《he's my mate! he pushed me out of a tree when i was eight!》chapter one


Chapter one

Rose’s POV

I went to my locker and saw my best friend and fellow werewolf jess smiling. “New teacher. Hot. one of us. Sadly I’m already mated to the beta. But get this. You know how the alpha’s son was super smart and went to a boarding school. And then graduated at sixteen. Well that’s him. he’s 21.” She told me. and pointed to someone behind me. I looked and saw him. he was walking with the principal. He felt my eyes on him and looked up our eyes locking he froze and a half smile showed up on his face. *he’s our mate isn’t he?* I asked my wolf feeling the pull electricity and love for him. *yes.* she said smirking. *Hey remember the two of you used to sling mud pie at each other as daughter of the omega he knew you?* jess asked me. *Yhea. Wish I had one now.* I told her my face hardening as I spun around and looked into my locker. I’m not ready for a mate. Let alone an alpha. I grabbed my note books and looked at jess. “What do you think?” she asked me as he was about to pass me. “Last time I saw him he hated me. he pushed me out of a tree because I took his slushy. I hate his guts.” I told her as he passed. He looked at me in shock then guilt and I saw his heart break a little. I looked at jess. “Like I said. I hate him he hates me. and sadly we are mates.” I said slamming my locker shut.

I walked to seventh period physics glad I hadn’t had any classes with my mate so far. And my cheerful mood was crumbled when I saw him. Scott Peterson. Maybe I can skip. I thought looking at the door. “Don’t even think about it.” Scott said looking at me. I glared and flipped him off. “Stupid jackass.” the class gasped. Then I realized what I said after that. I groaned and leaned my head back. “Detention Anna Blake. Just because our fathers are friends doesn’t mean I’ll take it easy on you.” he told me. I looked at him. *Good thinking. I’ll just kill you when we get home. Were our dads can find your mangled limp body.* I sent to him. he sighed. *rose please I just found out I was leaving my best friend. I was in love with you then. And I am now.* he sent back. “alright class any questions.” Alyssa the school slut raised her hand. “Yes?” he asked pointing to her. “are you dating anyone.” She asked pulling her shirt down a little. I rolled my eyes. Scott caught my eyes and smirked. “Yes I am. I’m in love with her.” he said sitting on his desk. Drake my best guy friend raised his hand. he’s also a werewolf. he’s mated to a guy I saw Jace look around me at him. I elbowed him. “When did you tell her you loved her?” he asked wondering how long he had his mate. I tensed “Recently.” Was all he said. I smirked and laid my head back looking at the ceiling. When Jace elbowed me as Scott said my name I groaned. “What?” I asked annoyed looking at Scott who was sitting behind his desk. “Your supposed to say something about yourself.” Scott told me. “Well let’s see. I hate you. I love blue raspberry slushy’s. and I’m not in love.” I said simply. *ouch* he sent in my head. I smirked at him and leaned down to get my note book to doodle. *Sit up now.* he ordered me. I sat up slowly looking confused. Until I saw the look on his face. *Perv you’re my teacher. And I was getting my sketch book.* I growled at him he looked down and I bent down and saw he had a boner under the desk. I held in a laugh as I sat up with my notebook in hand and started to doodle.


When the bell rang I got an Idea. “So can I go get my homework you know so I can work on it?” I asked Scott. He looked at the clock. “five minutes rose.” He told me. I got my bag which already had all my homework in it and smiled at him by the door. “See you at super.” I said and ran for his car and took the battery and went over to my bike. I speed out of the parking lot and got home as it started to rain. I went inside and kissed my mother on the cheek. Damon my older brother walked in just his boxers a girl right behind him in his robe. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. “Damon!” I screamed in his ear. “I missed you!” I said as he pulled me off him and kissed my hair. I looked at his half naked mate and smiled at her. “Hi I’m Damon’s sister.” I said smiling at her. “Jenna.” She told me smiling at me. “So you finished collage?” I asked my brother. “Summer classes do that for you.” he said smiling at me. “Of course Scott took them. he just stayed to help me and a few other pack members.” He told me smiling. “So we could all go home together.” he said and I shot him a death glare. “Can we not talk about that a-“ my voice caught in my throat. “A-“ I tried again. then looked at my brother. “You okay?” he asked me. “damn him!” I yelled and glared at the floor. Damon caught on and started laughing at me. “you and-” I grabbed his collar. “Tell a soul and I’ll rip your balls off.” I warned him. he gulped. “Yes ma’m.” he whispered and I let go of him. “I’m going to my room.

Around six I heard the door slam downstairs and smirked when I heard Scott yell my name angry. I shrugged and went to my closet taking my shirt off and jeans. Looking for my skinny jeans and a tee shirt I saw my dictionary as I walked into my room and tugged my jeans on not bothering to zip them up or button them, I grabbed a tank top there was fish net on the bottom. I was about to grab my cami when I heard the floor board squeak behind me. I grabbed my dictionary and in one swift movement I wacked the intruder across the side of the head knocking him to the floor and breaking my dictionary in half. And it was one of those really large heavy Webster ones. I set it down and looked at a soaking wet Scott clutch his head and groan in pain. Making me laugh. I pulled my cami on and then my fleece button up shirt. I rolled up the sleeves and made sure to step on his head making him groan really loud I walked down stairs and smiled at everyone. “I’m going to fry the peppers.” I said looking at the stir-fry. My mom smiled and handed me a clean skillet. “I’ll go get the peppers.” She told me I smiled turning the stove on. and I felt a hand on my shoulder making me spin around and slam the skillet into Scott’s head. The same side I hit with my dictionary. I looked at the skillet and groaned with Scott. “What is it?” mom asked me then she saw Scott. “Oh honey what did you do?” she asked me I showed her the skillet which now was indented with the side of Scott’s head. He groaned and held his head. “What happened?” Mrs. Peterson asked me. as Mr. Peterson and dad helped Scott up. “He scared me. he came up behind me and I wacked him with the skillet. He did it in my room too. Busted my dictionary. You’d think he’d learn after the first time.” I said and Scott smiled at me. “I found my mate dad.” He said smirking as my face fell. He wouldn’t. *oh I would* he sent to me. “Today actually. She’s one of my students. In my last class. isn’t that right Rose?” he asked me I shook my head and held up the frying pan. “Don’t make me use your head to set this back the way it was.” I warned him. he stumbled over to me. “You couldn’t do it again, on purpose.” He said and I raised it but it wouldn’t come down on his head. “I hate you.” I growled as struggled to hit him on the head. “You love me.” he whispered kissing me on the lips making me drop the frying pan and it fell on his head. “Ouch.” He growled rubbing the top of his head. “My daughters your mate?” dad asked Scott. “You know what this means Rose.” “I’m going to kill him.” I growled heading up to my room to pack. as he laughed his ass off.


I've been working on this. i won't forget about jenna marie i promise! hope you like vote comment let me know what you think! this one just might become a book! so i'd realy like your thoughts!

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