《HELL NO!!! I'm Never Gonna Get Married To You!》Chapter 11




Ahem... I woke up to find Austin Blake in my bed again. Like Hell yeah!

"Austin?" I called his name quietly, stroking his arm. He was deep in his sleep. "Wake up sleepy head." Okay this was weird but I was feeling kinda happy to be with him right now. Austin really got me last night. Only if he'd told me what he said in the end of all of it before his stroke me hard.

It was hard, hurtful and such a pain but pleasurable that I just couldn't help myself but to take it more.

What could he have said? 'I love you?' or 'I love it?' wait! He doesn't love me... he can't. He only loves sex. And that's why I'm here with him. I'm his sex comforter.

Whoever I was for him, last night it had changed all for me. I hate to say this but I like doing it with Austin because he was master at what he does.

"Hmmm..." he turned around, curling his arm around me. His other hand reached out for my breast, stroking it again.

Yeah! I was so totally naked. And so was Austin. "You're naked..." he mumbled in sleepy voice. And then just as he trailed his hand behind my back, he woke up with wide eyes, sitting up on the bed.

I sat up too, wrapping the sheet around me. "You don't regret it, do you?" I asked. I swear if he regrets having sex with me, I'm gonna kick his ass out!

"I don't ever regret sex!" he smiled to himself. I wonder what was on his mind. Sometimes I really wish I had Edward Cullen's power to read minds because Austin was so unpredictable!

"What if you'd have runaway?" He smirked. So he does really regret it!

"Huh?!" I was taken aback by this. We weren't talking about my unsuccessful runaway. We were on sex topic!

"Really Andy! What the hell were you thinking?!" he raised his voice. "You know if you'd have runaway last night it would've been a disaster!"

"Not bigger than what followed after that!" I hissed.

"At least you enjoyed!"

"Like yeah! A lot!" actually I did. "It's just what you said..." shit! Why did I let it slip my mouth?!

He narrowed his eyes, concentrating on my face.

"You said you love...?? What?" I stared at his face which totally went blank, wondering if he'd tell me the truth. Austin first just looked at me, then chuckled and then laughed.

Was it that funny if he'd said he loved me?

"Wasn't it obvious Andy??" he laughed and looked at me... "...you didn't think I said I love..." he smirked at my expression.

I was shocked. I really thought he said he loved me, but I was wrong. Austin Blake can never love me... he just loves what he do to me!

"No! I... uh mean... grow up Austin! I never thought that!" I chuckled off my disappointment.

"Looks like miss maturity's mind need a reality check." he laughed.

Yeah right! Laugh your ass out. I was so dumb to even think he might actually end up liking me! He only lusts me and I'm falling for him.

He got out from the bed quickly pulling on his boxer and walked out of my room.


Shit! Why did I not tell her what I said?! I just quickly walked out from Andy's room. Last night I just didn't had sex with her, I actually made love with her!


Yea that's true. I really think I've started liking the girl but why didn't I tell her what I said last night when she asked?! I was actually expecting her to know what I've said but when she asked me, I was kinda relieved that she didn't know.

I made a deal to call off the weddings when things wouldn't be so wild but they don't seem to get in control even now. If she'd runaway, it would've been so easy to call everything off, but I didn't want it to end. Because for the first time I'm getting someone that has got more brain than Lana or Bianca and actually can compete with me.


But I was a coward! I couldn't admit I'm falling for her, yet I'm jealous of her with Lee. Maybe tomorrow... I'm gonna tell her. Only maybe!


I jerked Austin off my mind. He's nothing but a loser. I got off my bed, took a nice cold shower and changed into plain white tank top and black baggy pant.

Today's going to be a long day 'cause I'd be home all day! I got down to the dinning hall and found Austin, stuffing his breakfast and talking on phone.

"...I'll be there..." pause. Chuckle. "You know I'll be yours babe." He laughed. "You don't think I let go sexy just like that?" I rolled my eyes at him and sat opposite to him. The maid set breakfast before me and I started eating, ignoring Austin's ugly talk.

He was such an ass to think about spending a night out with other girl just a night before his engagement.

When he was done he stood up to leave.

"You're going to be going with me tonight. So be ready." Austin ordered before leaving the dinning hall.

"Like I'm gonna listen to you." I said sarcastically.

He turned around facing me. "Just for the record babe... unfortunately you will." He smiled darkly.

"I'm not your servant! Go with that slut you just talked to." I crossed my arms at my chest.

"Don't worry... I will be with her all night..." he whispered, leaned in a little and kissed me. It stings me the same way it had last night. Before I could push him away he pulled back and left.

Thankfully Doris called me to see the decorations for the party tomorrow. A chauffeur rode me to the Hotel in the limo. He opened the door for me and I got out, in front of the most expensive hotel. There was an arena on top of the building where Doris planned the whole engagement party.

A guy named Dennis Spark escorted me to the top where Doris was. He was her personal secretary. He was good looking and not much older than me. I wouldn't mind getting married to him instead to that jerk Austin!

We got out on a floor which had two just three rooms in all. "this will be your room tomorrow, to get ready." Dennis told me.

Hell I was getting engaged to the richest guy! Stubborn and arrogant!

We advanced up in a private elevator. The elevator's door opened to a huge hall. It was beautiful, with glass walls and triangular glass roof. It shone with the sunlight that sparkled gently on everything. I couldn't help but drool over the place. It was marvelous. The whole place was flooded with lights and silver ribbons. It was like I've entered a heaven.

I helped a little in decorations until Doris took me for a little shopping. We shopped and had lunch and again got back on shopping until it started getting dark. I hated shopping but there was no stopping for my mother-in-law!


She'd let me have a look at everything except for my dress which according to her ... "... I don't want you to not be excited tomorrow..." okay strange! So when she was inside telling what was still left, I wandered around outside.

"Andy? What are you doing here?" I turned around to find Lee standing behind me.

Lee! What's he doing here! "Lee..." I couldn't say more. He smiled at my confused expression.

"I really thought you hated shopping." He complimented, looking at the shopping bags I was carrying.

"I do. It's just... uh..." I can't even lie. My heart was racing too fast. My mother-in-law was in and she could come out any moment and Lee was out. What if she spills all out?!

"Andy I..." he slipped his hands in his pocket. "... I was thinking if we could grab dinner together maybe?" he asked a little shyly.

Shit! What could I say to him?

"I can't come right now..." Urgh! Why was it so damn hard!

"I'll drop you back id that's the problem..." his voice was hopeful.

"No! Uh... I mean.. you don't have to. I'm uh," I gulped in. "...I'm a little tired." I lied.

He smiled angelically. "Then maybe you should rest, because tomorrow you're coming with me to-"

"Tomorrow?" I panicked. "Where? I mean I can't tomorrow. I wont be able to.. it's not possible... I-" I was babbling.

"Andy... Andy!" I stopped. He put his hands on my shoulder. "Breath babe. It's not like I'd kill you if you won't come. It's okay."

I couldn't say anything. My heart was aching. Lee loved me so much that he'd never question me for anything. How would I ever tell him! But I have to...

My vision blurred because of the tears that were sitting on the edge just to flow right away. I wished he don't see it but I couldn't hide them.

"Lee... I wanna tell you something."

"I'm listening." He looked at me direct in the eyes. His soft baby blue eyes were full of concern. I couldn't blink away 'cause I feared if I did, the tears won't stop flowing.

"I... uh... I'm getting..." I couldn't get a gut to say it. I was spluttering.

Lee's fingers tightened at my shoulder. I can't do it! Every single memory of him and me came flooding in front of my eyes. The time he'd saved me from drowning. Our first kiss. Our first date... I cant break his heart.

I swapped around and ran away from him. He called out my name, running after me but stormed in the women toilet. My heart ached so bad, tears were flowing in a never ending stream. Why was it happening to me?! I wasn't this sensitive!

What the hell am I doing? Getting married to a guy I know is a player and doesn't love me back the way this guy did? I had a guy in my life who was everything to me and who was I ending up with?

I wiped my tears and washed my face. Lee would be gone confused about my attitude. I sneaked out and found Doris looking for me. We rode back home. She talked about how amazing everything would go tomorrow but I couldn't care about anything except for Lee.

I hate myself! My life sucks so bad! I'm too messed up. And now what? I was in love with a man and falling for another! My eyes filled up with tears thinking about Lee. How would I ever tell him how'd I end up in this. How would I ever tell him I'm getting engaged tomorrow!

I stormed in my room just as we got home. I locked the door behind and turned on the light and hopped on the bed until I saw Austin sitting on the sofa. "Austin... what are you doing now?" I asked tiredly. I didn't cared if he did any thing with me right now 'cause I was so numb I couldn't feel anything.

"You're out for so long..." I didn't know if it was a question or complain.

"I was shopping." He stood up. "With. Your. Mom!" I said through teeth. I was sure he thought I was out with Lee again.

"I know. Just get ready." Austin triggered.

"For what?"

"I told you I'm taking you out tonight." he grinned.

"Out where?"

"Don't you remember I had to go scew with the slut I talked to earlier today? You're coming with me." He smirked.

"I'm tired Austin. I don't wanna go." I dropped my head back on the pillow. He walked closer, gripping my wrist and pulled me off the bed.

"C'mon Andy. You're not jealous about me with her?"

"Never!" I hissed bitterly.

"Then get your ass in and change!" he pushed me in the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, and quickly took a shower and got out wrapping the towel around. Austin tossed a light blue knee high dress when I walked out.


I could sense something wasn't right with Andy. I've never seen her so upset. I wish I could ask what it was but she'd never tell me. I could let her stay at home but I thought it would be better if she comes with me. Maybe it could help her take her mind off thing that was bothering her.

Yea I know I sound so caring and not myself at all.

She sat silently all the way thinking about coco pop knows what! I pulled over at Jake's house and got off. Andy didn't even move. She seemed really distant. I knew she was thinking about Lee 'cause when she was taking the shower her phone ranged and it was Lee.

I was sure something had happened between them but what? I don't know. I didn't mean to sneak peak in her affairs but when she'd entered her room, I caught the glimpse of tear in her eyes and I knew something was wrong.

I would kill that bastard if he made her cry! I swear it.

I walked to her door opening it for her. "Let's go Andy." I called for her.

She looked at me with the same sad eyes. "I really don't wanna go it. I'll be fine here." She said in a low voice. I felt like hugging her pain away but I couldn't.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." I got her wrist and pulled her out of the car. She started walking without waiting for me. It was obvious she didn't want me. I caught up with her, slipping my hand in her hand to slow down her pace.


Austin slipped his and in mine, gripping it tightly. I wonder if he knew I was sad or not.

I wasn't thinking about Lee or Austin in particular. I only thought about myself and about the deep shit I was in.

Austin walked me in the house. It was bigger than I thought. The music was really loud and people were dancing and shaking their ass off. I thought I wouldn't like it at all but I felt good. It washed away all my emotions. Austin's fingers curled in mine like he won't ever let me go.

Does he feel anything for me? No he couldn't... or maybe he could. The way he's been acting got me thinking about it. What if Austin Blake started liking me? We'd end getting married for sure!

I was deep in my thoughts when suddenly Austin's hand slipped out from mine. I looked over at him and saw a girl all over him. She squeaked his name twice. She'd hugged him so tight; he had to grip the wall from letting him fall. She pulled back a little later, "I've waited for so long for you!" and kissed directly on his lips.

I turned around instantly not wanting to see what was coming next. What the hell was I thinking!? Austin and me? Never!

"Hey princess!" someone shout out to me. I looked up and saw Raven. He grinned at me.

"Hey..." I smiled. He leaned in giving me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed right away and he chuckled.

"So how are ya doin'?" he said loudly 'cause I couldn't hear him over the music.

"Not worst!" I rolled my eyes thinking about Austin. Urgh damn Andy! Get him off your mind!

"It's loud here..." he shouted again. "Let's go over there."

I wasn't even given a chance and he was already pulling me towards the bar. Music was everywhere but at least Austin wasn't.

He ordered for two beers. "I don't wanna drink." I told him.

"C'mon princess. It's not like you get to drink everyday!" he handed me the glass.

"I'm under age."

"You won't get in jail for this! Trust me." He said in his perfect French accent and smirked, sipping in.

I sipped in and a shrill went thought my whole body. I smiled to myself, taking in more because it felt really good. We talked about random things until his girlfriend withdrew him.

I sat there alone trying to spot Austin in the crowd. The DJ played my favorite song so I got up for the dance floor but half way to it I saw Austin in the corner, sitting on the sofa with that girl on his lap.

She leaned over him and trailed her finger up and down his chest. His fingers played with her long blond hair. Then she whispered something in his ear which made him smile and her lips landed on his. Austin's hand slipped deeply in her hair, pulling her in.

I felt my heart breaking, over my stupidity to think he'd ever like me. I ran back to the bar and ordered more drink. I drank all at once and took another.

"You know you shouldn't be drinking this much." I looked up at whoever said that, ad found myself staring in clear emerald green eyes. The glass slipped from my hand landing on the counter spilling a little drink out.

I blinked again for making sure what I was seeing is real. His face was so familiar but so different and gorgeous.

"You're not enjoying right? I've been watching you for quiet a time." he smiled sitting beside me. I just stared at his face.

"Is there something wrong?" he crocked his eyebrow.

"Um no. it's just..."

"You don't have to tell me. It's not like I'm beauty conscious." He laughed, making me laugh too. His dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes so unique. His face was gorgeous and for a second I totally forgot I was upset.

"Let me guess... you're upset." I rolled my eyes towards Austin's direction and he was still sucking in the girl's mouth. "It's a guy problem, right?"

I nodded.

"You're here with him and he's with someone else?"

"Do you know him?"

"No. just a wild guess."

"Sharp guess." I sipped in the drink.

"Just the thing I used to do..." he shook his head then smiled at me. "By the way, I'm-"

"No need." I cut him. "You don't have to tell me. It's not like we'll ever meet again."

"Fair enough." He smiled. I just couldn't help but look at him in the eye. And every time I did that, Austin's face came to my mind kissing that slut. And each time I drank. "What if we met again, somehow?"

"I don't think so. I'm dying." I repeated Austin's words which he'd used to tell me he was getting married. The guy was taken aback. "I mean, I'm getting engaged tomorrow to the most stubborn, arrogant and amazingly jealous guy... so my life is officially ending." I blurted out. "And can you believe he's here with some other girl!"

I don't know what was happening to me but I couldn't control myself. I was just going on and on. I was getting drunk!


I saw Andy sitting at the bar with some random guy, taking and laughing. She was just with Raven but he'd left. I knew she'd seen me with Veronica. I hated seeing her in pain but I could get Veronica off me. She was Jake's sister and we had a history together. Jake didn't had any problem with me either with her or not but she just didn't understood that.

I guess she really didn't know I was with someone else now. Veronica was kinda girl who'd get whatever she wants. And right now... she wanted me for sure.

Her lips were dancing on mine softly. I couldn't resist her. I pulled her to me sucking in deeply, closing my eyes. The moment I closed my eyes, Andy's face came in front of my eyes. The tears she had in her eyes and sadness that was all over her face.

What the hell was I doing here with Veronica when I'm supposed to be with her!? Shit Austin! You're such a bad-ass!

I pushed Veronica away standing up. I walked to the bar but Andy wasn't there. I looked around and found her oozing the stairs, going up with a guy. Was she getting a room? No she can't!

I started pacing towards them before they got up and get lost in the crowd but a hand got wrapped around me. "Where are you going?" Veronica whispered in my ear, placing kisses on my shoulder. "Let's get a room Austin." Her fingers trailed on my back.

"Not now Veronica." I tried to escape her but she hopped in front of me, cupping her hand around my face and kissed. Urgh damn it! Veronica let me go please! She pulled back, gripped my forearm with both her and pushed me towards the dance floor. I looked around for Andy, but she was already gone.


Her long golden brown hair flowed till her breast and her brown eyes often stared in mine. Her eyes were so light I could see through it. They were beautiful. She was beautiful. I'd been sitting with her for a long time and she talked and drank.

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