《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter nine


Chapter nine

Rose’s POV

I was at jess’s house. we were pacing as we waited for the test to give us an answer. I knew today if I was with Scott he would smell the moment he saw me so I stayed at jess’s. five minutes were up I looked at jess. “What do you think it’s going to be?” I asked her. “I don’t know only Scott will smell it at this stage.” She told me I walked into the bathroom and looked at the stick that will possibly change my life. A little plus sign showed. I gulped as the doorbell rang. I looked out the window. “It’s Scott.” I told her. “uh I’ll get the door and you hid that. I’ll send him up and when he walks in put a perfume bottle down. so if he smells it you can tell him.” she told me. I just sat on the bed and pulled my legs to my chest. And hid my face in them. I let the tears fall as I heard him walking up. What will he say? Will he be happy? Mad? Upset? He opened the door as I sniffled. I’d thrown the test out before he walked in. “What’s wrong?” he asked then froze sniffing the air. He looked at me. “Are you-?” he couldn’t finish his sentence. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand as he sat next to me. “Angel are you pregnant?” he asked me. I nodded and a smile broke across his face. and he picked me up spinning me around. “Wow. I’m going to be a dad.” He whispered making me smile. “Were you crying because you don’t want this?” “No I was worried you didn’t.” I told him my face buried in his chest. “Well first things first. Doctors appointment. I need to know you and the baby’s alright. And we’ll need a new house. unless you want to move into the pack house. I shook my head. “no.” I don’t like being smushed. “Alright a house or another apartment?” he asked me. “house.” I told him smiling. “I’m going to get you a car. Because you cannot drive that bike and be pregnant at the same time I won’t allow it.” I laughed as he ranted on about how dangerous my bike was. Jess ran in. “The parents are here.” She said smiling at me Scott looked at her there was a bonfire tonight so everyone was coming to the pack house. “We can’t tell them until we’ve gone to the doctors.” I told him. “Well lets go now. I won’t be able to hold this in all night rose.” He told me. I smiled. “alright there’s a clinic. about ten minutes from here. I have to go alone because it’s in town and run by a human. I’ll bring you a picture next time it will be with the pack doctor in his office here.” I told him taking jess’s hand and dragging her to her car. We ran by Derek and Jace. They gave us a confused look and I looked back and smirked. “Wait someone needs to keep his mouth shut.” I looked at mike. She nodded and mike looked at me eyes wide and nodded. “Lets go.”


I sat in the clinic looking at other people. I saw a girl from school she looked scared. “Hey uh Sara right?” I asked she nodded. jess sat on her other side. “You alright?” I asked her. “Yhea. I hope so I haven’t been feeling to well.” she told me. “Well what do you think it is?” I asked her. “I might be pregnant.” She told me. “Hey me too. We’ll stick together. okay who’s the daddy?” I asked her. “James Night.” She told me my eyes went wide. caption of the football team werewolf. “yhea we’ve been dating for a year now. kept it a secret so the cheer freaks wouldn’t kill me.” I nodded. “Smart. Monday at school stick with us and we’ll keep you safe from now on. and talk to James. Here’s my number.” I told her as my name was called and hers a second later. I took jess’s hand and dragged her with me.

I laid down on a cold table and the lady but really cold gel on my stomach. “Looks like identical triplets.” The lady told me and took a couple pictures. “Triplets?” I asked her then looked at my stomach. when she wiped the gel off I ran my hand over my flat stomach and smiled a little. I might just need a Minnie Van too. Smiling I looked at jess. “Wow.” I said when the lady gave me the picture. She pointed to them. “There the three circles right there.” She said pointing to them. “So do you know if the father will be helping you?” she asked me. I nodded. “Oh yhea he will.” I told her and walked out. I saw Sara holding a little picture too. “Were both six weeks along.” She told me. I smiled at her and then jess. “Come on lets go home.” I told jess. “See you later. Tell him when you’re ready.” I told Sara as I walked to jess’s car.

When we got to the pack house the bonfire had already started. And I looked for mike and Scott with jess. I saw James night and smirked at him as his cell rang. he walked to a quite place and talked to the person on the other end. Scott smiled at me and kissed my forehead. “So can I see?” he asked me. I handed him the picture and pointed to the three circles. “three?” he asked stunned. I nodded and looked for James I saw he had a look of shock on his face. He ran over to us and asked Scott if he could go early. “Why James night?” I asked him. smiling. “Yhea why James night?” jess laughed. “Uh personal.” He said. “Mate problems James night?” I asked giggling. “how did you know?” he asked me. “Stick around for five minutes and find out.” I told him looking at Scott. As he looked over the little picture. I tore it from his grasp. He looked a little upset. I handed it to James. “I’m as far as she is.” I told him he smiled at me. “congratulations Lunna alpha.” He smiled at us. “Congrats yourself. Now go. Support her. she’s scared.” I told him giving him a little push. He laughed and ran off.


About nine Scott pulled me up to the stage. “Now I’d like to welcome a new member to the pack. Erik Moon.” He said shaking Erik’s hand. “And I have news for the pack that is to be kept inside the pack for another month or two. Rose is pregnant.” He said happily and kissed me. I blushed. We were in front of the pack I’m not used to public displays of affection. The pack clapped and my mother and Scott’s ran up and hugged me dragging me off talking about baby things. I weaseled out of their grasp as they talked to each other. I ran off to Scott who was talking to his father and mine. I stopped to listen. “So soon?” dad asked him. “Apparently the protection failed or I forgot once I don’t know which. All I know is she went to stay with jess last night and I found out she was pregnant about a half an hour before everyone started to set up.” He told them. Derek and Jace hugged me and made me into a sandwich. “Can’t breathe boys.” I told them and Scott spun around and glared at them as they let me go. My brother kissed my forehead and hugged me. Scott pulled me into his arms and smiled down at me. “We can head back if you’re tired.” He told me. I rolled my eyes. “What kind of car are you getting me?” I asked him. *I don’t know lets go home and find out.* he said wiggling his eyebrows. I pulled out of his arms and gave him a look. *Monday I’m riding my bike to school so deal with it.* I told him as I made my way to the food. I saw desserts and smiled grabbing snicker doodles chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies. “Can you get me a soda?” I asked Scott as he gave me a look. And nodded. he set his drink down and grabbed me a diet Pepsi. I smiled and kissed him heading for his car.

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