《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter four


Chapter four

Rose’s POV

As I entered the school with jess I saw Scott and Miss Jackson talking. I walked past them. “so I was wondering if your fiancé needed a dress because my girlfriend is a great tailor and I promised I’d I ask for her.” she told him. “I don’t know she went shopping for one last night she never told me if she found one. “She’s shopping right now I’ll ask her.” he lied and I felt my cell buzz.

stupid_ass_teacher- u find a dress last night?”


“Sorry she found one already sorry.” Scott told Miss Jackson. I looked at jess and rolled my eyes. “So what’s it look like?” she asked me. I pulled it up on my cell and showed her. “I locked my cell last night. So I could show you the dress.” I told her and showed her. “It’s great. I can’t wait to see it on you.” she gasped I pulled my cell to my chest screen against me as Scott passed trying to get a peak. “delete.” I said as I trashed the pic.

Me- u have 2 wait till Saturday! ;)

stupid_ass_teacher- :/ so wat of yours might I be getting?

Me- you’ll see XD

“that him?” she asked me. I nodded as I switched the ring to my right hand. “what’s up?” Sam asked as he drake and Jace walked over to us. “hey boys. Wednesday halfway through the week.” I did a little fist pump. “Sweet ring.” Drake said grabbing it. I pulled it away and looked at jess. “you get it from him?” Jace asked me I glared. “My boyfriend? yes.” I rolled my eyes. *Ooo Scott got you a ring.* they taunted in my head as Sam looked confused. “you have a boyfriend?” he asked. I nodded. “Who is he?” “He doesn’t go here.” I told him he nodded. *more like he works here.* jess said in my head. I glared at her and saw mike the beta who’s been visiting other packs for the past month wrapped an arm around her waist. She spun around and punched the guy square in the face. “Oh mike I’m sorry.” She said as he held his nose. “It’s okay. I missed you. and I’m glad to know no guy touched you.” he said as she kissed his nose. *congrats Scott told me it’s why I’m here.* mike told me I shot him a look and stalked off to my first class as they howled in laughter and Sam looked confused and headed for his first class.


On my way to Scott’s class the school’s foot ball caption pulled me into his arms and kissed me in one swift movement. Soon as he pulled away I punched him square in the face knocking him out I stepped on his chest when he woke up. “What the hell?” I asked him. “go with me to the party.” I leaned over a smile on my face Scott and the entire class was watching. “Touch me ever again and you better sleep with one eye open.” He nodded and I stepped on him as I entered Scott’s classroom. “Nicely done rose.” Scott said giving me a high five. I smiled and walked over to my seat. “I’d do the same to you teach.” I smirked at Scott as he rolled his eyes.

After class I had to stay for detention. I watched Scott grade papers as I examined my nails. “I hate you.” I told them. Scott looked up confused. “My nails.” I told him smiling he chuckled and went back to his papers. “I’m bored.” I told him looking up at the ugly ceiling. “That really needs re-painted.” I said looking at the once white ceiling. “If you don’t like it look at something else.” He suggested. I sighed and grabbed my pencil and threw it at his head. He gave me a look. “Do you like detention?” he asked me. “Nope. Don’t like the teacher either.” I said smiling at him. he sighed. “Do something to pass the time.” He said looking through his papers. “Do something or clean the class room and set up for tomorrow.” he said I gave him a look he sighed and started to get the class room ready for tomorrow. I got up and sat at his desk looking for something to entertain me. my hair got in my face and I decided to braid it. after I braided my hair in a dozen different places Scott said it was time to go home. “Wee.” I said getting up and unbraided my hair. I grabbed the silver dollar from his desk and did that one coin trick were you flip the coin on your fingers on one hand and have it appear magically between your thumb and pointer finger. I kept doing it till we got home and Scott took it from me. doing the same trick faster than I did and then stuffed it in his pocket. I rolled my eyes.


Miss Redding walked up to Scott and smiled. “I’m so glad I caught you before you left.” she said and he froze at the sound of her voice. *Rose please help.* Scott begged. *Nope.* I sent back. “So you want to go someplace tonight?” she asked him. “No I’m sorry my fiancée and I have plans.” He told her. “We do?” I mouthed. I looked at her. she was not my favorite teacher. *no I am.* Scott teased. *ARE NOT YOU JERK!* I sent to him. “Your fiancée? Where is she does she really exist.” I sunk in my seat sighing. “Hey jack ass my mother is going to skin you alive if I’m late for my doctors appointment!” Scott leaned in the car and mouthed, “what?” confused. “Play along.” I mouthed back. “Oh I didn’t know you had someone with you.” Miss Redding said as I looked over to top of the car. “Come on times a wasting. And I don’t feel too hot right now. so get moving unless you want puke all over your car.” I told him getting back in the car. and started making gagging noises. Scott got in the car and drove off I sat up and looked back out at the school. “No school tomorrow.” I told myself smiling. “Why?” Scott asked as I relaxed in the seat. “Because I’m ‘sick’.” I told him using air quotes. He sighed. “Alright but mess up my house and you clean it up.” He told me. “okay.” I said smiling and faked a cough. He shot me a look as he went to pizza Joe’s (AN not sure if it’s a real place. If it is coolieo;) he picked up a large pizza. “What we doing tonight?” I asked him he gave me a look. “When we were little Wednesday nights were our nights remember?” he asked me I thought about it. I’d stay the night in his room we’d watch movies and have water gun fights. I looked at him. “okay we’ll catch up.” I told him and he coughed in his hand hard for a solid minute. And it wasn’t fake. “You okay?” I asked him. “I’m fine.” He assured me with a smile. But it didn’t make me feel any better.

Rose’s parents Claire and Sam

Scott’s parents frank and Anna

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