《Harry Potter X Reader {1}》~1 - People My Age~


"You will be careful, won't you, love? And you'll write as often as you can too keep an old lady updated?"

"Of course I will, Connie. When things happen, I promise you'll be the first to know!"

Mrs. Connie Evens watches down to me with a loving smile and twinkling, ageing, soft-blue eyes. I love this lady like family, as she's practically been apart of it since before I can remember, the elderly witch living no more than five moments down the road from my mother's, and now my home.

She's stood no more than an inch or two taller than myself, and beside her stands her dog, Edgar, of who she insisted come along to wish me well on my journey to a new place. In front of me sits my cart full of things I've brought along with me including my trunk, Thestral, sitting happily within his cage, another carrier holding Misses, and a box or two holding all of my new necessities for the school year, and, of course, a selection of new books I found that I've never read before.

"And remember that this year I'll be in France for Christmas to see Mabel and Markus, as well as little Martha, okay? It's the first year I'll be able to visit them as a family, you see, and I'm sorry I can't bring you along with me, dear, it's just..."

"It's okay, Connie. I understand! You need to see your family, and they come first, I understand. I'll be okay!" I smile warmly clutching my wand within my woolly jumper's pocket. "I'll send Thes to find you. I'll send a letter for Christmas, too. It'll be like I'm actually there."

"You're such a lovely little girl, Y/N Amethyst. Your mother would be so proud of you, you know that, right?"

I nod in appreciation and picture my mother seeing my acceptance letter once again as I've been doing for a while now, my smile content and yet longing. Connie must notice as she drags me into a warm hug.

"You'll be fine, love. She loves you so much, as do I, and everything will be okay... You remember what we talked about?"

"To feel pain is to understand we had someone great enough to make goodbye so hard. And that the hurt wont leave, but I'll one day find comfort rather than sorrow within her memory," I recite for the umpteenth time this last few months.

"You're going to do incredible things, Y/N. I just know it."

"Goodbye, Gran Evans," I smile and hug her close.

"Goodbye, little love," she returns before we both part ways and I'm moving through the pillar into platform 9¾.

The transition from the station into 9¾ is an easy one, and actually, one I've made before. My mother had taken me through when I was younger one day whilst we were waiting on some family friends at London's King's Cross Station. I'd begged her to let me try running through the wall. I however, wasn't paying attention to which pillar I was supposed to be aiming for, and ran head-first into the brick wall between platforms nine and eight. I have a small scar just above my eyebrow to prove.

Today's transition is much easier than that I'd tried those few years ago though, and I enter onto the magical platform finally leaving the muggle world behind for a little while.

I do like muggles, and have never had anything against them, nor will I ever, but there's something about a world without magic that I can't seem to be able to enjoy. That's why mum would take me into one of the largest libraries in London when we we're out and about on the streets so I might be able to take a break from the boredom of a magic-less world and fall into the hidden shelf towards the libraries back, which if you haven't gathered, also doubles as a magic-users doorway to London's Library for Magical Folk, the biggest witches and wizards library in England, apart from, of course, the one that resides within Hogwarts itself. I'll most definitely be checking it out when I'm given the chance.


The hustle and bustle on the platform today, unlike the first time I visited, is much more lively and compact. There are families or many all stood around and rushing about to get their goodbyes and things in order in time for the Hogwarts Express to leave the station in around twenty minutes at eleven o'clock.

The engine itself is what really captures my attention though. The old steam engine painted deep-onyx, rich-crimson, and detailed in gold. At the trains face, there's a label reading 'Hogwarts Express' with the number 5972 painted just under it in snow-white contrasting magnificently with the dark base-paint. There are many coaches and carriages stemming from the engines front, but my favourite part is the large, dark chimney stack bellowing bright steam from its top. I read a lot about trains within one of my books back at home, and another telling about this train itself.

It takes no longer than ten minutes to locate the man who's to stow our possessions onto the train. I handed over my cart giving him my name and such before heading onto the train itself, my breath catching as the feeling of finally being on my way settles within my bones.

"I can't believe I'm actually here," I smile to myself as I make my way through the compartments looking for one with some spare room. Eventually, I come across a carriage without a cluster of students within it and heave a happy sigh before pushing Misses' carrier in before myself, the man loading the engine insisted that I could bring only one onto the train along side me and so seeing as Misses is an anxious traveler, I opted to have Thestral stowed away with the many other cages as he's most likely to appreciate being around those of his own kind. Misses is a people cat.

I sit down and stare out at the platform through the pretty window. Cats of many different colours are strutting here and there, as well as owls, rats, and I think I even saw a boy handling a toad earlier. I take Misses from the carrier and shove it up onto the racks above, the small cat, who's always been quite small, curls up appreciatively in my lap. She's never liked carriers, after all.

I take note of how the platform seems to be quite a bit more empty now. It's no doubt due to the fact that we're about to leave. I'm thankful no one has come into the compartment with me, as I'm not sure how Misses might react. She's a very good judge of character, and if someone with ill intent were to come in, she'd be a hissing mess for sure. I, as well, haven't much experience around people my age, and so being without the forced pleasantries that'd no doubt turn awkward due to my less-than-favourable communicating-with-other's skills is definitely a plus.

Just as I'm thinking this, though, the door suddenly slides open to reveal a boy of around my height clutching a cage housing a pretty, white owl. He's not tanned, but not pale either, he has a deep, almost chocolate-like shade of brunette hair, and his eyes are a pretty shade of green that are sat behind a slightly-broken pair of glasses.

"Hello," he says coyly, "do you mind if I sit?"

I look down to Misses who's simply looking him over. She doesn't seem to be in any sort of distress and so I shake my head and gesture to the seat across from me.

"Hello, I don't mind. I noticed the train was quite full even when I got on. I'm Y/N, Y/N Amethyst. It's a pleasure meeting you!" I smile kindly.


"I'm Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you as well!" he smiles shyly.

"Oh! Harry! It's a delight to meet you! I hope you found your way around well! I wasn't aware I'd be meeting you so soon."

"Oh, you've heard about me too, then?"

"Only a little. I'm afraid I knew more about your parents than yourself," I smile gently.

"You knew my parents?"

"Uh, no, not personally. My mother did, though. They used to be friends. She said they went to Hogwarts together, her, your mother and father... I know it's been a long, long while now, and you are more than likely sick of hearing it, but I'm very sorry for your loss, Harry."

"Oh, wow! I've never met someone who knew my parents before, apart from my family, of course. And thank you..."

I smile happily towards the boy before the train starts to pull away from the station. I look out the window again to see many family members waving goodbye to their children and vise versa. I smile at the happiness radiating from the platform and then look back to the door when it's suddenly opened again. Standing in the entrance is a young, red-headed boy, most likely the same age as Harry and I. He points to the seat beside me and looks between us both.

"Anyone sitting there? Everywhere else is full."

"Feel free," I smile in response, and Harry nods as well.

The boy sits down, but not before glancing a few times to Harry and then watching out the window as if he hadn't been looking. I notice as he's turned that he has a little dirt on his nose. As not to embarrass him, I don't mention it and instead decide to introduce myself, but before I can, the compartment opens again.

"Hey, Ron."

Standing in the door this time are two boys whom look to be twins, and most likely the boy named Ron's siblings, given the similarities.

"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train – Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there,"

Ron simply mumbles a 'right' in response.

"Harry," says the other twin, "did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley, and our little brother Ron. Blimey, George, get a load of her eyes!"

"You've gotta be an Amethyst, right?" the other boy, George, says after the first, Fred, has called me to attention.

I nod in greeting and smile to both of the boys. In return I receive a pair of happy, boyish grins before they announce their departure and close the door again.

"So you're really him, then? Harry Potter?" Ron questions Harry once the room has fallen quiet.

Both boys continue to speak between themselves, but I, instead, take out a book on Merpeople. I brought this book in Diagon Alley with Connie today after reading about the lake on campus acting as home to such beings. I'm rather excited to see them, actually.

At around half-passed twelve I'm roused from my book by the sound of loud clattering in the isle outside our compartment. I stand and slide the door open to find a lovely-looking lady steering a trolley through the cars. She smiles and peers at me and the boys behind me before speaking, offering us something to eat.

I smile and ask her if I can have a chocolate frog, to which she obliges, and I pay for the treat. I turn to find a forlorn looking Ron Weasley staring down at his sandwich held in his hands. I'm shocked when Harry suddenly jumps up and announces how much he'd like. It's a few moments later when both he and Ron are carrying armloads of sugary sweets and savoury delights into the car and onto the spare seat.

Both the boys are delighted to be indulging in the lollies and snacks, and I can't help but giggle at the way Ron is stuffing his cheeks. I shake my head and open my frog, collect the card and stow it away, it being Artemesia Lufkin, and then I pop the chocolate into my mouth and savour it happily.

"Who'd you get, Y/N?" Harry asks once he's finished looking over his own card, his being Professor Albus Dumbledore.

"Artemesia Lufkin," I smile. "I've got her already, but it's nice to have spares for those that don't. Here, would you like it? You can start a collection as well!"

"I'm Ron, by the way," Ron says from beside me. "I was going to say something before, but when I remembered, you'd already started reading!"

"I'm Y/N Amethyst. It's a pleasure meeting you, Ron Weasley!"

"How'd you know my last name?"

"Fred and George said it when they came in to tell you about Lee's pet tarantula earlier. Don't worry, I'm no stalker. Nothing you need to worry about," I laugh as his cheeks flush slightly as if he'd been caught with his hands in the cookie jar before dinner.

Harry graciously accept the card I have spare as he looks over her face.

"Who is she? Do you know anything about her?"

"Mm," I reply. "She was either a pure-blood or a half-blood, I can't remember off the top of my head. She went to Hogwarts, was sorted into Hufflepuff. She was the first female Minister of Magic in either... 1798 or 1799!"

"Wow, that's cool. How'd you know that?" Ron asks with another mouth-full of chocolate.

"Books," I respond simply. "I enjoy reading."

Both boys nod, but Ron looks like he's thinking up an argument against liking to read, though he's cut short on time as another boy enters the compartment. We're getting plenty of visitors this trip it seems. This boy looks a little tearful, as if he's missing something.

"Excuse me," he begins. "Have you seen a toad? I've lost mine."

"I'm sorry, I haven't," I reply with a kind smile, both of the other boys shaking their heads no as well. "But I hope you find him."

"Thanks... Well, if you see him..." he replies quietly before leaving again.

I turn back to my book, drowning out the boy's chatter as I read more and more about Merpeople and what they're like. That is, until there's another person walking through the door. It doesn't seem to end. I can't complain, I suppose, at least Misses hasn't had a problem with anyone yet.

"Has anyone seen a toad? Neville's lost one," she states matter-o-factually. I smile and shake my head no.

The girl, as well as Ron and Harry, stands at around my height suggesting that she, too, is another first-year. She's stood in her robes, has pretty eyes, and long, bushy hair that falls in dishevelled curls around her ears and past her shoulders.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it then."

I furrow my brow before looking to Ron. He's holding out his pet rat, Scabbers, and his wand as if he's ready to cast a spell of sorts. I mark my page and turn my attention to him as the new girl sits down to watch.

"I'd like to see, too, if you don't mind," I smile as I watch intently.

"Alright then..." he replies cautiously before beginning to recite his charm.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,

Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!"

Despite the spell, Scabbers remains his same shade of grey, causing a frown to follow Ron's features.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? If so, it isn't a very good one," The bushy-haired girl goes on to say. I feel as though she's coming off either a little bossy, or stuck-up, but I've no right to make assumptions as I don't know her at all. "I've only tried a few spells, but the ones I have worked for me. I was surprised when I got my letter, you know? No one else in my family are magic. I was pleased to be chosen for Hogwarts, or course, it's the best magic school there is! I've already learnt all our course books off by heart!

"I'm Hermione Granger, by the way. You are?"

I lean forward and shake her hand with a smile and show her my book.

"I'm Y/N Amethyst! I've read all the books as well. Do you have a favourite? Mine was probably transfiguration. I'm very intrigued by it all!"

She seems to perk up at the knowledge that another is as passionate about learning as herself and instantly begins reciting her favourites as well before Ron and Harry have a chance to introduce themselves to the energetic girl.

"Right now I'm quite taken by charms. I hope to learn a good few more this year. I find them quite beautiful, don't you think?" she smiles happily. I nod and grin.

"I know a little something if you'd like to see. It's something my mother taught me when I was younger. A beautiful spell, really," I suggest watching as all three of them perk up.

"Oh, I'd love that!" she smiles with a friendly glint.

I suppose maybe my initial thoughts on her were wrong. Perhaps to find the true her, I just needed to have her in a conversation about something she's passionate about. Lucky for me, our passions seem to share common words.

I take my wand from my pocket where it's been sat, careful not to disturb Misses, and hold it before me. I use my wrist to turn the wands tip in a figure-eight fashion whilst chanting the incantation.

"Nebulus Minusculus."

Hermione and Harry both gape at the miniature galaxy floating before them in mid air, the tiny little stars and planets that make up our Milky-Way spinning softly and glowing gently. As long as I twirl my wand, the projection will remain, and with my movements does it move.

"That's a wonderful spell! I'll have to try it some time!" Hermione exclaims happily.

"I'd be happy to teach you," I reply happily.

"So who're you two then?" she finally turns her attention away from me and back to the two boys.

"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron Mutters.

"Harry Potter," the last follows up.

"Are you really?" Hermione gasps. "Well I know all about you, of course! I read about you, you're in Magical Modern History, The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century."

"Am I really?" Harry gapes as if this is the first he's hearing about all this, and perhaps it is. I don't know what happened to him after Lilly and James' passing, mum never told me, which I'm grateful for in a way, because I can't imagine how he must feel having so many people know more about his life than even he himself knows.

"Goodness, didn't you know? I'd have found out everything if it were me," Hermione breathes in a sort of far-away daze.

"Maybe he had no way of finding out? I mean, it all could have been kept from him," I suggest before looking to the boy in question. "Sorry, Harry. I don't mean to speak like you aren't here."

"That's alright," he smiles.

"Anyway, do any of you know which house you'll be in? I'm really hoping I'm chosen for Gryffindor. Professor Dumbledore was in it himself, you know? Though, I suppose Ravenclaw would be nice as well... Actually, I should get going, I'll need to keep looking for Neville's toad.

"You three should change, I expect we'll be arriving soon."

With that, the girl leaves the room with a small flourish and then suddenly reappears, looking to Harry.

"I almost forgot, here," She begins before removing her wand from her robes and pointing it towards Harry's face. "Oculus Reparo." I watch the small slip of tape holding Harry's glasses together zip itself from the frame and disappear into thin air. I smile in amazement. "Oh, and Ron, you have dirt on your nose, right there." With all of that, she's gone again.

The remainder of the trip is filled with speaking back and forth with both Harry and Ron after we've changed into our Hogwarts robes, the three of us talking about all sorts of things such as spells, and even our pets, Scabbers, Misses, and Harry's owl who I find to be named Hedwig.

Before long, I feel the train coming to a stop and smile out the window as I notice the sign stating that we've arrived at Hogsmeade Station.

It's time for me to finally enter Hogwarts.

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