《Bird Set Free | Natasha Romanoff ✓》Chapter Thirty-Nine


Aquila ran beside Sam and Bucky, as a thump sounded on the window above them.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked.

"Everyone has a gimmick now." Sam said as the glass shattered raining down on them.

Spider-Man flew in through the window crashing into Sam, Bucky tried to send a punch at him but Spider-Man easily caught it.

"You have a metal arm," The boy exclaimed. "That's awesome, dude."

Sam flew into him, before continuing to soar down the terminal as the boy followed him.

"You gonna transform?" Bucky asked.

"Not yet," Aquila replied, before the two of them continued to sprint down the terminal.

"Hey, buddy. I think you lost this!" Spider Man said throwing something at Bucky, before continuing to fight Sam, sending him to the ground. "Those wings carbon fiber?"

"Is this stuff coming out of you?" Sam asked, ignoring his previous question.

"That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man."

"I don't know if you've been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talking," Sam said.

"Alright, sorry, my bad," Spider-Man replied, webbing Bucky and Sam down before Aquila made her presence known.

"So, Spider Boy, what brings you here?" Aquila asked.

"It's Spider-Man." The boy replied back irritated. "Holy shit! You're Talons, right?"

"Yes," Aquila said, smirking before transforming suddenly, her talons outstretched before she kicked him backward.

Spider-Man quickly recovered as Aquila hovered in the air, ready to go again.

"Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so I'm really sorry."

Redwing appeared out of nowhere but quickly pulled Spider Man through another glass pane, glass shards flying towards the ground.


"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked Sam.

"I hate you." Sam said. "A little help here would be appreciated!" He called out.

"Well, if you keep complaining, I'll leave you there," Aquila grumbled having transformed back, before going to set her teammates free.

The team had grouped together again and with the Quinjet now in sight, set out at yet another sprint towards it, but were completely stopped by a laser burning a line into the ground in front of them.

"Captain Rogers," Vision shouted out, warning. "I know you believe what you're doing is right. . . But for the collective good you must surrender now."

Tony, Natasha, and Keira flew over, quickly followed by Rhodes and T'Challa, with Spider-Man not too far behind.

Aquila made eye contact with Natasha for the first time in what felt like days. Natasha's eyes reflected regret as she also stared at Aquila. But there was nothing they could do about it now.

The two teams were lined up against each other. They were all treating the other side like the enemy.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked.

"We fight."

Aquila took a deep breath as Steve took a step forward, the whole team following his movements. The movement slowly increased from a walk to a jog to a run before finally a sprint.

As the other team got closer in her view, Aquila jumped into the air, transforming mid-air.

Everything seemed to freeze for a second, Aquila, Wanda and the flying members from the other team hovering in the air. But the second quickly passed and it didn't take long for Aquila to swoop down her target set.

She quickly found herself in combat with Keira, who considering her past as a S. H. I. E. L. D. agent was putting up a major fight.


"So, how's Bea?" Aquila managed to ask casually, despite the fight not stopping between herself and Keira.

"Oh, she's great, transferring to a new school soon, but she's loving life."

"Well, I'm glad," Aquila said before she became preoccupied as Tony shot blasts at her.

"Hey, guys, we gotta get moving. I don't think we can keep this up much longer." Aquila said.

"We gotta draw out the flyers. Aquila, you get Tony and Rhodes. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet."

"No!" Sam shouted over the comms in response to Steve. "You get to the jet."

"The rest of us aren't getting out of here." Aquila said.

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, soem of us might have to lose it." Clint replied.

"This isn't the real fight, Steve."

"Alright, Sam. What's the play?" Steve asked, still reluctant.

"We need a diversion, something big."

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long." Scott said over the comms. "On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half. . . don't come back for me."

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky asked.

"You're sure about this, Scott?" Steve clarified.

"I do it all the time. I mean once. . . in a lab. Then I passed out."

"Oh, god," Aquila said, landing gently behind a storage box, her eyes scanning the sky for Scott's signal.

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared in the sky, grabbing Rhodey by the leg.

"Got to give it to him, that's impressive," Aquila muttered, her eyes searching for another fight.

Clint eventually found her. "You alright?"

"Never better," Aquila replied, flying up into the air, before landing on his shoulder.

However, the two of them wouldn't be good for long, as the remaining members of Steve's team were quickly arrested.

Aquila didn't even get a chance to transform back before they had shoved her into a cage, that was too small to transform back anyway.

She watched as her teammates were forced to the floor, handcuffs wrapped tightly around their wrists.

Aquila only hoped that it had been worth it.

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