《Harry Potter X Reader {1}》~11 - Mirror, Mirror~


Dear Mr and Mrs Weasley,

My name is Y/N Amethyst, and I'm writing to you to thank you so very much for the gift you made for me, it made my Christmas absolutely wonderful, especially seeing as this one was my first without my own mother, and as my guardian wasn't able to make it for Christmas this year, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me feel as though, no matter what's happened, I was still a part of a family.

I know Harry is just as pleased with his gift as I am mine, and he appreciates it just as deeply.

Thank you again, and I hope your Christmas in Romania has been wonderful.

Best wishes and kindest regards,

Y/N Evangeline Amethyst.

This after noon just after dinner, I'm still sat in the Great Hall with Thestral sitting at my side peeling the meat from a turkey leg while I write two letters to both the Weasleys, who've made me feel welcome without even knowing me, and Connie and her family.

Dear Gran Evans,

How is Mabel and the rest of her family? I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, and tell you that I absolutely love the gift you sent me. I'm surprised you remembered I played the violin as it's been so long, and since outgrowing my first one, I cannot thank you enough for the one you've gifted me.

Please tell Mabel, Markus, and their daughter that I hope they are well, and that I hope their Christmases have been as wonderful as my own. I can't wait to see you again over the summer, and I'm missing you dearly.

Love and best wishes,

Little love ~ Y/N

PS. I had the chance to play Silent Night for my friends this morning, and it made me think of you and mum.


Right now I'm sitting in the Common Room by myself. All the Weasleys, and Harry, went off to bed a little while ago, but no matter how tired I'm truly feeling, I can't seem to want to go to sleep, so instead, I'm sat here by the fire and thinking, staring towards the mysterious gift without a name I received this morning.

Sat in front of me is a cup of tea one of the house elves graciously made me, and a couple of cookies sitting atop a partially-crumpled napkin. 'Tea is to be enjoyed with cookies, Miss,' the elf had told me, and I beamed to her.

I'm broken from my trance on my pendant as I hear something begin knocked into from near the entrance, and upon not finding anyone when I turn my head, I find there to be only one explanation.

"Where are you going, Harry?"

The invisibility cloak suddenly swoops form the boy to reveal him in a state of utter perplexity.

"How'd you know?"

"I don't see anyone else in the castle with a cloak like yours. Where are you going?"

He hesitates for a moment before moving closer and sitting next to me, his gifted cloak on his lap, clutched in his hands.

"I'm going to the library – the Restricted Section – to try and find Nicolas Flamel," he explains softly, almost nervously as if I'm going to scold him for wanting to do so.

"Oh, so now you want to do your research," I sigh as I place my book down, tuck my pendant away, and stand. "Alright – I'm ready, so lets go now before someone else comes down looking for you."


"What? You can't come, Y/N," he whispers loudly.

"Why on earth not?"

"Because if we're caught, you'll get in trouble!"

"Yes, Harry, I gathered that, actually, but as far as I've calculated thus far this year, I'm much more trouble-prone than yourself, and so should it not be I warning you about such?" I counter placing most balled fists against my hips.

"You don't get in that much trouble," he sighs shaking his head.

"Actually..." I trail off thinking about getting caught that one time with the twins, and all of the detentions I've collected through sticking up for myself around Snape. "Never mind. I'm coming with you, or neither of us are going... Unless – I suppose you... Oh, I'm sorry. You must want to go alone or you would have woken Ron, right? You wanted to try it out for the first time by yourself?"

"Actually – you got that pretty spot on..."

"Look, I don't feel good about letting you go alone... I'm still going to come with you, though I'll come under a charm."

"A charm?"

"Yes, the disillusionment charm, I learnt it from a visiting friend of the family from the Amazon."

"You – the Amazon – that – I've never even heard of that charm. What's it do?"

"Well, it doesn't make me invisible, but as close to it as I can get. You're familiar with chameleons, yes? It's a lot like that. I'll simply be blending in with the background. Watch."

I move towards the fireplace and stand before it, before casting the charm over myself and watching as Harry's eyes go wide. He's obviously trying to see my form through the illusion I've cast, as his eyes are flickering here, there, and everywhere in confusion and humour, as well as the slightest bit of awe.

"Are you sure you aren't invisible," he says after a few more moments.

Unbeknown to Harry, I've crept around him since casting, and am now stood behind him.

"Quite," I whisper in his ear, and the poor boy jumps a foot.

"Y/N!" he gasps in shock, and I have to cover my mouth to stop my laughing.

I cast a counter to relieve the charm, and Harry can finally see me again.

"Okay," he gives in with a chuckle. "Let's go then."

I recast, and Harry slips beneath the silken cloak, and together we move through the portrait and out into the castle, the late night dimming the corridors just as it had all those months ago when we'd left then, too, with the promise of a duel from Draco Malfoy, though tonight is not for petty fights, it's for research on someone who's going to prove quite important, I'm sure.

It doesn't take us long to reach the library, even though we'd both have to stop every now and again to recall where the other's walking, as we've been here much longer now since the last time we wandered during the night. Not to mention my trips to the library are a daily occurrence, and as I frequent the room a lot, I even managed to take us through a few swift shortcuts on our way here.

This, obviously, is my first time in the Restricted Section, and so of course, my imagination wanders when glancing over the different spines written in different languages, or even with nothing written upon them at all. It's all fascinating, wondering what's written within them.

Harry and I walk through the rows looking over the differentiating spines and their respective colours and languages, some of them even appearing to whisper as if they understand that there are people within the section whom shouldn't be. Harry seems to decide on one book in particular, and places his lamp down on the floor by our feet to look at it.


This book, from face value, looks nothing special in comparison to the rest of the books, all of which looking similar, but it's within the pages that we find the difference to be found. As soon as Harry opens the book, a bloody-curdling shriek erupts from the pages where a face is seemingly protruding the paper. Harry and I both jump a foot, the former of us stumbling backwards and kicking over the lamp, causing it to break and for the hall to fall dark once again. Harry slammed to volume shut, but the screaming continued and after shoving it back on the shelf, we hear footsteps marching upon us.

"Harry, cloak!" I whisper-shout at the boy with wide eyes behind circular spectacles.

He re-robes, and I ensure my charm is still working, and then we both make a break for it, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. There's only one person who would be roaming the corridors this time of night, not including ourselves, and that person is Filch. And I'll be damned if I want him catching us up after hours, let alone within the library's Restricted Section.

We both come to a sudden halt at a tall suit of armour, or more, I think we both do, as whilst running, we hadn't paid attention to where we were going, and now, in the dark, the place we've wound up in seems foreign.

"Harry, do you-"

"Shh!" Harry quietly shushes me, and I shut up instantly, a voice protruding the silence and sending shivers down my spine.

Of course as well as Filch and his rutty Mrs Norris, Snape would be roaming the corridors as well. By the sounds of it, someone is with him, and so we stop to listen, creeping closer, within our disguises, to get a better idea as to what's unfolding.

"You asked me to come directly to you, Professor, if anyone was wondering around at night, and somebody's been in the library – Restricted Section," Filch happily recalls to the dreaded, greasy-headed, long-nosed, mauled-legged man.

"The Restricted Section? Well, they can't be far, we'll catch them," Snape replies in his usual, low, drawled, oily voice.

I take a hold of Harry's sleeve, where he's slightly poking from the cloak, and pull him gently backwards until we're passing through a door that was left ajar, and once we're through, I quickly dis-charm myself and close and lock it behind us.

"Great, now Filch and Snape are on our case," I complain quietly as Harry takes off the cloak once again. "With any luck we won't face the death penalty for being caught."

I expect a reply from Harry, but once I receive none, I turn to find him facing what appears to be an unused classroom, the silhouettes of upturned chairs and long-forgotten desks lingering within the inky, greying darkness, and a large mirror, which looks very out of place among the rest of everything else.

I soon find myself being drawn to the spectacle, my eyes following the detailed, ornate frame of golden-swooping, it's two, gold, claw feet, and the rest of it, of which reaches all the way to the ceiling, being a crystal-clean, glass mirror.

"Wow..." I breathe upon stepping closer to it. "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi."

"Do you know what it means?" Harry's voice finally sounds as he, too, is stepping closer.

"Unfortunately, no... I don't recognise the dialect."

Harry's eyes widen as he finally comes to rest in front of it, his gaze fixed to the mirror, and yet bouncing around it's surface as if he's seeing something else alongside him that isn't really there. I furrow my brow as I watch him creep even closer.

"Harry?" I wonder allowed, though I don't catch his attention. It's all glue to the mirror in front of him, and for a moment I let myself worry that it has some sort of terrible effect on the one looking into it and I worry for Harry, until he speaks again.

"Mum?" he whispers. "Dad?"

He moves ever closer and presses his hands up against the glass, and I'm stunned into silence. James and Lilly Potter? He can see his parents in there? How can that be? Is it charmed to show your loved ones no matter where they are?

"I'll come back," he suddenly says, breaking me from my thoughts, and I don't even have enough time to question him before he's back out the door and taking off.

I should follow him, but my curiosity's piqued, and now I find myself wanting to gaze into the mirror as well. Harry saw his parents, it seems, so will I see mine? Will I see dad? Will I finally be able to put an actual face to cut-short stories and the colours Ash Grey and Sacramento Green? Will mum be stood there as well?

I take the place in which Harry was standing just moments ago, with my eyes downcast to the floor, and then after finding the courage, I look up to see what I thought I'd never see again.

"Mum..." I breath out, tears jumping to my eyes instantly.

It is my mother, but not as I last remember her. My mother and I parted ways while she was at her worst. The shell of the woman she once was. The scared, paranoid, and jittery lady who spent months stowed away in her room before she... before she passed.

Her eyes are bright now, and shinning their familiar yet far off Lavender-Lilac, and her lips are no longer chapped and scared but plush-pink and smiling happily at me, he hand on my shoulder. It seems so real... I can almost feel her here with me, but I know it isn't, because... well...

Her skin's no longer sickly-pale, but full of life and energy and love, all the things she once was before she was taken away, only to come home someone else entirely...

The Cruciatus Curse has been known to turn people mad... but seeing the aftermath first hand? It's not something you ever want to experience.

I let my eyes wander from my mum to a few of the other people standing there.

There's Harry, Ron, Hermione, the twins, Connie and her family, and a few other people I've come to be friends with, all people, I suddenly realise, I would do just about anything for. They all look extremely happy, and healthy, and as if they've never been touched by bad in their entire lives, and just the image, real or not, brings more tears of joy and confusion to my eyes.

There's one other person stood there, too. One other person stood alongside my mum. A man who's tall, and dark, with no facial features bar his grey eyes and green scarf. This, I understand, must be my father.

I look into his eyes, and I catch the stare of regret and longing, and for a moment I wish that this wasn't a figment of my desires, as I've come to realise it must be, and actually a depiction of all of their true states.

I wish for my friends to live long, happy, and healthy lives. I wish that for my caretaker as well. I wish for my mother to be back here with me and staring down as the woman she once was and not the woman she was turned into... and I wish my father felt regret and longing for me and leaving us... but this isn't real. Rationally, it can't be.

Suddenly, Harry bursts back into the room with a half-asleep Ron hot on his heals, and I understand why he took off so quickly and without explanation.

"It's here – just here – yes! See? Y/N's here, too!" Harry's voice sounds, and I turn from the sight within the mirror.

Harry drops the cloak after they've both made it in, and I step aside as he quickly marches back towards the mirror and instructs Ron to follow him. Ron comes and stands by me as we watch the boy marvel at whatever the mirror is now reflecting to him.

"See?" he whispers faintly, not tearing his gaze from the people before him.

"I can't see anything," Ron replies, and I smile sadly.

I'm not sure I want to tell him yet... he seems much too happy with seeing them. I just can't find it within myself to break that happiness with rationalised thoughts, and sour outcomes.

"Look! Look at them all... there are loads of them..." He must be seeing his entire family.

"I can only see you," Ron points out.

"Look at it properly, go on, stand where I am."

Harry moves from his place and Ron slowly takes it. His eyes widen upon seeing what's being reflected to him, and I smile wondering what his desires within the mirror hold.

"Look at me!" he suddenly exclaims.

"Can you see all your family standing around you?"

"No – I'm alone – but I'm different- I look older – and I'm Head Boy! I am – I'm wearing the badge like Bill used to – and I'm holding the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup- I'm Quidditch captain, too!"

I look from Ron to Harry to see the latter looking downcast and slightly confused.

"Do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ron pipes.

"How can it? All my family are dead – let me have another look-"

"You two have had it to yourselves for ages! Give me a bit more time."

"You're only holding the Quidditch Cup, what's interesting about that? I want to see my parents," Harry protests, and I'm inclined to take his side.

"Hey! Calm down, will you both? Ron, please-" I begin, until we're broken by the sound of approaching steps.

I gasp and instantly cast the disillusionment charm as Harry throws his cloak over Ron and himself, and just moments after, Mrs Norris waltzes through the door with an authoritative look about her. I hold my breath and hope the charm is enough to fool the annoying beast.

I love animals - pretty much all of them, in fact. Magical and otherwise. Beasts, creatures, and the cuddly kind - but what I wouldn't give to get away with having her removed from the castle forever.

After a few moments, she seems disinterested and leaves the room, and I let out my breath before following after the boys, hearing Ron say, "Quick, this isn't safe – she might have gone for Filch, I bet she heard us. Come on"

And so we leave.


There's still snow about the morning after next, as well as a brisk wind pummelling the grounds, but I can't bring myself to want to think about anything other than how my mum looked in that mirror the other night. She was so happy – so herself – and it was almost painful to have to walk away from it knowing that she isn't within the world outside the mirror.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Harry went back up there last night, but I'm not entirely sure. He looks exhausted today, and completely within his own thoughts. These two things are massive indicators suggesting that going back is exactly what he'd done.

"Want to play chess, Harry?" I hear Ron ask him within the common room where we're sat. I'm staring out the window with a book in my lap, and Harry's staring into the flames of the fire. I'm sure we're both thinking about the same thing.

"No," he answers shortly.

"Why don't we go down and visit Hagrid?" he suggests next.

"No... you go..."

"I know what you're thinking about, Harry, that mirror. Don't go back tonight."

As soon as the mirror is brought up, I swivel my head toward their conversation paying keener attention. So Harry's considering going back tonight, then? Perhaps I'll have to go with him this time. He must have went without me last night.

"Why not?" he retorts.

"I dunno, I've got a bad feeling about it – and anyway, you've had too many close shaves already. Filch, Snape, and Mrs Norris are wandering around. So what if they can't see you? What if they walk into you? What if you knock something over?"

"You sound like Hermione," Harry replies while glancing in my general direction, most likely to gauge my reaction towards his comment about my best friend. I, however, give a slight chuckle thinking about Ron with Hermione's hair on his head.

"You're going back, Harry? Tonight? You'll take me with you, right?"

"Oh, not you, too," Ron groans. "It can't be good for you – either of you – you shouldn't go."

"If you'd just – I don't know – try to understand what is in that mirror, Ron-" I try, but he cuts me off.

"I'm serious. Don't go."

I look to Harry and the both of us share a silent promise to accompany each other to the mirror tonight once Ron's gone to sleep. He'll probably have to pretend to be asleep to be able to sneak out, though. I won't have any trouble, as I'm still the only one in my dorm.


As the night finally rolls around, Harry and I creep towards the room, much easier than the first time I went with him, confirming further his trip alone last night. The halls seem more familiar now, though, as if they've been waiting for us to walk them in the dark again.

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