《HELL NO!!! I'm Never Gonna Get Married To You!》Chapter 7




Why the hell Austin is not stopping? I've already told him I don't want to be seen with him and now that we were nearing the school he was driving like he forgot to drop me before we enter.

Before I could say anything, Austin pulled over the car a little before the entrance gate.

"You wanna get out here?" he asked. So he remembered our little talk. I thought such a long silence had him thinking if maybe he was dumb or I was deaf!

"Um yeah." I picked up my bag and got out. "Thanks." I smiled to him before shutting the door at his face because maybe he didn't noticed but he was giving me a real look! Like an 'I want you really bad right now' look.

I quickly walked in, passed the green area and entered the school. I saw Collie and Seth making out in front of the girls room.

"Ew Col! Get a life!" I startled them. They broke apart and looked at me.

"Life's boring until we'd get a room tonight... what say Collie?" Seth joke, curling his arm around Collie's waist.

"Don't you guys ever get bored?"

"Did lil Andy have enough of it already w-" Seth stopped at whatever he was saying. He looked at my face, I crocked my brow because I knew what he was gonna say.

"Uh I'm just gonna go and... see Austin... uh... see you later babe, bye Andy." He spluttered and gave a peck on Collie's cheek and walked away.

"What is wrong with you?" Collie asked me, a little angrily. She won't say anything at all even if you tried to kill her... but interrupting her when she's half way around with Seth is like you've practically allowed her to ground you in hell.

And right now she was giving me an 'I'm gonna kill you for that' look.

"Relax Collie. You guys really need to drop this to just home before some heartbroken kid suicides!"

"That was the first time we were-"

"And how many first times have you had in 4 years?!" I was really irritated.

"what happened De? Tell me everything." Now she was talking my way.

"Details are worthless 'cause you and Seth have gone way ahead of us-" I stopped because I phrased it wrongly. There wasn't any 'US' right now. "I mean Austin is gets me every time to his bed and I can't do anything!" I sighed in frustration.

She giggled. "So you guys are working out huh? That's so great." She hugged me.

"Whoa wait! Great? What's great?" she pulled away. "great is that last night we made a deal that we'd just pretend until we figure out a way to get out of this and the next moment I know... I was in his bed with him on me!"

"Uh... you did what?!" she looked at me blankly.

"He was on me suc-"

"No. before that."


"Yeah deal... A real good job Andy!" She said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes on her. "You know you're stupid right?"

"Yeah! That's why I've got you." I smiled at her and she curled her arm around my shoulder.

We got in the class and settled in our places. I tried to block Austin totally out of my mind because I'd never want to ruin my quality time away from Austin!

I bet he was with Lana or some other slut making out like a hungry dog. I don't really care about what he does or who he'd be with. Only if he doesn't spill out the secret. I can't believe my parents dragged me to this! I mean marriage!


First off... marrying at an age you're suppose to be out in some club, dead drunk and having fun. But I'd be the only one in the world who'd be stuck with Austin!

Secondly... Austin Blake?!?! Uh c'mon! gimme a break! Who'd want to marry a total un-romantic crack head who's just a big time sex freak!?

Maybe I had drifted somewhere thinking about the worst end of my life, because when I got back to the present I realized that the class was already over and Collie had already slipped away with Seth.

I packed my things and headed for my next class. "Hey hotness! Won't you wait up for me?" I turned around to see who commented on me and found myself looking at Lee Breton.

"Lee?? Oh my god I can't believe it! You're back!" I squeaked and screamed and jumped at Lee to give him a bear hug. "Ah I've missed you so much!" I was saying.

"Yeah... it was quiet long..." he said smiling brightly.

"Ages Lee! What took you so long??"

"We've got plenty of time for that. We better get to the class." He turned me wrapping his arm around me. It felt so amazing I felt like never letting him go. "I've missed you too..." he whispered, smiling.

We got in the next class, hands in hand, sitting together... real close.

So here's the Lee's story. Lee Breton is the best guy ever. He was the school's all time Baseball champion and one of the best swimmers. He once saved me from drowning in the lake when we were on a school trip and from then on we were together. Later he taught me how to swim. He was genius and smart and way better than Austin. At least Lee wasn't a loser like him.

Austin might be a hot jock of the school and the Captain of his team but Lee was the gorgeous god and the champion of his game!

With his dark black hair and soft blue eyes that had flakes of silver in them and totally kissable lips and an innocent look, Lee Breton was an angel faced Demy-God.

Lee was my boyfriend and we went pretty well until he had to leave for the International Baseball Championship match 3 months ago. I thought 'US' thing between us was over when he went but now that he'd returned back, I felt like we still had something in between us.

The class flew away really fast. Lee and I got out for our third class. He had his arm around my waist when we walked in the corridor. He was telling me about his tour.

I had totally forgotten about Austin, until I saw him standing with his loser friends in the corridor. I tried to ignore him but I could feel his eyes burning my back.

Damn it! How am I going to deal with it? Lee and Austin? I didn't want to lose Lee but I couldn't get rid of Austin! Urgh! Why do Austin and I have to end up like this? How will I tell Lee??

"What're you thinking De?" Lee asked me, looking at my face with concern. We were in the class.

"Um nothing." I lied. I was in deep hell!!

"I'm so glad I'm back... with you.." he smiled angelic. Aw... this was the time I used to kiss him and right now I could feel myself being pulled to him. But I looked away quickly because I wouldn't ever be able to be with him until I'm with Austin!


I had to tell him before we really get along. I didn't care if Austin liked it or not because we'd never get married for sure.

We went to the cafeteria together in the lunch time. Lee had all of his friends with him but they left before I could slip out to talk to Austin about him because I thought I saw a hint of jealousy in his eyes when we passed him earlier.

"Andy... I was thinking uh... maybe if..." he trailed off, looking in my eyes. His soft blue eyes became deep and intense which was so beautiful that for a moment I thought I'd get drown in it. His eyes were nothing like Austin. Austin had electric blue eyes which had an intensity of getting me trapped in them.

Urgh! Why the hell am I thinking about Austin when I had Lee to worry about?!

I got startled when Lee slipped his hand around my waist sensitively. He nailed me against the wall nearing in. I breathed heavily. My heart starts pounding madly. I haven't had him for 3 months! I felt my hand curling around his back and a smile appeared on my lips.

"I wasn't able to forget you Andy... I hope we'd get along together again..." He whispered and leaned his face and kissed lightly on my cheek. A shiver ran down my spine. It felt nice.

"...I really want you Andy..." he breathed and his eyes dropped on my lips. I never wanted this to end. I wanted him too... badly!

The more I tried to feel some connection between us, the harder it got because there was some kind of disturbance. Like in bad networks when your cell phone doesn't catch signals right away. There was something between us!

Austin! Who else? I looked up to see if he was there looking at us or not. Just as I looked I saw Austin walking towards us. Why was he coming over here? I wondered but not until I noticed the look in his eyes.

Oh damn it! Austin had his fist curled in a ball. That's not a good sign! His eyes were burning in anger... he was closing in quickly.

He looked at me for an instant but then his eyes shifted to Lee who was really close to me now.

"NO!!" I shouted but before the word could even finish, Austin grabbed Lee from his shoulder and spun him around and his fist got intact with Lee's face making a nasty sound. In an instant Lee was on the floor. His face covered in blood.

"Are you crazy or something!!" I shouted at him. Austin breathed heavily and smiled evilly like he'd been in a big fight and won. "What the hell were you thinking?"

Now people started to gather around us and poor Lee was on floor coughing out blood. His friends gathered around him and people made sympathetic noises.

"What did you do that for?" Seth came from behind, clapping on Austin's back. He didn't sound sorry.

I was on the floor beside Lee, his head in my lap. Though a lot of blood was flowing out from his nose and mouth but it was hard to tell if I felt any pain for him. I mean I'm supposed to cry at this point because he's practically my boyfriend but.... I was emotionless. Strange.

I looked at Austin and he kept smiling down at me. "Get your retarded friend out Seth, before I rip his face off!" I said trying to sound angry but I failed. I bet no one else noticed it but Austin.

Seth pushed Austin out of the crowd dragging him out of the cafeteria. I helped Lee sit up against the wall. He winced in pain when I tried to wipe the blood.

"What the heck did he do that for?!" he winced again.

"Ignore him Lee. I'm so sorry about it..."

"Why are you sorry? I'm gonna see him after school." It was a bad idea.

"No! I mean... leave him. He's just a jerk." I tried to take his mind off it because I didn't want Lee to fight with Austin because I know he'd end up getting hurt.

"Does it hurt bad?" I asked stupidly.

"Not much, just feels like a truck had run over my nose crushing it in thousand pieces..." he joked.

I giggled at first but then I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" he held his nose wrapped with tissue papers and his eyes got teary by the pain.

"You are..." I laughed. Okay... this wasn't the truth exactly. Lee was pretty much in pain and it wasn't funny at all. What's funny was look on Austin's face when he was heading towards us and when he smiled after hurting Lee. It was the look of........ Jealousy.

The idea of Austin being jealous was kinda funny.

Collie came feeling really bad about Lee. They both were really good friends. She kept on saying she was sorry to Lee.

"How did this happen?" she asked me quietly. I just looked at her with an obvious expression. "Did he saw you both doing... I mean... didn't you know Austin was around?"

"No! He's seriously out of his mind." I whispered to her.

"Andy... did you tell Lee about him?"

"I don't have to. There's nothing between us. I mean you know the deal right-" I stopped 'cause the school doctor got their.

The doctor got Lee standing up with his support. I was on the other side. I guess Austin stroke him hard because he was stumbling pretty bad.

We got out of the cafeteria carrying Lee when I saw Austin leaning against the locker watching us like nothing had happened. He gave me a dark look. He'd noticed my arm around Lee. Lee gave him a 'you're dead' look which Austin returned with a smirk.

"Meet me out ASAP!" Austin ordered when I passed him and I ignored him.

While Lee got treated by the doctor I sat there with him. Not that I had to because I like it, but because I didn't wanted to show myself to Austin. I know Lee was getting a wrong signal about it that I liked him and all and it was true that I liked him... but just I didn't feel anything!

When doctor was done with Lee, we both walked out to the green area to sit under the bleachers as that was the place we loved to sit together. Lee asked me a few times why Austin did that and was I seeing him or something but I couldn't gather my pit to tell him.

I bunked the rest of my classes because I'd tell the doctor to make an excuse slip for me too. He was dumb!


I was leaning against the locker when I saw Andy coming out of the cafeteria with Lee on her side. She had her hand around him for support but it made me wanna kick his ass again.

Okay! Why the Hell am I being so possessive about her?!

I tried to look normal and smiled. Lee gave me a hard look when he saw me. I smiled at him and I bet he'd burned form inside.

"Meet me out ASAP!" I said to Andy when she passed me but she didn't reply. I stood there for a while when Mr. Garrison came up to me. He was the principal.

"Mr. Carlson. Follow me to my office." He ordered and I did just as he said.

"Sit." He ordered when we were in his office. He seated himself in front of me and cleared his throat.

"You know very well we don't allow such attitude in-"

"I'll be care full next time." I cut him short getting to the point. You'd think I'm arrogant but I'm seriously not. I was just in a bad mood.

"Are you on drugs Austin?" he asked quietly now.

"I'm nothing like my brother!" I spat.

"Relax Austin. It's just sometimes Blake worries about you a lot." Yea well... my dad and Garrison were friends.

"Do I care? I don't! Better tell him to stop wasting his time and hopes on me. It's never gonna work." Garrison knew that too. The marriage thing with Andy.

"I think I know why you did that Austin, but you've got to understand that this is a school and we don't want-"

"I told you I'd be careful now!" I stood up and rushed out of the office.

I had nothing good to do so I went to my class, thinking about how to get Andy not that I liked her but because I loved playing with girls.... The school got over pretty soon and I walked out to my car ignoring Lana 'cause I know she'd fool around.

I leaned against my car waiting for Andy when I saw her sitting with Lee under the bleachers. What the heck is she doing with him!? I felt my blood boiling under my skin but I tried to control it.

"Yo Austin!" Seth called out waving in front of me and I realized I was thinking too hard to notice him coming there. "What's wrong?" he asked again.

"Nothing." I said carelessly. I was wondering how to call Andy without hurting Lee.

"'Ey Col... get your friend. I've to leave." I said to Collie who was with Seth.

"Are you afraid of Lee? He's not gonna hurt you." she said.

"I'm afraid I'll do something to him." I told her and she quickly walked away. I saw her telling Andy something and she looked at me. Then stood up with Lee and she kissed him on his cheek. Damn it Andy! Cut it off!

Chill boy! She's just making you jealous. I told myself.

Andy and Collie walked towards us.

"Austin ma boi... I think you're fallin' for her..." Seth said whistling out his breath.

"Maybe..." I straighten myself. "...but its not the good way round...."

Andy reached us and without even looking at me, she got inside the car. I got in too and drove out leaving Seth and Collie thinking maybe we were gonna kill each other.


Austin didn't said the whole way and we drove down in silence. I knew he had something fishy going in his mind but what could it possibly be?

We reached his place and I got out quickly before Austin could say anything. I walked in and ran up to my room locking the door behind me.

I sat on the bed with frustration, thinking about why Austin did that? Was he really jealous? But from what?

I was deep in my thought went the door of my room opened.

"How did you do that?" I stood up, shocked on how did he opened a locked door so easily.

"In case you've forgotten... you're in my house." That was enough for me to know that I can't hide from Austin at least in his house. Austin walked in closing it behind him. Damn it! I felt a knot in my stomach.

He walked over looking at me. Just as he looked in my eyes, the scene of him punching Lee came in my mind making me angry. I felt my face burn with anger.

"Why did you do that!!" I shouted at him. "What the hell is your problem Austin!?"

"You! You are my problem! Lee is the problem!"

"Lee didn't do anything!" I know we were rolling in a fight.

"Yes he did!" he said with the venomous voice which made me back a little bit.

He closed in, cupping his hand around my face. "These cheeks he'd kissed..." he said softly. "...only I'm suppose to kiss it." His eyes transformed from intense to soft. "On these lips of yours... only I can stuck my eyes." He looked deep in my eyes. "And only I'm suppose to kiss them..." his gaze dropped on my lips.

A shiver ran down my spine as he lightly touched his finger on my lower lip. "Don't let Lee have what is mine..." he whispered closing in.

"But Lee is my boyfriend!" I protested in a small voice.

"And I'm your fiancée..." he touched his lips to mine. Soft and gentle. His fingers went deep inside my hair and my and automatically curled around his neck.

His lips moved around swiftly and I forced him to open his mouth. He parted his lips quickly and just as our tongues danced together his grip around me loosened.

I sucked on his lower lip one last time and pushed him away hard, slapping him right on his cheek.

"You and I are NEVER gonna work! You got it!? I'm never gonna marry a loser like you!" I shouted at his face, because at that time I got the hint that he might be falling for me...


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