《Future Partner》A new class
Kring... kring... Alarm jam pun berbunyi. Dan suara ayam mulai terdengar. Prilly pun terbangun dengan dorongan semangat baru. Karena hari ini awal dimana dia memasuki tingkat kelas baru yang lebih tinggi, memasuki awal semester baru, kelas baru, semuanya serba baru. Betapa senangnya, dia pada hari ini. Prilly pun menghampiri meja rias, mulai merapikan rambutnya yang begitu halus, dan tak lupa mengoleskan bedak walaupun hanya tipis.
"Pagi Kak Di," Prilly turun menghampiri Kak Di yang sedang duduk di meja makan sedang sarapan. Kak Diandra, kakak satu-satunya yang di punyain oleh Prilly. Mereka hanya tinggal berdua dirumah itu. Setelah kedua orang tua mereka sudah tiada. Kak Di sekarang menjadi tulang punggung untuk Prilly. Kak Di berharap bisa menjadi kakak yang terbaik untuk adik kecilnya itu.
"Hai, Pagi Prill. Tumben kamu semangat banget." Lirih Kak Di heran.
"Iya dong, hari ini awal aku duduk di kelas 3 SMA kak, Jadi aku harus semangat dong, kak" Senyum sumringah terlihat di bibir mungilnya Prilly.
" Wah, nggak kerasa kamu sudah kelas 3 SMA ya, nggak kerasa juga kakak udah mengurus kamu selama 2 tahun dari kepergian Mama sama Ayah." Mendaratkan tangannya ke kepala Prilly dengan bermaksud mengelusnya.
" Kak Di, Makasih banget ya, selama ini Kak Di repot ngurusin aku sendiri, Maafin aku kalau kadang aku suka nyebelin Kak Di, Pokoknya aku seneng banget punya kakak seperti Kak Di, aku sayang sama Kak Di." Sambil memegang tangan Kak Di sebagai rasa sayang adik kepada kakaknya itu. Dari lirikan mata Prilly pun menunjukkan bahwa Prilly berharap akan terus ditemani sama Kak Di.
"Iya, ily. Kak Di juga sayang sama kamu, kamu jangan nakal-nakal ya. Inget loh, Kamu adik kakak satu-satunya." Senyuman Kak Di yang begitu manis terlihat bahwa dia tidak mau kehilangan adik kecilnya itu.
"Siap, bos. Yaudah aku berangkat dulu ya, Kak. Assalamualaikum." Sambil menjulurkan tangannya untuk bersalaman dengan Kak Di, dan tak lupa cipika-cipiki dengan Kak Di. Motornya sudah dikeluarkan dan dipanaskan. Prilly mulai memakai masker dan sarung tangan yang ber ciri khas berwarna biru tersebut. Prillypun mulai menaikinya.
"Hati-Hati ya ii." Ucapan yang menunjukkan rasa perhatian yang begitu besar kepada Prilly
Jakarta semakin padat, penuh, dan sesak. Prilly berhasil melewati kemacetan yang sangat membuatnya sesak itu. Beruntung, Prilly datang tidak lewat dari bel masuk berbunyi. Prilly mulai mencari-cari ruangan kelas yang baru. Seorang laki-laki datang menghampiri dan berhasil membuat jantungnya terasa copot.
Tiba-tiba seseorang menepuk pundak Prilly
"Prill, lo kelas 3 berapa?" Prilly sontak kaget.
"Eh, lo Li, bikin gue kaget aja deh! Gue di kelas 3-A, lo dimana? Tanya Prilly dengan rasa yang begitu penasaran.
"Ciee, sekelas lagi nih kita?" Ucap Ali sambil memicingkan mata yang tajam itu, Ali sangat dekat dengan Prilly, karna sejak SD mereka bersama. Makan bareng, main bareng, sekolah bareng, sampe kelas pun nggak pernah kepisah. Apa mungkin ini takdir Tuhan? Entahlah. Prilly sendiripun tidak tahu. Menurutnya, Ali sahabat yang paling annoying, tapi ngangenin. Sebaliknya, Menurut Ali, prilly itu sahabat yang super bawel, freak, tapi Ali sangat mudah merindukannya.
"Yah, sekelas lo lagi, Bosen deh gue." Ungkap Prilly dengan sedikit berbohong.
"Oh jadi bosen? Besok gue pindah kelas deh, Prill." Jawab Ali dengan muka yang sangat melas.
"Udah deh gausah baper Li. Ayo masuk." Alipun menggangguk, dan Prilly langsung menarik Ali masuk ke dalam kelas.
"Prill, duduk sini aja." Itte menunjuk bangku di sebelahnya yang kosong.
"loh Te, disini juga? Wah kita bareng ya." Segera menghampiri dan duduk di bangku tersebut. Itte seorang teman dekat Prilly saat di bangku kelas 1. Dan sekarang mereka bertemu kembali.
Ali mengikuti dan duduk di bangku belakangnya.
Jam pelajaranpun dimulai.
"Selamat Pagi anak-anakku, Selamat atas kenaikan kelasnya, sehingga kalian bisa melanjutkan tingkat kelas yang lebih tinggi, dan terakhir di Jenjang SMA ini, yaitu kelas 3 SMA. Dimana kalian harus lebih focus untuk belajar. Agar nantinya bisa masuk ke perguruan tinggi yang kalian impikan." Ucap Pak Setyo, wali kelas 3B memberikan petuah kepada anak muThankU
"Iyaa, Pak.." Sahut anak-anak secara berbarengan.
The Nomads of Sol
Part One: The Fall of Humanity It was the beginning of a new age, after a century of constant war, mankind was finally at peace. Her colonies united under Earth’s military dominion, piracy was virtually extinct and the economy was thriving. Then mankind made its first encounter with an alien race, the Cathamari. First contact was a disaster, and three months later humanity was at war with an alien race. Two years have passed since then, and humanity is losing the war. Her colonies destroyed and most of her fleets gone, her last bastion is Earth itself. But hope is not lost as humanity is on the verge of completing her first ftl capable starships. With these new ships will Humanity conquer the stars and beat back her enemies or is she doomed to fail and be a mere footnote in galactic history? Part Two Rebirth Synopsis: Over seventy years have passed since the Battle for Earth. The years since than have hardened the survivors into a resourceful people. Now with only a single small fleet at their disposal, they search the far reaches of space for a new homeland from which to rebuild their civilization and prepare for their eventual return to Earth. However will their resourcefulness be enough when they come face to face with their greatest foe, a menace so alien, that no one but themselves understand their motives? Or will they be destroyed, by an enemy far more powerful than themselves?
8 183The Garden
Humanity was on the verge of killing itself off. Decades of wanton gluttony, rampant consumerism and widespread apathy had finally taken their toll. Until the Sun started giving them superpowers. Welcome to The Garden, where man can reach heights of power only dreamt of previously. Of course, that's if the other Garden residents don't wipe them out first. Updates at least twice a week, sometimes more. Chapters between 2-3k words (I have been known to get to 4k though) Author's Note: New author, so any feedback (comments or reviews) is greatly appreciated. Cover art not mine.
8 399Transformers Reborn
A robot otaku is hit by a truck on his way to school. After waking up in a strange place, he chooses to become his favorite thing. (Inspiration from Transformers Revisited) (I don't know much of the Transformers lore, so forgive me.) (There will be some changes)
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Life in Tellurus is no longer as before: technology has become outdated, magic has weakened, and creatures of unknown origin have led all intelligent life to unite under the same banner, The Empire of Almawarth, in a fight against extinction. It is in an inhospitable corner of this empire where Tod and Eli, childs of mixed race, will undertake their journey. Seeking to change the fate of Tellurus, they follow in the footsteps of the last human hero, investigate the causes of the great cataclysm, and explore a world that is far wilder, mystical, and dangerous now that there are no longer chosen ones in any of the Tellurus races. All rights reserved. Protected by savecreative.com Hi this is my story that I translated from Spanish to English. As it is not my native language feel free to correct me, all comments are welcome. I hope you enjoy this novel.
8 212And far was the walk.
The world as I knew it ended, well not really ended. Just changed. And in this change many things became apparant. the nature of our psyche was one. The death of our beloweds was another. we are the lucky few, the ones who survived, and who hopefully will continue to survive.
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The DC universe has been trampled time and time again. Although certainties have been fixed, there would be one to settle the raging sea of chaos and bring balance. To introduce the raging drunken idiot of the former clan, into the world of Heroes and Villains. (A bit of a mix over along with some things, but mostly on DC) (Please note, MC is intentionally written as an idiot. Dumb decisions will be exaggerated...)
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