《He's My Mate! (Student/Teacher) [Sample] - [On Amazon]》He's My Mate! Chapter 19


Chapter 19:Kiss Me

His breath tickled my skin as he spoke,making me desire him even more. Did I see what I did to him? Did he see what he did to me?

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear,boring into my eyes and not at once looking away.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked his voice husky and low,turning me on instantly. He could barely speak properly, but still the effect he had on me was unprecedented.

I kept looking into his gorgeous eyes,not replying. I was not sure if this was wrong or right, he was drunk, for all I know he could have been unaware of what it was that he was requesting.

He pressed his forehead against mine,our noses lightly brushing against each other. His other hands came from around my waist to cup my face,we were so close that I could feel his excitement. He pressed me further into his body, breathing in, out, deeply. Trying to contain the fire but failing as I was.

As much as I wanted to just kiss him and make out with him right in the living room, my mind kept reminding me he was drunk and I just couldn't.

I cleared my throat,moving away from him. It took me every inch of strength I had to take a few steps away from him.He was pulling me, resisting as I tried to get his hands off of me. I knew he was never going to let me go lightly, the lust filled eyes he was giving me told me everything. I used my inner wolf strength to take his hands off me.

"I should probably get to bed." I pointed upstairs,taking my eyes off him.

"Charlene...I-" he spoke as I walked to the stairs, ready to escape."I guess I shouldn't have done that." he finished,moving to the couch and throwing himself on it.

"Goodnight Mr Garner." I said and walked up to my room.

I wondered hard and relentlessly about what we could've done if he wasn't drunk until I fell asleep. One thing for sure,my answer to his question would have been yes. But I guess once he sobered up,he won't even remember what he had asked me... I was very much tempted to go downstairs and just kiss the life out of him, but I settled for some music and then drifted off to sleep.



Jonathan Garner's POV

I woke up with my head aching like shit,turning around I fell from the couch.

I opened my eyes and was taken aback for a second until I remembered what had happened last night. Fuck!

I could recall bits and pieces from the night before, I knew I was at Charlene's and I recall her offering to drive me home at the club,I remembered falling at the club in front of her, that was completely embarrassing... And then I remember coming into her house and then, oh shit! It happened again.

I tried kissing her,only this time it didn't happen. Or did it?

God dammit! What the hell was wrong with me? I've never acted like this before,it was like I was losing my mind and there was nothing I could do about it. And every time I was around her...fuck! Why can't I just control myself?

And the club? Really Jon. I just had to go and get wasted at a cheap club in town. I knew what had driven me to the club was something I couldn't fix by drinking, but I have never fought with Julia like we fought last night.

Me and Julia always had our differences and we've always tried to compromise without oppressing one another but last night was different. Every time we fought I wouldn't go around getting drunk or be tempted to leave her,'cause I always knew I was gonna go back to her. Last night I just felt like she wasn't worth any of the energy I was putting into our relationship and I just stomped out. Who does that to the one person they are about to marry? I was insane. This was not me. Something was happening to me and I had no idea when or how it started.

And when I saw Charlene dancing with some guy at the club,I couldn't take it,I just lost it and kept drinking until I couldn't even stand on my own two feet. Fuck me! I needed to get away.

My head was killing me. I needed Advil or something, and I needed to get home to my fiancee.

I stood up from the floor and walked to the kitchen,opening the drawers searching for some headache tablets.

I found Advil by some miracle and took two immediately. Sighing relief like they were gonna work instantly. Coffee, next. I made myself a cup, for a second forgetting that Charlene was upstairs.


'Can I kiss you?' the question kept playing in my head over and over,I felt stupid and hated myself for it. Why did I even ask her that? Why couldn't I control myself around her?

'Because you wanted to kiss her,moron.' I cussed myself for being so hooked up on her,but why didn't I hate it,why did I love feeling the way she made me feel?

I slammed my fist on the counter. I wondered what her mom would think of me if she knew I kissed her...twice.

She had asked me to keep an eye on her while she was in Japan for some business trip until she got back Monday,and I had promised to take good care of her,and was this good care?

I heard her foot steps coming from the stairs and moved to the living room. She wasn't wearing her shorts and big shirt,but a strapless top and long pajama trousers. It was strange really, everything she wore, it didn't matter if it was lame or just plain, she looked incredibly gorgeous.

I stopped on my tracks and she did the same,she looked at me and we both smiled. We hardly ever smiled at each other, hell half the time we just wanted to devour one another, but here we were, lips tugged up and teeth shining, well, hers were shining, mine, not so much.

"Good morning..." I said breaking the silence. My coffee doing some magical things to me as I took a sip.

"Morning sir." she said her smile fading off. Did I do something wrong?

"You can call me Jonathan,I prefer it." I said honestly. And I fucking hated it when she called me Sir, it was a very harsh reminder of what we were, student and teacher.

She just nodded and stepped down the stairs. I had to stop staring at her but she was so un-human.

"Charlene about last night..." I didn't even know where to begin.

"You were drunk and probably don't remember anything...so it's cool." she shrugged and I could see how sad she was when she spoke. She really did have horrid mood swings. It was...tiring.

"It's not that. I do remember...everything and thanks for driving me home. As for my behaviour once we got home, I just really can't explain it but..." I stopped, not really sure what to say next. "It was inappropriate of me and I apologise."

"Cool." She was a bit distant as she responded. Why couldn't she just look at me?

"Thing is Charlene, sometimes things happen to me when you're around and..."I stopped, I sounded like an idiot. What to say next? "I'm sorry I asked to uhm... kiss you. That was really just..."

"Yes..." she replied quickly before I could finish "Yes you can kiss me." she said,staring into my eyes. Daring me to resist. Why was she doing this.

I looked at her for a second,forgetting what I was supposed to say. I could see the certainty in her eyes as she spoke. and the force pulling me to her was too much for me to ignore.

I took a step forward, coffee on the table and she did the same,not breaking our eye contact,I took another step and she too.

In an instant,our lips crushed against each other. My hands moved to her waist and hers around my neck.

It was a soft slow kiss,and I could feel her soft small delicious lips move in sync with mine. What I felt was way out of this world and I wanted it to last forever,I wanted to kiss her like this every morning,I wanted to kiss her everyday,I wanted her,so bad it was not even funny.

The way she made me feel was indescribable. I held her closer to me, pulling her to me. Her slight moan had my whole body crying out for more of her. She was going to drive me to complete madness. The way she touched me, her hands grazing my hair, her petite body fitting into mine like they were designed to, I just wanted to have her right there in the middle of her living room.

"Jon..." She purred my name as my mouth continued to explore hers and for a moment, I forgot what it was like to breathe. My name on her lips, her lips on mine, it was magical...

We pulled apart at the speed of light when we heard a gasp from behind.

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