《Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️》Epilogue


Jaehyun is in peace now...he is resting his head on Minseo lap.They are on their picnic.While Minseo is correcting some simple question for him to exam to become a doctor like Minseo did.He didn't pay attention at all!!He just resting peacefully on her lap,also smiling like and idiot.

"YAH!Jung Jaehyun!Are you kidding me right now?!You want me to punch you to make your eye become blue?!"Minseo suddenly shout.

"Boo!What wrong?!"Jaehyun wake up and ruffle his hair and look at her with his sleepy eye.

"What did you do if you see a person is suffering in heart disease?

And your freakin answer is...

I will leave them alone and enjoy my day!!

Is that how you answer?!"Minseo suddenly angry.

"Omo!Sorry!I got tired last night...and wrote all those thing out!!"Jaehyun said

"neo michyeoss-eo???"Minseo said

"I mean,I'm stress last night,bby!and I pop out that idea,you know bby after when I wrote this last night I laugh at my self like a crazy person who walk on the street!!"Jaehyun said

"You not like a crazy person who walk on the street but YOU TURELY ARE A CRAZY PERSON!"Minseo exclaim.

"Sorry!Sorry bby!"Jaehyun make a puppy eye.

"Oop!I forgot to ask...Today are you having any more scheduled?!"Jaehyun asked

"I don't know...I think maybe I've!"After Minseo word jaehyun face become frown.

"What wrong?!"Minseo ask seeing his face like this...

"I want to have more time with you...."Jaehyun pout while looking at her.

"Should we go to the starfield library to read some book?I want to read!"Minseo said

"Great!Let's go..."Jaehyun become excited at the moment.He give her a peck on her lip.


{starfield library}

As you guys know there're like a 50000books there.If you bored,Starfeild can help.They are enjoying their time together.

{Yuta and minju}

''bby,what take you so long?!''Yuta is shouting outside the front door.

''At least let's me wait for you inside,It's hot outside!!!''Yuta whined.

''I need some water!!!''Yuta had been standing outside about 30min now!

Suddenly a door was open revaling only minju face not her body. Minju handed him a bottle of water.

"Drink it and wait patiently bby...."Minju said almost ready to close the door but got stop Yuta.

''reason?Why i need to stand out side??It's my girlfriend house,isn't it??why can't I go it?''Yuta asked while wiping his sweat that come from his forehead.

"just because....No reason!!!''Minju said while smiling weirdly. Yuta got chance and push the door with all his strength and finally the door was open revealing a pig house!!!The house is full of dust and a trash...

''See?I told you to wait outside!''Minju pout cutely. Yuta still stunned but when he look at Minju who is pouting cutely and he can't stop him self but to give her peck on her lip.

''go and finish your dressing I'll wait here!''Yuta said

''Okay then!''Then Minju rush to up stair again meanwhile Yuta is staring at those trash. The living room is a mess,maybe we can't imagine!

''I automatically have to do this for her......"

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