《Bird Set Free | Natasha Romanoff ✓》Chapter Forty-Four



Everyone charged forward towards the barrier, Aquila jumped up before transforming once again, flying forward with Rhodey and Sam.

The three of them had nearly made it to the barrier when a section of it opened, the alien dogs swarming through the small opening.

Then the real fight began.

Aquila's talons ripped in and out of the aliens, their blood coating her feathers. She didn't even have any moment to catch her breath as the stream of aliens was endless.

Despite their best efforts, there were simply too many of the aliens compared with them. Aquila watched as her teammates went down one by one overwhelmed with the huge amount of aliens.

Her distraction had costed her as a group of the aliens had jumped in order to pull her out of the sky. The breath was knocked out of Aquila as she hit the ground, the aliens swarming over her.

However, their attack didn't last long as they were quickly thrown off Aquila's body, by a large flying object. Aquila quickly sat up only to see a large rainbow beam in the middle of the battlefield cut out, revealing three figures.

A smirk spread across Aquila's face as she picked herself off the ground, Bruce letting out a triumphant shout from where he stood in the Hulkbuster suit.

"Ah-hahaha! You guys are so screwed now!"

"BRING ME THANOS!" Thor shouted, charging towards a large group of the aliens, lightning gathering around him before he took out a huge amount of the aliens at once.

"And just like that, we are back in the game," Keira said, shooting a grin to Aquila before the two women engaged in battle together.

"Don't get too excited yet," Bea said, pointing over to the treeline where a deep rumbling echoed through the air before huge moving mounds of earth appeared bypassing the force field before emerging out of the ground, baring their huge motorized spiked wheels menacingly.


"Yeah, that doesn't look too good." Quinn agreed before bracing herself.

"I've seen worse." Aquila joked as the four of them found themselves in the direct path of one of the motorized wheels.

Aquila looked over her left shoulder to see Natasha and Okoye in a similar situation with nowhere to go to. Aquila's eyes met Natasha, a smile falling over both their faces, their eyes widening when Wanda landed in front of where Natasha and Okoye stood, enveloping their foe in red before levitating it easily in the air, throwing them behind her towards another charging mob of aliens, narrowingly missing Aquila, Keira, Bea, and Quinn.

"Hey! Watch it!" Aquila teased.

"Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asked.

Aquila ran over towards Natasha and Okoye jumping over the large ditch created by Wanda.

"You all good?" Natasha asked, observing a cut across Aquila's forehead that she hadn't noticed until then.

"Yeah, this? This is nothing, I can barely feel it."

"Sure," Natasha replied, giving the women that she wanted to marry a skeptical look. "Hopefully it will heal soon though, we don't want the blood to stain a white dress."

Aquila grinned at the wink Natasha sent her but the realization quickly set in that they were still in the middle of a battle.

"Guys, we got a Vision situation here," Sam shouted over the comms urgently.

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve also shouted, doubling in the urgency.

"I got him!" Bruce shouted.

Aquila was about to offer her own assistance but was alerted by Wanda's sudden cry of pain.

"He'll die alone. As will you."

"She's not alone," Natasha said as Okoye brandished her spear, Aquila glaring at the child of Thanos.


A battle cry pierced through the air as the three of them leapt into the fight, alternating blows to their opponents.

But their opponent was still a very skilled fighter who took a chance the second they were distracted by a stray thresher tearing through the air overhead to attack again, throwing Okoye and Aquila to different sides of the ditch while pinning Natasha down.

"You're Uzumati?" Okoye asked Aquila.

"Yeah, how can you tell?" Aquila replied, unable to continue the conversation and the two of them joined the fight.

Aquila watched as their opponent pinned Natasha down again before taking a stab at her throat which Natasha barely managed to block.

"Yeah, I don't think so, you bitch," Aquila shouted, running to attack but was stopped by Wanda who used her powers to grab the alien before tossing her into the air into the path of one of the threshers. Her blood splattering down on to the woman.

"That was really gross."

"Everyone, on my position. We have incoming."

"What the hell?"

The wind picked up, the atmosphere felt strange. A huge portal rippled through the air as a large shape walked through.

"Cap," Bruce said urgently. "That's him."

"Eyes up. Stay sharp." Steve said, preparing his vibranium shields.

Aquila watched in horror as Bruce ran forward but was quickly buried in the stone of the cliff behind Thanos.

Both Steve and T'Challa tried running straight at Thanos before they were both sent flying. Sam was the next to fall, his wings failing him before he crashed into the ground.

Rhodey joined the fight, firing all his guns at Thanos but was also tossed aside, Bucky was next, running in his gun ablaze but was cast aside next Rhodey.

Keira and Bea ran towards Thanos, side by side but were quickly punched away with the power of the gauntlet.

Okoye threw her spear in Thanos' direction by it was stopped inches from Thanos, throwing her and the spear in the undergrowth, trapping Nat under bands of earth in the same movement.

Aquila transformed, flying straight towards Thanos, her talons outstretched to cut him right across the face but was quickly thrown backward, taking Quinn down with her, the two of them landing roughly.

The clearing fell silent, an eerie atmosphere settled over them all.

"What just happened?" Quinn asked.

"I don't know," Aquila replied, looking around in fear.

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