《Bound To Be》Belong


"What does that mean exactly?" I asked.

"Where are you staying at right now?" He asked.

"We rented a beach house." He nodded and asked, "Shall we go back in?"

I nodded and we quietly went back to our seats.

Once it was time to go to the cemetery Danny looked at me and gave me a sort of smirk. I didn't know if his intentions were good or not.

We followed the caravan to the cemetery. I still was able to avoid Abraham. We didn't bump into each other or make any sort of interaction. He still didn't know I was here. But I knew he'd find out soon, very soon.

There were a lot of people still as we arrived at the cemetery. It was a huge crowd around the casket. It made me happy that so many people cared and showed their respect for Ann. She was truly special.

As the priest was giving his blessings it all started coming to me. She's truly gone. I'll never see her again. I didn't get to say goodbye. The feeling of regret was spreading through my heart.

I started to cry. My sunglasses were covering my watery eyes. I guess that's why a lot of people wear sunglasses to funerals so they hide what's truly in their heart.

My Dad noticed me loosing it and put his arm around me. It was a welcome comfort.

Soon enough they started lowering her casket in the ground. I wasn't the only one crying at that point. You could hear sniffles and sobs all around. It was one of the saddest moments of my life. I hugged my Dad and he hugged me back.

Once it was lowered everyone got a rose from the basket they had, and threw one on top of the casket.


I couldn't do it. I just couldn't.

My Dad went up with Vanessa and they both threw one. I looked at them but I looked in another direction for a reason that I didn't know and seen Abraham look at my Dad with shocked, and I mean, shocked eyes.

My heart stopped. Fuck.

He started to look all around the crowd. His new 'wife' was looking at him like he was nuts. You could see her mouth 'what's wrong?', to him.

I hid behind a couple and it was working as he was still searching.

My Dad made it back to me and I looked one more time in Abraham's direction, he was following my Dad and he obviously noticed where he stopped.

They were covering the casket with dirt and everyone was wishing Ann's closest family members, their condolences. That included Abraham.

"Dad I think it's best we go." I said in his ear.

"Let me go get the car." I realized that we did park far and my feet were aching from the heels I was wearing. I nodded and he quickly went for the car. I started following him, making my departure not that obvious.

I didn't turn around to see if Abraham seen me or not. I just kept walking. But then my stupid self gave a quick glance back and he seen me.

He was giving people hugs but when he seen me he started making his way out of the crowd.

"Fuck." I whispered. I started to cry again.

I was trying to speed walk but my heels were telling me otherwise.

"Alicia!" I closed my eyes and stopped. It was him.

That was his voice.

You have to face reality sooner or later. "You must think I'm a coward." I said with tears running down my face.


I still didn't turn around to look at him.

"Will you please turn around?" He asked with sadness in his voice.

I slowly turned around. I took my glasses off and looked up at him.

He didn't say a word, just looked at me. He looked at Vanessa who was resting her head on my shoulder.

Reality dawned and in a nanosecond. I seen shocked and anger rise within him.

I started crying even harder. "Please don't be mad at me." I said.

His entire expression changed. He was calmer after I told him not to be mad at me.

He looked at me then her. His eyes rested on her face. She picked up her head and looked at him. I looked at his reaction in which his eyes lit up and tears formed.

"She's mine." He stated.

I sobbed and nodded.

My Dad drove up and quickly got off the car realizing what just occurred. He reached for Vanessa and was walking towards the car when he asked, "Do you want me to give you a minute?"

I nodded.

He took Vanessa to the car.

Abraham continued to look at me with tears just rolling down his cheeks.

"I don't know what you are thinking but I know anger must be somewhat presentable in your emotions. Just know I had every intention of letting you know. I should've let you know when I was pregnant but I didn't have the bravery or strength to do such thing. We didn't leave off on good terms and I wanted nothing to do with you. I waited thinking you would find me but you didn't. And then realizing I left with no trace or clue as to where I might be was the reason. But I could see you have moved on and want nothing to do with me. I don't blame you. I didn't want to ruin what you have moved on to." I was still sobbing. "Her name is Vanessa Jenkins. She's like you in so many ways. You guys are practically twins." A small smile formed on my face. "If you want her in your life I'm not gonna say no. And if you want me to have full custody then that's fine too." He still wasn't saying anything. I looked at him, giving him full eye contact. "Are you not gonna say anything!" I said frustrated. After another minute of silence I gave up. "Goodbye Abraham."

I started walking to the car wiping my face.

Before I reached the car he grabbed my elbow and tugged me towards him.

"You're not leaving. She's not leaving. You're both staying here, where you belong. With me."

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