《Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️》Pt.48


A/N pov

"Minso-Since you came in to my life you change me everything!The bad attitude that I use to have it change automatically when you appeared!You mean everything,You turn me to other person like Jaelousy anger because you with other!Your smile-Minso your smile is prettiest one and ever for me,Can you promise me to stay by my sight everyday?Because My happiness my joyness and my smile appeared when I seeing you staying by my side!Can you grand this wish?"Jaehyun said and Minso just stand still!Taeyong and Yevy imating them,Doyoung and Jaemin is emotional also Taeil!Yuta is sitting on the sand ,Minju is sitting on his lap,They watching them!

"............"No answer from Minso at all.The situation become quiet,Taeyong and Yevy is just imating them become quiet

"What wrong?"Minju ask Yuta

"I don't know-They so.....not like you!"He kiss her cheek

"......."It still quiet!Minju look at Yuta then turn to back looking at the boy and Yevy and turn back look at Ara who next to her

"Unni-What wrong here?"Ara is sitting on the sand next to Yuta.

"How can I know?She didn't even say anything!"

"I'm sleepy!"Minju sigh

"Then sleep!"Yuta make Minju comfortable for her to sleep,As she said she really sleep for real.

"Minso?Your answer?"Jaehyun also stunned without hearing answer from Minso.

"My answer?"Finally Minso said,All eye are on them again,Except Minju because she is sleeping

"If I said no?"Minso first sentence make everyone eye wide

"Okay,No is the answer!"Jaehyun drop the ring and stand up and walk away

"Hey!I didn't finish!"Minso shout

"Hurry,I have no time,Just NO is enough!"

"If I said no it mean that I'm the stupid dump crazy person in the world!"Jaehyun understand what she saying about,He turn back and hug her tightly also not forget to give her a kiss,

"Ring!Here"He Put on a ring.

"YEYEYEYEYEY!"All the boy and girl shout,Minju is surprise

"What wrong?"Minju wake up

"She said yes!"Yuta tell her

"Ohhh!"Then she back to sleep.

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