《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter five


Chapter five

Rose’s POV

I woke up to the sound of Scott puking in the toilet. “Isn’t that my job?” I asked him. He chuckled weakly. “Why we haven’t done anything yet. Unless?” he asked me silently. “no I’m not pregnant with some dudes baby.” I told him rolling my eyes. Leaning against the door frame. “Guess I’m going to school and your staying home.” I said heading for the front door as I changed my cloths. I nearly gagged at the sound he made as he vomited in the toilet again. I grabbed my bikes keys and looked at his car keys he needs ginger ale and soup. I tossed my keys on the counter and headed left for the store.

“Hey kid shouldn’t you be in school?” one of the workers asked I coughed and held up the soup. “Not feeling to good. I need soup and ginger ale. My whole house got it.” I told him. he nodded and I paid for my food. I made my way over to Scott’s car. And put the groceries in the back.

When I got back to the house I saw Scott looking for something. A bucket at his side. “Hey.” I said making him jump. “School over already?” he asked me. “Nope I’m skipping till lunch. Nothing important anyway.” I told him. “Besides mom called in saying I had a doctor’s appointment when I told her you were sick.” I told him tossing him a can of ginger ale. “Drink it it’ll set your stomach.” I told him looking for the saltines. I tossed them to him. “try and keep those down.” “Let me pay you back.” He told me looking for his wallet. I held it up. “You paid for it.” I told him. “Here are the rules. You keep the toilet bowl by you or a trash can. Only eat saltines or chicken noodle soup. Do not leave the house. I’m taking your keys and you have to get better or our mothers are going to kill you. no matter how much I want to see that I’d like to have kids sometime after collage.” I admitted to him he perked up and smiled at me. “Better already.” He smiled and me. I threw a can of soup at his head and he ducked it easy. “Love you!” he called as I closed the door. “Love you too.” I said just loud enough for him to hear. He tripped over something as I closed the door on him running for my bike.


For Scott’s class there was a forty year old dude. “So you have detention today.” He said when the bell rang. I nodded as I looked through my bag to get my homework out. “Can I go get my math book I forgot it?” I asked him. “Five minutes.” He told me. I nodded and ran there and back.

“That’s a nice ring where’d you get it?” he asked me. I gave him a look we were half way through with my detention. “Boyfriend.” I told him. I knew Scott was trying to get a hold of me. I had blocked his thoughts all day and my cell was turned off. “okay. What’s his name?” he asked me. “That is none of your business.” I told him drawing Scott’s wolf and mine by our old hang out. a lake I still go to every full moon. The pack knows it’s my place to think and only go if they ask me first. Humans stay away because they think a pack of wolves live near by it and don’t want to take the risk. He leaned over me to look at my drawing. “Touch me and I will beat the crap out of you.” I warned him as he went to move the hair out of my face he put his hand down. I looked at the clock my time was done. “Good bye you horny freak.” I said walking out. I knew he was watching my ass and I turned around to flip him off. he sighed and grabbed his keys and coat.

I reached my mom’s house. I know but the teacher dude from school was following me. *Damon the sub from school followed me home help.* I sent to him. my brother came out with a sawed off shot gun and his jess’s mate. They went over to the dudes car me following. “Why’s you follow me home?” I asked him. “just making sure your safe.” He told me smiling slightly. My brother pulled him out of the car. “Are you stalking my sister?” he asked him. “No.” I knew he was lying. “You pervert!” I yelled at him but my brother stopped me from attacking him. “I think we’ll just set the wolves on him if he ever shows up around here again. Mom needs some groceries go get them.” Damon told me. *Go tell Scott.* I nodded and hopped on my bike. I looked back and saw my brother punch the dude in the face.


When I reached the apartment I used all four locks on the door then the deadbolt. I went to the balcony and locked the door then closed the curtain. I went through every room locking the windows. And closing the curtains. Scott was in the bathroom the shower running I heard him singing don’t stop believing. “Scott I’m home.” I told him he stuck his head out the shower curtain. “Join me?” he asked as I locked the door sliding down. “Something wrong?” he asked. “I wish I stayed here. Then I wouldn’t have a pervert stalking me.” I told him putting my face in my hands as he got out. I never actually looked at him naked. And I don’t want to till were married. “hey. I’ll keep you safe. Who is he?” he asked me. “I don’t know. I forgot his name the moment he said it. he was your sub today. And during detention he stared at me the entire time. Basically he was eye raping me.” I told Scott following him to our room. he went into the closet and got dressed. “How can you be so calm I’m freaking out.” I told him as he laid down next to me in his boxers. Last night I persuaded him to wear them to bed from now on. “I’m not. I’m still high from three little words you told me this morning. It’s keeping me level headed. Really right now I want to go rip the guys head off.” *it’s taken care of.* Damon’s voice said in my head. *just keep an eye out for him.* I told Scott what Damon told me. he nodded. and kissed my forehead. “I love you Rose.” He told me Pulling me into his arms. I felt the stubble on his face and smiled. “You should shave.”I told him running my hand over it. “Why you seem to like it?” he asked me. “No it just feels funny.” I told him. “And I’m not going to marry a man with a beard or a forming beard. That includes goatees. And no mustaches.” I said and he grabbed my hand. “In the morning I’ll get rid of it.” He told me. I nodded as the bell rang. “Pizza.” He told me. I gave him his wallet and he smiled as I followed him I looked in the peep hole and saw my stalker he had the pizza and several others along with a black eye swollen nose and split lip. I jumped over the counter to the kitchen and hid under it. Scott gave me a look as he walked by pulling his robe on. *stalker. Pizza guy.* I sent as he opened the door and I held my breath. “Two pizzas meat lovers large fifteen bucks Scott Peterson?” he asked. “Yhea that’s me. here you go.” Scott said handing him exact change. “Tip?” he asked. “Yhea don’t stalk my best friends sister. If she ever sees your face after today you’ll regret even looking in her direction.” Scott slammed the door in his face. I jumped up and smiled at him. “And that’s why I love you.” I told him he smiled and jumped over the counter and backed me into a corner. I jumped on the counter trying to get away. he grabbed my legs and put them on either side of him and nuzzled my neck. “I love you too.” He told me kissing up and down my neck. He moved my shirt down my shoulder and kissed right where my neck and shoulder met and then he bit me. it felt good. He licked the blood up and then kissed the already healing mark. I moaned and he smirked. “What did you do?” I asked him. “Marked you as mine. Now every werewolf knows your mine.” He said smirking at my face. “Dude!” I yelled at him grabbing the pizza box. And then a slice for both if us. “Next time you do something that concerns me make sure you tell me first.” “what if it’s a surprise?” he asked looking me up and down. we are having our wedding on the night of the full moon which means he’s going to be very horny for me. “Why?” I asked him. “Our honey moon is a secret location you will find very comfortable. I was actually doing that today. I wasn’t really sick.” He told me. I smacked his arm. “Jerk.”

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