《Bound To Be》Sleeping Buddy


"Hey....hey...time to get up." I was half asleep and of need of much more. I hate getting woken up.

"What..." I grumbled.

"We need to get up so we can go out to eat." I opened my eyes and seen Abraham rubbing his eyes and sitting at the edge of the bed.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning.

"6:00, I still need to tell my Grandmother that we are taking her out." He got up and left my room.

He didn't mention that his arms were wrapped around me. Good thing he woke up first. I'm not going to mention it. He probably hugs a pillow at night and thought I was his pillow. I am fluffy enough to be mistaken for a pillow.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a body bath. I still needed to retouch my makeup and hair. After I got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around myself and went to go close my door.

As I was about to I heard Abraham, "Hey."

"Yes." I covered myself with my door.

"We are going somewhere semi fancy so wear a dress or something. No jeans."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh damn I wanted to go in some jeans and a hoodie when we go out to dinner." I said sarcastically.

I closed the door on him and got dressed.

I decided to wear a long sleeve knee length dress with a grey sleeveless coat.

My makeup was all natural. I got my purse and made sure my wallet was in there.

I headed down the hall when I seen that Abraham's door was closed but you could see the light coming through it. He isn't ready yet. I decided I would go see if Ann was ready.

I went towards her room and seen she was sitting down at her vanity. She just finished tying her hair into a low bun. I swear she is the cutest. I knocked on her door.

"Hey Ann." I smiled when she turned around.

"Darling don't you look gorgeous."

I blushed. "Thank you. You are even more beautiful."

"Oh I know darling." I laughed and she laughed with me. "I just wish I knew how to put on makeup. I have it but don't use it."

"It would be an honor if I did your makeup Ann." I went towards her and noticed she had hazel eyes and beautiful long eyelashes. She must've been gorgeous when she was young. "I am going to do a natural look. Not too much. You are beautiful without it."

I applied some eyeshadow and put some mascara on her long eyelashes. I added a little of blush to her cheekbones for a little color. I ended it with a light lipstick. She looked absolutely gorgeous.


"There. Take a look." She turned towards her mirror and gasped.

"Oh my." She touched her cheek and smiled. "Thank you Alicia."

"I'm glad to do it. What are you wearing tonight?" I asked.

I noticed she was still in her robe. "I was just going to wear a navy blue dress. I saved it for a special occasion. You know Abe never wants to go out to dinner with me usually. He is always out with his friends. Ah he is growing up I guess." She went in her closest to change.

Never goes out with his Grandmother?

Ann came out and she looked beautiful. "That dress is super cute."

"You think." She went towards her mirror and twirled around in the dress.

"I know."

"Grandmother you rea..." Abraham stopped at the doorway. He looked at me than his grandmother.

"Oh Abe you look so handsome." Ann said. He did look good.

He was wearing a black button down with a black blazer and some black jeans. I love black.

"Thanks Grandmother." He kissed her cheek. "Shall we go."

"Oh yes." He walked out with his arm interlocked with Ann's. How cute. I was following behind.

I checked my phone and I seen I had an e-mail from my father. The subject said:

The Army is Tough But It's Not As Tough As Not Seeing You

I smiled when I read it.

"Who is it?" I heard Abraham sneer.

"My Father if you must know." I noticed Ann was already in the passenger's seat. They were waiting for me. I put my phone in my purse.

"Oh." He opened the door for me and I got in.

I immediately took my phone back out once we were on the road. I read my Dad's e-mail. He is still his usual dainty self. His email made me smile. I miss him.

I looked up and seen Abraham was looking at me through the rearview mirror. He quickly looked away when he seen he got caught. I put my phone away and looked out the window. The sun was almost done setting. It was turning dark.

Twenty minutes later we pulled up to a restaurant. It was mighty classy. You know it's fancy when valet comes and gets your car.

We walked in and were immediately sat down. Even though it's Friday they weren't that busy.

I looked at the menu and was wondering what exactly to get. I love meat and hate seafood. So steak it is.

"Oh Alicia this is one of my favorite restaurants. Their pork tenderloin is to die for."

"I'm a meat kinda girl. I'm getting just the steak."


"Your father loved meat too. I know where you get it from." I smiled. I wonder how good she knows my father. I will ask her but not now. "Abe what are you getting?" Ann asked Abraham.

"The cod." Fish. Bleh.

"Sounds good."

The waiter came up to us and asked for our drinks and food.

I felt like drinking tonight so I got a glass of red wine and the steak plate.

"The red wine we have here is immaculate." The waiter told me.

"Can't wait to have a glass than." He smiled at me and walked away.

"Mmmm. Alicia did you see the way he was looking at you."

"Uh. No." What way?

"Oh sweetheart he was definitely giving you the look. Just watch when he comes back right now."

"Oh Ann you're embarrassing me." I blushed.

The waiter came back with the bottle of wine and I tried not to look at him but Ann nudged my foot from under the table. I looked up and met his eyes. They were dark blue. Oh my.

"Oh shoot! My drink fell all over." Abraham said getting up quickly wiping himself off even though I noticed there was nothing on him.

The waiter quickly grabbed the rag and started to clean up.

"I'll bring you another drink Sir." The waiter quickly went. Something tells me Abraham did that on purpose.

The waiter brought out Abraham's drink and our food soon after. The steak was divine.

We continued to talk about little things and the topic of fourth of July came up. It is tomorrow.

"I have everything set up. The BBQ starts at 6:00 and the firework show starts at 8:00. Well that's what the city said."

"Fireworks aren't allowed in Malibu?" I asked.

"No they are not. Something about air pollution near the beach. But the city has a show every year. It is quite wonderful. So Abraham inviting some of your friends?"

"Yeah you know the usual."

"The wolf pack." Ann said. I laughed.


"You mind if I tell a friend to come?" I asked Ann.

"What friend?" Abraham asked.

"Of course dear. Wow you made friends already in this short amount of time."

"Yeah I'll ask him tomorrow morning if he wants to come." I am going to be his regular.

"Who is he?" Abraham asked.

"A friend." I said annoyed.

"Oh Abe leave the girl alone." Ann chuckled. Yeaaahhh.

Abraham sat back and let the subject go.

We finished eating and I wanted to pay but Abraham insisted again.

We got in the car and I was stuffed. I just wanted to go home and sleep.

We pulled up to the mansion and I said goodnight to Ann and went on my way.

I went to my room and decided before I went to bed that I would go for a walk in the morning and get my banana berry smoothie from the juice bar. That way when I get there I can invite Daniel.

I took off my makeup and got ready for bed. I just wore one of my Dad's big t-shirts and hopped into bed. I set my alarm for 8:00 a.m and fell asleep.


I felt shaking and shaking. Oh god what now am I sleeping so good. I grumbled.

"Alicia." I heard the whisper of Abraham. "Alicia."

"What?" I still had my eyes closed.

"I can't sleep."

"Okay. Count sheep."

"You know when I can't sleep I come here and sleep."

"You know you should've switched mattresses before I moved in."

"I didn't know you were moving in."

"Oh yeah I forgot."

"Can I sleep with you?"

"You sound like such a child." I giggled.

"Whatever. Move over." I moved to one side and felt him get under the blankets.

"Stay on your side I only have my underwear as my bottoms."

"Mmmmhhhmm." He was already knocking out.

I shoved my face in my pillow and cuddled up. This is the only way I can sleep with my stomach down ass up.

After about twenty minutes of trying to fall asleep I just couldn't. I seen Abraham sound asleep. He snores so softly.

I got up and headed to my balcony to get some air. I opened the sliding glass door and stepped out. It was a cool ocean breeze. I could hear the crashing of the waves from here. Very peaceful.

After I got a little cold. I went back to bed. Abraham was closer to my side than his. Great. I pushed him a little and thankfully he moved.

I went under the covers to get warm. I was shivering a little.

Abraham moved a little and woke up.

"Cold?" He asked in a deep sleepy voice.

"Just a little." I admitted.

"Come here." He pulled me closer towards him and wrapped his arms around me and soon enough his legs.

He is super warm. A body heater.

I snuggled closer and found my comfort zone. I fell asleep with my sleeping buddy wrapped around me.

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