《HELL NO!!! I'm Never Gonna Get Married To You!》Chapter 6




Damn to Austin! The hell I went for that!! He'd got me to his bed.... the way he'd wanted... the way he'd planned. I don't know why I always fall for that?

I'm really not a sex addict moron or a desperate guy magnet but I can't help myself when Austin kisses me. I always go for having more. Damn Andy! You need to hate this guy... really hate!

But right now I was hating myself like hell! I woke up just to find myself in Austin's bed almost naked. I looked around and Austin was nowhere to be found.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I hoped he wasn't in there. Like before. The sliding door was unlocked. I couldn't hear the running water but still to be on the safe side I quietly knocked on the translucent glass.

Not a sound. I slowly slide open the door, remembering last time when I accidentally opened the door and found Austin coming out of the shower, naked.

I chuckled at my thought and walked in. When I was done with my needs I walked in the shower and let the cold water run through my bare skin. After 15 minutes I got out and was about to wrap the towel around me when I saw myself looking at my nude image in the mirror.

The body curves... face shape... lips, neck hole... breast... all in a perfect shape! I smiled to myself thinking about how Austin carried himself around me.

I was tempting to him. No wonder he didn't refused to marry me because he was getting a hot sex satisfying chick!

"You don't to want get fucked up in here do you?" I got startled. Austin stood at the door, scanning me from top to bottom and smirked.

I quickly wrapped the towel around me and turned to him. He was in his bathing robe. His blonde hair was wet and dripped. He'd gone swimming. "Don't you ever get full of it?" I shrugged and walked past him.

"Not with you around..."

I fought the urge to turn and punch his good-for-nothing face. I felt the blood boiling in me. Actually I was angry at myself. First for getting forced to marry a total loser. Second for allowing him have me at night so easily and third for not able to do anything when he continues being a jerk with me. Last of all... he totally gets me turned on when ever he kissed me... like he was now.


I had been in the pool for about an hour now. Swimming aimlessly. It was a routine but today it felt weird. Weird because I had a hot girl lying in my bed asleep and I was down here. Swimming. I had a time with her last night, I couldn't say we really had had sex, but what ever it was... it got me up all night thinking about it.

Like never before... I was actually thinking about it. Her. Andy. Andy Carter. Soon to be Andy Blake Carlson. Daughter-in-law of my parents and wife of.... DAMN!

How can I possibly let anyone drag me to this hell? I don't give a damn to some family tradition... but I couldn't refuse when I got to know Andy would be my wife.

Why? I had no idea about it. But I know the fact that Andy was really smart and hot, and had a beautiful personality - by personality I mean she had beautiful body. A cute face and gorgeous eyes rightly fitting on the color of her skin...


Urgh! What the hell am I thinking? I'm not suppose to fall for her... we just made a deal. Just pretend! That's it.

I got out of the pool and put on my bathing robe. I walked up to my room and it was empty. Andy must have woken up. I walked to the bathroom and I could hear water running. I waited outside until after sometime it went off and I heard her stepping out.

She must have wrapped the towel around her and so thinking that danger of seeing her naked was over, I slid the door and stood dumbstruck when I saw her glaring at herself in the large mirror. Totally naked.

Her long golden brown straight hair dripped on her back, letting the tiny drops of water run down to her hips. She stared at herself in the mirror with her huge light brown eyes which were protected by her long lashes. She smiled at herself making her lips look temping, with water still on them in little drops. Her attractive, slim and well curved body was calling me to her so badly...

No! Not now! I know it was turning me on but I had to keep myself in senses. This is not the right time. I composed my face and leaned against the door lining.

"You don't to want get fucked up in here do you?" I said, startling her from priding herself.

Her face turned a cute red color and she quickly wrapped the towel around herself blocking my sight to she her nude body.

She looked at me "Don't you ever get full of it?" she shrugged and walked past me.

She had no idea how she had me going crazy in just two days. I brought her to my home just to make myself so full about her that I won't need her so I'd get over her. I wanted myself to make myself like her less and we can be apart easily, but the idea turned out to be the other way around. She tempted me every time I see her. And worst of all... I willingly send the house-keeping crew away on vacation... leaving us all alone!

"Not with you around..." it was true.

She stopped short and turned around to say something but I plunged on her before she could so anything. Ah! It felt amazingly good.


I had actually turned around to give him a piece of me but he threw his mouth at mine and started his special turn-on kiss.

His lips first sweetly sucked on my lower lip making me give it all to him. His hand starting curve around my neck, pulling me much much near. I tried not to put my hands around him but failed miserably. His kiss was strong and delicate at the same time.

He licked my lip to gain entrance and I obeyed his command. I couldn't stop myself to pull away but it was going way further and somehow I managed to bite his tongue when he was inside exploring my mouth.

He winced away. "What the hell was that?!" he mumbled with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. It made me laughed. "It's bleeding damn it!"

He rolled his tongue inside his mouth frantically. "Good! That was for what you did." I grinned. I felt so much better to see him in pain.

"What did I do?" He said like a toddler trying to speak. It made me laugh harder. He looked at me flame blazing in his eyes.


"Kissing me right now!"

"But that was a good-morning kiss! Don't you know every couple is supposed to do this every morning!?"

"For your information.. We are not a couple yet! And secondly... remember our little deal? We're just pretending babe... nothing is real." I said sweetly and smiled at him.


Urgh! This was hurting so freaking bad! She actually bit my tongue when I kissed her. It was going really fine and great and amazing, but out of nowhere she bit my tongue! She was really wild. She enjoyed and laughed to see me in pain.

When I asked her why she did that she said "Kissing me right now!"

"But that was a good-morning kiss! Don't you know every couple is supposed to do this every morning!?" great! I was speaking like tweedy bird!

"For your information.. we are not couple yet! And secondly... remember our little deal? We're just pretending babe... nothing is real." She smiled at me.

Deal! Damn I made it myself! I was really stupid... but now... I don't think I'm ever gonna let her go. She's way better to let her go just like that.

This won't be just pretending... but a real show. And she'll be mine.

I smiled to myself. This is the Austin Blake she didn't know of. Highly stubborn and determined on getting what he wants....


I expected him to burn with rage when I said that but instead he smiled. I had no idea what he was working in his mind but whatever it was... it wont be good.

I quickly walked out of the room and saw a few shopping bags scattered on the floor near the large stairs.

I remembered the whole scene from last night. I was actually so stupid to call Austin when he was the one kidnapping me. I gathered the shopping bags and walked towards my room - actually a store room which Austin gave me yesterday.

I opened the door and at first I was blinded by the sunlight coming from the window directly opposite to the door but when my eyes adjusted, my mouth dropped on the floor to see a beautiful room. It wasn't the one I left yesterday.

The bed was beautifully made and everything was in place. The dresser was full of cosmetics and curtains were neatly set. Everything was cleaned.

"You liked it?" Austin asked. He stood behind me. I didn't notice him coming because I was drooling over a beautiful room.

"It's lovely..." I said dreamily.

"I'm glad you liked it."

Realization hit me. Austin had done this. For me. For me? "You did this?"

He smiled. "Nah! I let the Home n Decor team handle this. I told them I'll pay only if you liked it."

I know he was lying about the last part but I was whelmed by it. "Thanks Austin." I smiled at him brightly. He deserved this at least.

"A hug would be awesome." He smirked.

"You got enough last night." He chuckled and I felt myself blushing. I quickly turned my face around.

"I'll wait for you down. We're already getting late for school." He told me and walked away.

School! Shit. I'd totally forgotten that! I was too busy to notice that Austin had already changed, and he really looked gorgeous.

I hurried in and walked to the closet to put the bags in but it was already full to fit anything else. I was shocked to see the clothes collection, because it was all really good. Not a single piece of the crap Austin bought for me yesterday.

I dropped the shopping bags on the floor and took out a jeans short and white button down fitted shirt without the neck and sleeves. To top it off I wore a ruffle neck mini jacket and pulled on the brown boots. I blow dried my hairs and let them run down.

I picked up my bag which I had brought back from my car when Austin had forcefully dragged me here.

I hurried down in the kitchen but Austin was already getting out of the house.

"Won't we have breakfast?" I asked him.

"No we-" he turned around and stopped. His mouth formed an O. He quickly composed himself and whistled out. "We'll grab something on the way." He smiled.

We both walked out. I went to my car which was just next to Austin's. My eyes caught up the worst thing it could. "Shit! Flat tyre?!" damn! Why did it have to happen right now?!?

Austin gave me a strange look. "Oops. You'll have to come with me." He smirked.

OMG! Did he..?? How could he!?! "How could You do this?!"

"Wasn't that hard..." he grinned.

I really really wanted to punch him. "You're such a loser!!" I shouted at him. "I'm never going with you."

"Do you have any other option?" he asked in a matter-of-fact tone. Yeah really what option did I have?

"I'll walk! But I'm never ever - do you get me - ever going with you!!" I turned to go but he grabbed my forearm.

"You ARE going with me!" he told me and started dragging me to his car.

"Austin please... I don't wanna go with you. Leave me. I'll stay home!" I pleaded but he lifted me up easily and settled me on the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt like I was a little kid. "I aint gonna run away Austin!"

"Too bad... there aint any running away from me." He smiled evilly. "I like wild cats like you and I'd like to carry them around... with me." He stroke my nose and shut the door.

Within no time he was seated next to me and we drove out on the main road. After a little drive he stopped at a mini-café on the corner of the road. He got out and went in. he came out after 5 minutes with two coffees and two sandwiches.

"Eat this." He put the sandwich box on my lap when I didn't take it. "I swear you won't want me to carry you home with the whole school watching if you fainted."

I looked at him and he was looking at me with concern in his eyes which he quickly changed. "I really don't mind carrying you around." He smirked.

I chuckled lightly. No doubt he was a loser but something about him always made me feel good about him. I started eating my sandwich and gulped in some coffee.

"Look Andy. It's not that I want you to be with me and I know you don't want to be seen with me without any good reason but if I'd let you drive that car; Dad would've became definite about getting us married. 'Cause he knows how to get a person to do things." Austin was saying this so quickly but I got what he said.

"Austin I'm sorry about shouting but you should know the reason..." I mumbled, pretty embarrassed about how I reacted.

"Yeah I think I know the reason." He smiled.

The rest way we drove silently. Actually Austin wasn't that bad. He understood me! I can't believe it. I felt really good with him but there were things because of which I didn't wanted to be with him in the school.

First he was the King of the School and I had a history of staying away from him since like forever. Secondly Lana would be a head case if she found out about us. Thirdly we were just pretending so telling all would do no good.

Last of all......... Austin Blake was a major loser. A real jerk-ass-loser.


"Look Andy. It's not that I want you to be with me and I know you don't want to be seen with me without any good reason but if I'd let you drive that car; Dad would've became definite about getting us married. 'Cause he knows how to get a person to do things." I told Andy part truth part lie.

Truth about the part where dad would make us get married but lie about the rest.

"Austin I'm sorry about shouting but you should know the reason..." she said in a small voice, turning little red.

"Yeah I think I know the reason." I smiled. I didn't know exactly what reasons she had in mind but it was better if she trusted me a little.

I didn't care if she drove alone, but I wanted her to come with me. I wanted her to stay be with me. And I really wanted her to be seen with me. I mean... someday we'll be together officially so why not let people know what the truth is!?

I'm gonna plan it all... if not now... then at the engagement party next week.

We drove to the school and I stopped the car a little away from the entrance gate.

"You wanna get out here?" I asked Andy as she wished she didn't want to be seen with me.

"Um yeah." She picked up her bag and got out. "Thanks." She smiled and started walking and moments later she disappeared in.

I drove in and parked the car in my spot. As I got out, I saw Lana Travis walking up to me. This bitch never leaves me alone! She thinks she's my GF but she's wrong! She's just another prey.

"Hey tiger. You look gorgeously stunning." She said cheesy, grinned and hugged me and started kissing on my cheek and then on the jaw line.

"You look good yourself babe." I said quickly to get her off.

She pulled away, making a sad face. "Just good?" Oh boy! Now she'd want me to notice everything she wore today and praise it. "You didn't saw my new shirt? It's got our initials tiger." For the last time Lana! Stop calling me tiger!! I was trying to tune her off but there was no stopping to her.

I looked at her shirt which had 'A + L' printed just on the boobs. "That's nice."

"Austin you know, I went....." she went on and on and on. Damn it! I wonder why I was irritated so much. Because Andy never went on like this!

"Yo Man! 'Supp?" Thankfully Seth came on time and rescued me from Lana.

"You owe me man. Maybe she doesn't notice it... but she was eating my brain out there!" we walked inside the school.

"But she's hot in bed...." Seth continued my sentence.

"I'm having second thoughts about that."

He looked at me with a 'what?' look. "You're saying you've got something better than her?"


"Damn it man! Is it Andy?" he stopped in front of me and looked at my face. No doubt Andy and I weren't exactly what we were meant to be but she was so hot last night. And that night at my party!

"Damn man you like her! Austin Blake likes Andy Carter! That's impossible... how could you man?! I mean you told me you just wanted to get over her and now-"

"Shut it off man! There aint anything like that. She's not like what you think." I shrugged off and went in the class. Andy and I didn't have most of our classed together but when ever I saw her, I always ended up thinking about her and last night.

The way her lips moved around my whole body especially when she kissed my six pack and stoke my-

Shit man! I don't have to think about her too much! Just stay away from her Austin. Remember... you made a deal and it's just pretending.

In third period I saw her with a guy named Lee Breton. That was okay, but the way he was leaning on her made me uncomfortable. I ignored it but in lunch time when I went in cafeteria with my brothers and their hot girlfriends, I saw Lee totally over Andy.

They were smiling and talking and laughing and Andy seemed to enjoy it. It was until I saw Lee leaning in and he kissed her cheek, and his eyes got struck on her lips. Was she okay with it?!? Because I wasn't!

I didn't have anything to do with it because she's got her own life... but seeing Lee closing in, I felt my blood boiling. My hand automatically formed into a fist and without even knowing myself... I was walking over to them. For a second I saw Andy's eye watching me. First she was just looking at me but then her eyes went huge and horror struck when she realized what I was going to do

"NO!!" she shouted. I don't know why but I ignored her and grabbed Lee's shoulder, turning him around to face me and the next second I know I'd punched his face hard enough that he landed on the floor throwing blood all over.


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