《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter seven


Chapter seven

Scotts’ POV

I paced in my old room at the pack house. the reason rose didn’t live here was because at the time it was to painful. She missed and hated me at the same time. I checked the time. Ten. “WERE COMING IN SCOTT HIDE IN A CLOSET OR SOMETHING!” Derek shouted at the top of his lungs. I laughed with rose’s brother and mike as I paced. “Dude relax. She’s here she loves you what more could you want?” he asked me. “For this to be over all ready.” I sat down and ran a hand through my hair. I walked out when jess came in. I ran down the steps and greeted pack members. I saw a few of the unmated young women crying. I rolled my eyes and ran over to my dad. “Everything set?” I asked him. “Just need the last few people to sit and I’ll send Sam to get rose.” He said I nodded and breathed in deeply. Nodding as I ran my hand through my hair again. mike walked by me. “Damon has the rings right?” I asked him. “I do. He would have lost them. I’m going to give them to him before we head up.” He told me I nodded and headed over to my mother. “She looks amazing.” She said hugging me. “Alright. The back yard is set for the reception. Just remember to say the words I do at the right time I know what happens when you get nervous. Not to mention she’ll hit you if you do something stupid.” I laughed and hugged my mother. “Time to get the ball rolling boy.” My dad said smiling at me.

Rose’s POV

I made my way slowly to Scott smiling at him. when my dad went to sit with mom I stopped him and kissed his cheek. He smiled and let me go. I held Scott’s hands and saw he was smiling. I waited for my part to say I do. And when it was his turn he smiled brightly and said the words that sealed our fates. He kissed me and pulled away as I blushed.


At the reception I sat next to him and bit my lips as everyone ate and looked at the presents. “It’s okay were opening them at home.” Scott whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. When a wolf gets married the mating ceremony comes after dinner. And when the wolf senses it, well it gets very horny. And after it just gets worse. I saw Scott shift in his seat as everyone finished. “Now to start the mating ceremony.” Frank said getting up. Scott helped me out of my chair and up the alpha’s office.

*remember we used to chase each other in here?* Scott asked me. I smiled. *I also remember you giving me my first kiss here.” I reminded him he went bright red. I smirked our dads gave us a look and then frank found a ribbon. “Here. Link hands.” He told us. When we held our hands he wrapped the ribbon around our wrists. “Okay you’ve been joined by human law. Now you will be joined by wolf law. This bond will be unbreakable. Now together I want you to say body soul mind. forever yours. do you accept? Now say it to each other.” I looked at Scott and said it as he did. I smiled and said I do once again. he leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. As he pulled away I pulled him back and kissed him. he leaned his forehead against mine and smiled. “Alright. Change into your jeans kids.” dad said breaking us apart. “Now keep the ribbon safe like your rings it represents your mating.” Frank told Scott as I walked out of the room.

my mother dragged me to the room I was in earlier. She tossed me my jeans and tee shirt. “I grabbed a random tee shirt from the house because I don’t think you husband would have liked the other one.” She told me as I unfolded it. “And he’ll like this one any better?” I asked her. It read ‘I’ll try to be nicer if you try to be smarter.’ I smiled pulling it on. she rolled her eyes. “Do you own any shirts that don’t offend people?” she asked me. “Some of them are nice-ish.” I told her walking out and into Scott he was in jeans and a white v neck that was showing off his muscles. He sighed looking at my shirt. I smirked at him taking his hand and led him outside. “dad has an announcement.” He told me pulling me up to the stand were alpha’s gave their announcements.


I was only up here once and I don’t remember it. when I was a baby. I looked at Scott. “Alright today I’m stepping down as alpha and handing it down to my son Scott and his mate.” He said I looked up at Scott. He smiled at me kissed my forehead then hugged his father my hand in his as I silently freaked. Scott looked at me and chuckled. *didn’t expect it so soon?* he asked me. *Not for another year atlest.* I told him he smiled and kissed me making me relax. “It’s okay.” He whispered in my ear as people came to congratulate us. Scott said it was getting late and that it was time for the honeymoon surprise. He blindfolded me and took me to his car.

When we reached a stop he kissed me and pulled me into his arms. “Were almost there.” He assured me when I tried to take the blind fold off.

When he put me on my feet and kissed me as he took the blind fold off I was shocked when I realized where we were. The lake. He showed it to me when we were younger on a full moon like tonight. And ever since I came here on a full moon as a wolf and watched the moons reflection in the water. I smiled at him. “I love it.” when I saw our old club house was rebuilt and looked more like a house than before. I smiled and walked over to it. he wrapped an arm around me and picked me back up. “No you don’t.” he whispered into my neck. And kissed exactly where he marked me making me shiver.

The inside of the old club house had a bed and a refrigerator. And a toaster oven and a pile of towels. “What are the towels for?” I asked him. “In case we want to swim or bath in the lake.” He told me pulling me into a kiss and fell on the bed.

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