《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter ten


Chapter ten

Rose’s POV

Sara smiled at me she now knows about werewolves but she doesn’t know whose all werewolves other than me jess Derek Jace and James. She’s having only one kid. Smiling at me as we headed into Erik’s class. he smiled as we walked in and Shane sat behind us because we were getting to know each other.

After Algebra Erik kept Shane to talk about his most recent test. I patted my pockets realizing I forgot my baby name note book I was writing down my favorite names and forcing Scott to do the same I’m writing girls he’s writing boys. I told Sara to head on to the next class. I ran back to Erik’s class and when I opened the door my jaw dropped and I closed the door behind me as they separated. “AWESOME!” I yelled grabbing my notebook. “He your-?” I asked Erik he nodded blushing. “Sweet I can’t wait to tell- I’m leaving.” I said running out to have lunch ‘detention’ with Scott. When I walked in he was writing something down so I quietly closed the door and locked it then kissed him on the cheek. Suddenly I was in his lap making out with him. “Don’t ever try to sneak up on me. you aren’t very good at it.” he told me a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and smirked at him. “I know something you don’t know.” I sang. He smiled. “and what would that be?” he asked taking a sip of his coffee. “Erik’s mate is Shane.” I told him making him spit his coffee back in his cup. “What Erik’s mate is Shane? The boy that follows you around?” he asked me. I nodded. he smiled and kissed me. “Good. Now he can know your mine. And only mine.” He told me kissing me. someone knocked on the door. he looked at it confused. “Closet.” he whispered to me I grabbed my things and hid in the storage closet in the back of the room. “Miss Redford?” Scott asked confused. “Yes I was wondering if you’d join us girls for lunch?” she asked him. “No I have papers to grade. I didn’t get to them last night.” He lied. “Oh well. how’s your ‘wife’?” she asked him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked her as I raised an eyebrow. “Its just no one’s seen her. no one knows her name.” she said as he sat at his desk. “Its Rosette More.” He lied to her. I smiled. “Never heard of her.” she said sitting on his desk. “she went to collage with me.” he lied again. “She’s pregnant.” He said and showed her the picture. holding his hand over my name. she huffed and left. he followed her and locked the door behind her. “Wow. Lying. You’re not so good at it.” I giggled. “and I can’t wait till your out of school. We have the entire year babe.” He said smiling at me. “So what’s up?” I asked him. “Not much. Lonely without you.” he told me pulling me in his arms as the bell rang. he put his head on my shoulder and sighed. “See you later.” He told me with a small peck.


“Ms. Blake.” Scott said waking me up. He was smirking. “What?” I asked him picking my head up from the desk. “The answer?” he asked pointing to the board. “I don’t know.” I said leaning back in my chair. “detention Ms. Blake.” He told me I gave him a look and crossed my arms as I glared. “She has detention almost every day. That bitch is just trying to get close to him.” Elizabeth the school slut muttered to one of the other cheer freaks. My fist clenched. *ignore them babe.* jess told me as my knuckles turned white. *easier said than done.* I sighed. Scott sat in his seat and waited for us to finish the work sheets he just handed out. I finished it and handed it in. he smiled at me and took the paper. As soon as I sat down Elizabeth kicked the chair making me slam head first into the desk hard. “Ah.” I yelled when the pain hit me as I fell out of my seat. Jace moved fast and caught me before I could fall. Scott ran over to me and asked what happened. I jumped up and on Elizabeth knocking her to the ground. “What the hell was that for?” I screamed at her. “You could have killed me!” and my babies. Arms wound around me pulling me up I kicked trying to break free from Scott. “Hey relax and tell me what happened.” he said putting me down and forcing me to sit on my chair. “Elizabeth kicked the back of rose’s chair making her face plant into the desk which in turn made her fall to the ground in pain.” Jace told him. Scott nodded holding in his frustration in. “Alright. The three of you principal’s office. Jace you’re only going as a witness.” Scott told them.


We waited in the nurse’s office as she checked my forehead. “You don’t seem to have a concussion.” She told me as the principal walked in. “Miss foster was just suspended. For one week. Although I’d like to expel her for all the things she’s ever done to you it’s her word against yours to the board.” And because he’s human although most of the board is werewolf I can’t go because her daddy is chairmen of the board. “Son of a Buddha.” Jace muttered. We gave him a look. “I made a bet with Derek to see who could go longer without swearing.” He explained. I nodded and looked at the nurse. She handed me pills. “I’m fine.” I told her. Scott had pills in his desk safe for a pregnancy. She sighed and let us go. Jace walked me back to the class.

Scott was pacing when he saw me he pulled me into his arms. “how are you? are you okay? Your head.” He kissed me and put his face in my hair. “Thank you Jace for catching her.” Jace smiled as he walked out. “She got one weeks suspension.” I told him as I took the pain killers he handed me. “One week? I know she deserves at least two. If you did that it would have been three weeks and detention for a month.” He stomped to his car. I sighed following him. we were looking at house’s just outside town in the woods.

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