《Vexed ♡ S. ROGERS》15. Focus


The sun had came up, signaling that it was morning, and Vex was still up. She hadn't gone to sleep and didn't plan on sleeping for a while. Vex rolled her shoulders and stretched her body, letting the early morning rays of the sun hit her.

There was a knock on her door and she opened her eyes. "Come in," she said, her voice low.

"We're leaving in ten minutes," Clint announced. "So whether you're staying with us or going back to France, you have to be on that quinjet."

Vex nodded and gave him a small smile. "Thank you Clint," she said sincerely, standing up.

He shrugged and closed the door, running back to his room. Vex let out a soft sigh and went into the nearby bathroom.

She took a hot shower- her morning remedy instead of coffee- and stayed in there for a while. When she finally got out, she quickly put her underwear on, knowing she didn't have a lot of time left.

There was another knock on her door, harder than the last one, so she knew that it wasn't Clint. "Come on Hot Stuff, we're leaving!" Tony shouted.

"I'm coming!" Vex reassured him, sliding on her jeans. She threw on her high-heeled boots and almost forgot to put on her black sweater.

"Jesus!" Bruce exclaimed, jumping away from Vex as she burst through the door.

She grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Bruce, I was just trying to hurry up," she apologized, walking alongside him.

"It's alright, have you thought about joining us, or are you going back to France?" Bruce asked, looking over at her since they were the same height.

"Yes I have thought about it and I've decided that-" Vex grinned.

"Hey Hot Stuff! You ready to go to Africa with us or are you going to be a loser and go back home?" Tony questioned, sending her a look.

Vex rolled her eyes as she walked onto the quinjet, ignoring Bruce's laughs.

"I'm staying with you all," Vex said, sitting down in her spot and setting her bag down.


Steve smiled as he walked into the quinjet and Vex returned the favor. Her smile fell though when she felt something hard hit her back and laughter following.

"You will be a great addition to the team Lady Vex!" Thor grinned childishly, patting her back.

"She's not joining the team, she's just helping us retrieve the scepter," Natasha deadpanned, walking towards the front of the quinjet.

"Someone has a stick shoved up their ass!" Vex joked, leaning back in her seat comfortingly.

She felt something coming her way so she caught it, not even opening her eyes. Curious, she opened one eye as she inspected the object.

"What the fu-"

"It's your suit," Tony cut her off, a childish grin on his face as he watched her expression.

Vex eyed the suit. It was black but had purple lining, matching the color of her powers. "I like it, but I'm still wearing my sweater," she smiled.

"You and that damn sweater," Tony muttered, rolling his eyes as she passed him.

"Thanks Tony," Vex chuckled, closing the bathroom door. She quickly put on the suit and found that it fit perfectly, frowning. "That is kind of creepy."

Vex walked out of the bathroom after she had put on her shoes and smiled when she saw Steve. His smile dropped though and Vex frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked. He pointed to her outfit and she looked down at it, shrugging. "I don't unders-"

"You can't....pull it up a bit more?" He asked, swallowing hard.

"Nope!" Tony snickered, coming in between them. "That's how I designed it, I knew you'd like it Cap!" Tony patted Steve on the back and grinned wickedly, walking off.

Vex shook her head and looked at Steve. "Don't worry, I'm going to put my sweater on anyways, so you won't be able to see anything," she reassured him, smiling a bit.

Steve nodded and Vex made her way back over to her seat. She sat down and put on her black sweater, adjusting it until it felt comfortable.


"Barton, how many more hours until we get there?" Steve asked, taking a seat next to Vex.

"About two more hours," Clint replied, shrugging as if he weren't sure himself.

"Two hours?" Vex questioned in disbelief. "From New York to South Africa? How in the hell does that happen?"

"You won't believe how fast this thing goes," Steve laughed, noticing her expression. "It's quite nauseating to look at if you're on the outside."

"I bet," Vex mumbled, fixing her suit. "Would you mind going over the plan again, but try to be quick, we only have two hours."

Tony snorted and Bruce let out a small laugh; Thor not understanding her joke at all. Steve rolled his eyes but cleared his throat, all of the attention on him. "Natasha and Clint will sweep the upper deck and take out all of the guards. Thor and Tony, I need you to watch out from above; see if anything catches your eye."

"Oh something's caught my eye already," Tony smiled, winking in Vex's direction. Vex rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face, while Steve narrowed his eyes at Tony. "Is someone jealous because he's in looooovveee?"

Vex laughed, using her powers to make a light purple heart. Thor's laughter boomed throughout the entire quinjet and Steve grew even more irritated, his cheeks flaming. "Can you all be serious for a moment?" he snapped.

"It was a joke Steve, you don't have to be mad," Vex frowned, "we were just having fu-"

"We don't have time for fun," Steve hissed, cutting Vex off harshly.

Vex's eyes glowed slightly but before she could say anything, Natasha had unknowingly cut her off short. "Cap, we're here," she announced, her red locks moving as she quickly unbuckled her seatbelt.

Clint did the same as he joined the group, preparing himself. Natasha began to load her gun while Steve put his gloves and helmet on. Tony finished putting on his suit and Thor rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. Bruce just sat in a corner, his face void of all emotion as he watched everyone prepare.

"You are not bad...you are good," Vex mumbled to herself, "you are doing this to help people, not to hurt them." With her eyes closed, Vex did not see the looks that she was receiving from half of the team. She could, however, sense them, and opened one eye. They immediately stopped looking and went back to getting ready.

"We'll call you in, in case of a code green," Steve said, giving Bruce a small smile as he looked over at the curly-haired man. Bruce nodded and leaned back, closing his eyes and sighing softly to himself. Steve turned to face everyone, now in full captain-mode. "You already know the plan, be safe and don't try to do anything stupid...or anything Tony would do."

Everyone nodded, letting out small chuckles. "Alright, let's do this. Vex you stay with me," Steve ordered, walking off the quinjet along with everyone else.

"Are you sure?" Vex questioned sarcastically, fixing her earpiece in her ear so that it was on. "I wouldn't want to throw you off-guard by having fun."

"Ooooohhh, burn bitch," Tony snickered. "She got you so damn good Steve, I think you should just sit this one out."

"You better watch out Tony, Steve doesn't like that kind of language," Natasha joked, chuckling slightly.

"Just be quiet and focus," Steve snapped, narrowing his eyes in irritation. Vex could've sworn she saw his left eye twitch, but she opted on not saying anything about it.

"Yeah, focus on the fact that Vex just owned you ass!" Tony exclaimed, his laughter flowing through everyone's earpieces.

"Mr. Rogers?" Thor began innocently.

Steve sighed, running a hand over his face tiredly. "Yes Thor?"

"Are you in need of refreshment, because you were just burned!" Thor laughed, bending over as he clutched his sides.

"Very funny,' Steve muttered in annoyance.

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