《HELL NO!!! I'm Never Gonna Get Married To You!》Chapter 21


--- 21 ---


"Will you both cut it off already!? You're starting to freak me out!" Paul held his tongue out when I and Austin walked out in the drive way, hands around waist, kissing each other.

"Mind your own business!" Austin waved him off. I chuckled to see Paul's expression going from whacky to irritation.

It had been a week since Paul and Austin stopped fighting. I wasn't sure if they were back to being brothers or not but they didn't fought, just teased, taunted and every degree less than an actual fight!

"Only if you'll stop seducing your fiancée in front of me..." Paul looked down at his feet. His cheeks turning a little pink. I also felt my face burning.

"Get a grip Paul!" Austin's voice was a little harsh. He still suspected Paul could get me to his bed. He was just being a little too possessive.

"I'm not the one with temper here..." Paul answered calmly.

Austin slipped his arm off my waist and stepped to him. "If I've such a temper than you better watch your words and worry about your face!"

My heart sank for a moment. They're fighting again! Damn!

Paul raised his hand in defeat. "I don't wanna fight bro, 'cause I have no intention to say Sorry to you and be forced to hug You..." He chuckled a little and looked at me smirking, "...and get pushed in the pool Again!"

"Sorry!" I mumbled biting my lower lip.

"Anyways let's get going..." He quickly changed the mood.

"Where are you going?" Austin narrowed his eyes on him.

"To the movie. With you. Remember? The tickets? You asked me a favor if I could get the tickets and I said yes..."

"And who the hell said you were coming with us?"

"I just thought-"

"You thought wrong! It's a couple's night only." Austin started towards the car.

"Uh... so what am I suppose to do with these?" Paul fished out the tickets from his pocket.

"Find a chick for yourself and stop ruining my plans!" Austin hissed, hopping in the car. Paul stood there rolling his eyes on him. I felt so bad for him but I couldn't do anything. Things were finally working up between us.

I walked to the car with a pity look to Paul.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked.

"No she can't! We're getting late." Austin answered in my place.

"I didn't ask you." Paul was annoyed now.

"What is it?" I asked him. He gripped my wrist and started walking. I felt Austin's eye burning my back. "What's wrong?" I asked again as he let go me. We were far so Austin couldn't hear us.

"Nothing's wrong.. Just wanted to create a scene!" he smirked.

"Thanks a lot, I think my back just got burnt by Austin's stare!" I said sarcastically.

He chuckled and then looked at me seriously. "So have you told him yet?"

"Told him what?"

He crocked his eyebrow. "That he's knocked you up!"

"Oh that..." I looked down trying to hide my face because I was blushing. Austin blew up the horn twice. Paul shot him an angry look. "Not yet.." I mumbled biting my lip.

"Than what's your plan? Surprise him after its born?" his sarcastic tone was really funny but he was right. I have to tell him soon! "He'd be real pleased! 'Geez Andy... I didn't know you were pregnant all this time!' 'that's 'cause I was hiding it from you...' is this how you're planning to do it?"


"No! I'm not hiding!"

"You can't, even if you want to." He sighed, putting his hands on my shoulder. "Look princess, you were already a month when we got to know and it's been a week since we know it... you're gonna start showing soon!"

Austin blew up the horn again irritation hell outa Paul. "Shut up you freak!" he shouted.

I sighed. "I'll tell him Paul... really soon."

"Tell him Today! Alright?"

"Okay Grandpa!" I giggled. "Wish me luck..."

Paul leaned in, kissing my forehead. "This was to top off the sizzle in Austin's heart." we chuckled walking to the car.

As I hopped in, Paul hissed. "I don't know how you have fun with that jealous-dino?!"

"I heard that!" Austin shouted.

"Right at the target!" Paul smirked.

"I think you both really need a pool wash again!" I was annoyed by them now. All they do was fight and tease over and over! I don't know how they use to live before... if they can't stand each other now!

"Count me out; I think Jealous dino might enjoy the wash..."

Austin's fist curled as Paul chuckled. But before he could lose his temper, he sped out of the drive way.

"Relax Austin!" I shouted when we were at the road and he started gaining speed. "Slow down!" I shouted again, realizing I hadn't wore my seat belt.

He suddenly stopped the car at the side, turning to me. I thought he'd shout at me but he leaned to me. I thought at first he'd kiss me but he reached for my seat belt, buckling it in. he smirked slightly as he saw my cheeks growing red. His face was just so close and as far as I know Austin Blake never misses any opportunity to kiss a girl... but I was different... wasn't I?

"Breath..." he whispered seductively and smiled as I slowly released my breath I was holding. He slowly touched his hand on my cheek, slipping it in my hair. He brushed his fingers behind my ear making me dizzy. His smiled grew wider watching me like what he was doing. He quickly leaned in touching is lips on mine. Before I could enjoy it more he pulled back. "Stay away from Paul... you're mine..." though he whispered the words but they triggered right in my heart.

"What?!" a shock washed over me. Weren't we in between of something extremely....??? Where did Paul came from?!

Austin got back on his seat and started driving again. All I could do was to stare at him.

"What the hell is wrong with you Austin?!" I asked annoyed by his arrogance.

"What's wrong with me?" he replied carelessly.

"Are you seriously jealous of me and Paul?"

"Jealous? Me?! Phul-lease!" his tone annoyed me.

"Then why the hell are you trying to win me from him!?"

"I'm not trying to win you. You're already mine." his eyes were on the road and he continuously tapped his finger on the steering.

"Then look at me and tell me! That you're not some jealous freak trying win his own fiancée!"

"I'm not doing any of that..." he smirked.

"Urgh!!" he was so darn impossible! I threw myself back at my seat, folding my arms across my chest frustratingly. I felt like ripping his perfectly set dirty blond hair off his empty head.

He gained the speed driving some place I don't know. He'd cancelled the movie plan and now I had no idea where would we possibly go!


We didn't say a single word for the whole time. The only sound was of my heart beat. It was growing with every passing tree. I had no idea where Austin was driving to. I was just so mad at him to ask him anything but I was scared too. Would we ever find our way out?

My heart started pounding so hard against my chest that I thought it would rip out! There was no traffic around, just trees and a long never-ending-road. I think we were lost.

A few minutes later he parked the car in front of a hut-cum-house. I just stared at it with my eyes wide open in shock. It was just so beautiful.

"Save it for the interior babe..." Austin startled me. He was holding the door for me.

I got off, not looking at the house now. I really wanted to see it but I was pissed at Austin for being an asshole to Paul every time. I can't just let him torture me like this. He knows there's nothing between us but still he's jealous!

"Is something wrong?" Austin got in front of me.

I didn't answer.

He brought his hand under my chin, raising my face up. he looked me in my eye. "What's bothering you?" his tone wasn't worried or want-to-know-what's-really-bothering-you one. He knew exactly what was on my mind.

"Why are you such an ass to Paul!"

"Ass? I thought you said I was jealous..." he smirked.

"So you are?"

He inhaled a lot of air, putting his hands on my shoulder. "Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I be jealous if he gets to be so close to you and not me!?

"You are close..."

"Then why can't I feel it!?"

"Have you ever tried to feel why I and Paul are so close? Have you ever tried to talk to him and ask the reason why he left and came back as a totally different person that you can stand!?"

"'Cause it's something I can't talk to him about! Somehow I feel it's my-" he stopped abruptly. I could see the intensity in his eyes. He closed his eyes drinking away a bad memory. "Its really complicated..." he whispered and slowly opened his eyes looking in mine trying to tell me to let go. I had never seen him like this before. Ever!

He sighed. "Andy I know he left us for a girl and he came back because she ditched him because... It's not simple. Can we please not talk about this or him?"

I just stared at him dumb-founded. It was like he had the biggest secret ever that I don't have to know but I wanted to know and worst part was that it was a secret from Paul too.

"At least for now?" he crocked his eyebrow.

I nodded slightly. He sighed in relief and the deep piercing blue color of his eyes returned making me smile. He smiled back. "Phew..." his smile changed in a grin. "Paul's such a time waster!" he mumbled.

"He's not!" I punched his arm playfully.

"He's the reason we wasted fifteen minutes here discussing him and not checking this out..." he gestured towards the house. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

It was amazingly beautiful and the only one in the lane surrounded by trees and a faint smell of sea. The noise of the sea made me guess there was a sea view at the back.

"Where are- what is-" I tried to say something but couldn't find words.

Austin didn't say anything but slipped his arm around my waist and started to walk. With every step I took I had strange feelings evolving in me. We walked in and Austin turned on the lights. All I could do was grasping. A beautifully furnished beach house, glowing in honey color lights was in front of me. "It's so beautiful!" I whispered out of shock.

"It's ours..." Austin was just as breathless as I was.

At first I didn't got what he said but as I repeated his words in my head I felt dizzy. I turned my face to him. He was looking down at me with a wide smile.

My heart started racing fast again and the butterflies got really impatient making it impossible for me to react.

"I wasn't supposed to spill it but... Dad gifted us this. Well, he had to but thanks to my good-for-nothing brother for ruining our plan... I had to take you out so I brought you here... So you like it?"

"Absolutely!" I was still in shock but then I composed myself. "Were we gonna live here after we got..." I couldn't finish because I felt my face burning.

Austin chuckled, pulling me to him. "You haven't seen the best part..." he started walking towards the back side. He opened the glass doors and stepped out. I followed him. I was stunned to see the beach beautifully stretched before us. He slipped his hand in mine squeezing it.

We sat down on the sand, just staring at the sea and watching the sunset. I rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close. It was beautiful then ever!

"We could do this every day after we get mar- together." He said after the sun was totally gone. I could feel his body turning warmer and then hot. He felt shy saying 'Us getting married' just like I was.

I pulled myself back, looking at his face. He looked so damn gorgeous. His deep ocean blue eyes were so soft at the moment, I felt like I was melting in them.

Why does it happen? Always!? I never used to feel anything like this ever but now it's like I can't even resist them.

He slowly touched his hand on my cheek, brushing it lightly, leaning closer. "I'm not some jealous freak Andy... not trying to win you 'cause I already got you... but I'm afraid to lose you..."

"You won't lose me..." I whispered, taking his hand in mine, kissing it.

"I'm not serious about anything more than you..." he closed in so much that our face was just an inch away. I felt his mint breath as he whispered. He touched his lips to mine and like a wave of current passed through my whole body. His hand got deeper in my hair, as I curled my arms around his neck.

Before he could get in much deeper, he pulled back. "I don't know how... but I started falling for you... though it never meant to be this way but yet I did." He lightly touched his lips to mine again. "And I fell so badly it started hurting!" his whispered was kinda aggressive but sweet.

He pressed his lips tighter this time. I quickly gave him entrance to my mouth which he accepted with a moan. He twisted and tangled his tongue with mine, not breaking to take a breath.

I wanted to pull back and inhale a lot of air because I started to feel my lungs dry. I needed air. But Austin didn't let go. His hand was hard behind my head making it harder for me to pull back.

I wanted to break it and ask why he was being so aggressive. It was hurting but... pleasurable!

I unlocked my hand around his neck, bringing it down to his chest. I wanted to push him away but I couldn't because I felt his heartbeat. It was like I felt it for the first time. Very fast and rough. Just like mine was now. We both were out of our breaths... or was it the growing feel of needing each other?

I groaned lightly as I totally ran out of air. His hand got loose and he quickly pulled back, resting his forehead against mine, breathing hard.

I inhaled about a gallon of air to get my system run again. I tucked my fingers in Austin's shirt to get a grip of myself.

"It hurts so bad to even think of losing you now..." he said breathing wildly. I looked up in his eyes. "I lust you before but then you became my addiction and my need... but now you've became my life! And if a guy like me can fall in love with you so easily then anyone can... and I can't let that happen!"

His words were so hard to take in but they sounded so true.

"Andy. I. Can't. Let You. Go. Ever! You understand that?" he cupped his hands around my face.

I nodded childishly, taking his face in my hands too, still breathing hard.

"I vow it on my life..." he whispered.

Aggression in his eyes was getting deeper and I could clearly see the fear. Like a child afraid to lose his toy.

"Austin Blake, I Andy Carter vow to never let you Let me go!" my voice was shaky but I knew whatever I said was true. I don't ever want to lose him and the best way to keep him is to give myself to him... completely.

Although we both were breathing harder than ever, we managed to smile. Weirdly but from our hearts.

"Does this means we're married now?" I managed to say but in the tiniest voice ever.

"I wish..." he smiled and pressed his lips against mine.

This time it was somehow different than every time we'd kissed before. A strange kind of spark passed through me melting me, wanting to give away myself. This time Austin didn't have to push up to gain entrance because like it all was happening automatically.

Austin's hand slipped under me and he scooped me up, without breaking the kiss. He walked in and entered the bedroom. A few seconds later I felt soft bed under me and Austin half on me.

His hand on my waist slowly slipped in my shirt. The warm touch of his hand tickled me. I couldn't giggle because of the unbreakable kiss. I was hypnotized by his touch. It was like Austin was the only one left on this planet and I was the lucky one who got tied to him.

I didn't got to know when Austin took his shirt off and mine too. He was almost over me, not pressing against my body but close enough that I could feel the warmth of his blood under his bare skin.

I can't do this! I mean I want to..... but I can't! I shouldn't!

What the hell am I thinking!?

He's mine and I'm his life now...

But I can't just do it... like this now... Not Ever Now!

But I want him!

I Just Can't!

Just as Austin reached for my bra, I gripped his wrist from one of my hands and pushed him away a little to break the kiss.

He looked at me with a questionable expression. I stared in his eyes for a minute long until he started leaning again.

Tell Him God Damn it! Tell him he's gonna be a daddy!!

I brought my hand to his chest stopping him at his place.

I felt my body burning. Either I was blushing or reacting to the intensity of the situation.

His heart beat was a little faster than normal but mine was out of control. I could feel my heart beating in my fingers too.

Austin glanced over my forehead. "What's wrong?" I could feel the tiny sweat drops appearing on my forehead.

Just do it! I gulped in, gathering my gut.

"I'm pregnant!" I thought I wouldn't be able to locate my voice but it came out just as good as it normally is. So this wasn't so hard...

Only that it was.

"You're What!?" Austin's shocked voice took away my breath.

He wasn't expecting anything like this... why the hell would he!?

I lay still under him, staring in his unblinking eyes that suddenly lost the sparkle. It was like I was staring into a pair of beautiful blue stone.

A second later I realized Austin wasn't breathing too.

"Austin?" I hardly whispered. He didn't react. Just stayed still, unmoving, staring at me blankly.

My mind totally went numb.... Austin didn't plan for this... any time sooner!

His face suddenly got blurred as my eyes started to fill with tears. I felt a slight flipping nudge in my stomach, making my heart ache.

I was pregnant with Austin's baby and he doesn't wanna be a Daddy...

I bit my lip to stop the tears to flow but they leaked...

Why isn't Austin reacting? What am I gonna do???

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