《Destined Meet ; jjh ✔️》Pt.25



''They look like a real couple-hehe''Ara and yevy are arrive and come to check up on them but these girl already fall asleep slofly on their each shoulder and lap-MINSO is the 1 whom they get interested with-she sleeping on jaehyun shoulder which is empress Ara the most--they thought these two already a couple but NO NOT YET THE RIGHT TIME YETTTT.....

A/N pov

"You better now?"Ara is taking care of Minju who just wake up

"Emm.Unni I want to play game"Minju start to pout asking Ara to play game with her

"Your laptop isn't here right?"Ara said while trying to find laptop for her


"We didn't bring it."Ara said

"Awww"Minju is sad now.

"NO GAME NO LIFE"Minju said

"Gwinchana!!!You can play when we reach our hotel"Ara try to comfort her

"I want now.......Unni!Give me your phone"Minju asking for Ara phone

"Wait!KIM MINJU!You not playing game,What you want?"Ara start to get minju


"If you shout-It will destroy my plan"

"Ok"Ara try to stay silent-These two is try to do sth

"YAH!Why two of you so silent?WHAT WRONG?"Yevy notice this two is quiet unusual

"........,"No answer from one of them They both cover blanket together

"ASHHH-This two"

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