《Bird Set Free | Natasha Romanoff ✓》Chapter Fifty-Eight


Talons ripped in and out of the Outriders as they leapt up in an attempt to tear the eagle out of the sky, but only ended up falling as corpses back to the ground.

The battle was endless, a continuous routine of fighting but despite this, it didn't look like they were any closer to winning. Thanos' army was streaming forward constantly, any dent they could have made quickly swallowed up by the sheer size of his army.

"Cap!" Clint's voice echoed over the comms as Aquila breathed a slight sigh of relief, she had only prayed that he had been alright when she hadn't originally seen him earlier. "What the hell do you want me to do with this damn thing?"

"Get those stones as far away as possible!"

"No!" Bruce called out in protest over the comms. "We need to get them back where they care from."

"There isn't a way to get them back." Aquila reminded the team. "I'm going to assume that none of you have forgotten that we don't have a Quantum Tunnel Generator anymore, kind of got a little blown up."

"Exactly." Tony agreed with Aquila. "We don't have that option anymore."

"Hold on! That wasn't our only time machine!"

Aquila's eyes widened knowing exactly what Scott was referring to as she frantically searched the battlefield for the brown van.

"Anyone see an ugly brown van out there?" Steve called out, having realized that same thing that Aquila just had.

"Yes! But you're not gonna like where it's parked." Valkyrie's voice now came through over the comms as Aquila's eyes also landed on the brown van, grimacing as she realized where it was.

"Scott, how long do you need to get that thing up and running?"

"Maybe, ten minutes."

"Get it started," Steve commanded. "We'll get the stones to you."

"We're on it, Cap."

Aquila launched herself higher into the air, her eyes locking on Clint below her, blasts being fired at him from every direction, the Gaunlet desperately grasped in his hands.

She hovered right behind him, taking out the Outriders that had become just a little too courageous in attacking Clint, a form of protection as Clint continued to bring it through the army.

It didn't take long for Clint to find himself quickly surrounded, Aquila fly overhead her talons outstretched catching the Gaunlet, the streams of Outriders chasing after her flying figure. They jumped up, claws tearing as feathers and flesh, their weight distorting Aquila's own weight distribution causing her to tip dangerously to one side.


T'Challa, the Black Panther ran after Aquila quickly noticing her struggle.

"Aquila! Give it to me!" He called out, before leaping up and taking the Gaunlet from Aquila, speeding off in a completely different direction.

Aquila whirled around quickly, her talons ripping through the bodies of the Outriders who had now, calling out in fury, had started to head in T'Challa's direction.

The Outriders quickly fell to the ground only to be trampled by the next bunch who once again tried to attack Aquila as she only rose higher up, her eyes scanning the battlefield for those that needed desperate help.

She watched as Wanda Maximoff, her eyes blazing red, landed before the titan whose sword was following the figure of T'Challa as he headed towards Scott's van.

"You took everything from me," Wanda sneered.

"I don't even know who you are."

"You will."

Aquila was too caught up watching Wanda as she hadn't realized that she too was also caught up with T'Challa within a pile of rocks by Ebony Maw.

Fighting her way out, Aquila was about to head back towards where Wanda was holding Thanos in her powerful hold, when the sound of missiles exploded through the air instead.

Struck out of the sky, Aquila spiraled down before hitting the ground hard. She hadn't been hit thankfully, but the shock was more than enough for her to deal with at that particular moment.

"Aquila!" A voice called through the haze within Aquila's mind as her eyes flickered towards the left, only to see Quinn crouched by her side. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Aquila managed to get out, transforming back with a painful groan, pulling Quinn down with her as the missiles continued their rapid firing until the clearing suddenly got too quiet.

The missiles from the large ship had suddenly pointed towards the sky instead of the ground, rapidly firing into the clouds.

A grin spread across Aquila's face despite all the pain that she still felt within her body, they were most certainly going to win now.

A blur of colour streaked through the sky, flying through the ship and out the other side, the ship exploding on the impact. The same blur ran upward through the center of the ship before bursting out of the top, the remains of the exploding ship falling to the ground below, Carol Danvers flying elegantly above it all.


"Danvers, we could really use an assist here,"

Peter Parker and Bea Ross were both laying in a ditch in an attempt to get away from the missiles, as Carol Danvers landed near them to take the Gaunlet off their hands.

"Hi. I'm. . . Peter Parker."

"And. . .um. . I'm Bea Ross."

"Hey, Peter Parker, Bea Ross. You two got something for me?"

"I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that." Peter stated honestly, passing over the gauntlet.

"Don't worry," Wanda told the boy with a slight grin, her eyes lighting up red once again, Okoye joining her side.

"She's got help."

Aquila could only watch with a smile as the rest of the women joined them, forming a protective circle around Carol as she tucked the stones underneath her arm.

Aquila now transformed once again launched herself into the air, the team working together to slow the Leviathan that was rapidly approaching them.

Keira, Hope and Shuri all fired their blasters together towards Thanos, slowing him just enough that Carol was able to fly by.

Aquila watched with bated breath as Carol had nearly reached the tunnel to get the gauntlet to safety only for Thanos' sword to fly through the air beside her, reaching it moments before.

A blast of energy rocked the field as the van exploded, the second Quantum Tunnel Generator lost.

"Not again." Aquila groaned, quickly getting her breath back as she sprung back up, ready to continue the fight.

With both Tony and Thanos making a direct beeline towards the Gaunlet that had ended up on the ground, Aquila rapidly shot down, her outstretched talons almost knocking the Gaunlet out of the way before Thanos sent her flying back into a pile of debris the same thing he had done to Tony only moments earlier.

Thor flew forward, calling both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir to his hands, locking them around Thanos' head. Steve running forward to help him, his strength helping to keep the weapons in place.

Aquila recovered also flying forward as she did everything she could to help the two of them overcome the titan. They were attacking from all angles but nothing they could do could overpower him, one by one they were carelessly thrown like rag dolls off his body, Aquila sliding roughly into a piece of debris, her head bent at a strange angle, her vision slowly fading to black.

With the previous distraction gone, Thanos reached down grabbing the Gaunlet before starting to slid it onto his hand, Carol appearing from nowhere, fighting against the titan, managing to subdue him for a brief moment before she was also thrown back.

Power surged through Thanos' body as he lifted his hand up to snap once again, but Carol was too fast for him, leaping forward and taking a hold on the gauntlet with her two bare hands, refusing to let go.

Thanos tried to phase her, throwing his head forward which collided roughly with Carol's but she didn't much one fraction. Leaving him with one and only choice, Thanos grabbed the Power stone from the gauntlet, blasting Carol back with it as she too was also knocked unconscious.

Tony could only watch the scene unfold in front of him in complete despair, knowing just how close they were to losing everything again. His eyes soon trailed over towards Dr. Strange who only held up one finger in response.

And Tony already knew what he had to do.

Thanos placed the Power stone back into the Gaunlet, letting out a slight roar of pain as the power coursed through his veins.

Tony Stark ran forward, fighting the titan once more for the control of the Gaunlet. But it didn't take long for Thanos to send Tony flying back once again to where he had come from.

Aquila shook herself back into conscience only to watch Thanos look around at the fallen heroes, the fingers of the gauntlet nearly coming together.

"I am. . . inevitable." His fingers snapped together, but nothing happened.

Aquila's breath caught in her throat as her eyes flickered over towards where Tony Stark sat on his knees, his breaths coming out in pants, the trails of color from the Infinity Stones trailing up his arm. The power surged through his body, causing him to struggle slightly, before his eyes finally flickering around the team once last time before flickering back to the mad titan himself, Thanos.

"And I. . . am. . . Iron Man."

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