?” I asked them. “Yhea my mates beautiful.” Stefan said, he was all muscle. And Alex was more speed than muscle. “Mine too. Great personality.” He said a small smile on his face. “Thirsty?” he asked us. We all nodded. “I’ll help you.” Stefan said following them I smiled and looked around he corner. they shared a kiss. I motioned Jace and Derek over. They looked with me and Stefan smacked Alex on the ass. Making him jump and the three of us laugh and say “Oh you got it!” just like we always do when a guy slapped his girl on the ass. They blushed looking at us. “How much did you see?” Alex asked shyly. “All of it. it’s okay there are now three gay mates in our pack. all you have to do is adopt two children turn them to wolves unless they already are so they can take your place in the pack when you pass.” I told them sitting on the counter. Alex blushed nodding. “How long?” I asked them. “Since I joined the pack four years ago.”Alex said. I smiled. they would have been fourteen. Jace and Derek kept their mating a secret until Softmore year.


at thirteen after the first full moon a werewolf can find it’s mate. Scott left just before his first full moon. It’s also when a werewolf transforms for the first time. Most of the time you fall in love with your mate before the full moon. But sometimes you don’t fall for each other till the full moon. It’s weird.

I hugged Alex. “You two are cute together.” I told them. Stefan blushed. “So who’s the girl?” I asked them. then looked at Alex. “You are your smaller and not as manly. But man enough no one would suspect.” I told him. he blushed again. “And you blush a lot.” Jace put his hand over my mouth. “Sorry she likes having gay friends.” he told them and I bit his hand making him yelp. Derek looked it over and kissed it as Scott walked in. I jumped into his arms. “I made two new friends.” I smiled at him. “Really who?” he asked and I pointed to Stefan and Alex. “They’re my guard buddies.” I giggled. He rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead. He pulled my up to a room with him as people from school walked in. I followed him to his old room and we laid down on the bed.

“What do want to name them?” he asked as I cuddled into him. “Jess gave a few good ideas. Sara Sasha and Stephanie for girls and Ryan Ryder and Ron for boys. I said and looked up at him. “Not Ron.” He mumbled. “Rex is the only other R name I can think of.” I said sitting up. he groaned doing the same. “Defiantly not. What about Rayne?” I thought it over. And nodded. “Alright now we have names.” He smirked rolling on top of me. I sighed and kissed him lightly before squirming out of his grasp. “I’m going to get a shower.” I told him walking into the en-suite.


After my shower I saw Scott wasn’t in my room so I pulled on some cloths. I pulled on skinny jeans and groaned when I realized that I couldn’t button them. sighing I pulled on some sweats and my favorite shirt. it had Gir (the funny robot from invader Zim)on it. I ran downstairs and saw Scott talking to Erik and Shane. *dose Shane know about wolves?* I asked Scott. *Yep* he told me I smiled and sat on his lap. “Hi guys.” I said snuggling into him. Shane looked confused. “I thought he was married?” he asked me I smiled. “Yep to me.” I laughed as he nodded and looked at Erik. “They’re Mates babe.” He told him. “So how you holding up. the kids at school have been pretty rough on you.” he said I nodded. “I’m fine honest.” I smiled as Scott placed his hand on my baby bump. *Uh Scott?* I asked him. *yhea babe?* he asked and kissed my hair.

*we need to buy me some new cloths.*

*why?” is he seriously that dull.

*Baby bump. Pregnant.* I stated the obvious and he looked me over.

*Oh maternity clothes. We also need diapers baby clothes and toys.* he smiled and rubbed my stomach. “No dip Sherlock.” I said and Shane shot me a confused look as Sara walked in. I kissed Scott and got up smacking him upside the head. “So Scott’s your mate and you’re his wife?”Sara asked me I nodded smiling. “He’s my hubby. At school we refer to him as He incase anyone’s listening in.” I told her and she nodded. I waved to James and jess smiled at me. “Credit card?” I asked Scott. The girls and I were going shopping before the bonfire. He sighed handing it over. I took his wallet and stuffed it in my pocket. I took Sara’s hand and jess grabbed my other one. Jace laughed following us out Derek on his tail.

When we got to the mall I bought jeans that fit me. “So much better than sweats.” I told them as we walked around. Sara and I saw a baby store. We looked at them. “Jace I think we should let the ladies shop.” Derek said taking Jace’s hand and dragging him off.

good job to all those who guessed Stalker! any ideas on what to name the stalker? and what his nick name should be? you know what rose will call him. shoutouts to the names i pick!

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