《Her Royal Match》The agony of a princess


Chapter 5

“How are you feeling this evening, Catherine? Have you taken enough rest?” Eric enquired with concern in his eyes as he gently danced with her in the ball room. “You shouldn’t have taken the trouble of coming all the way down here in such terrible cold, your body is too weak. I was going to visit you anyway,” he added as he knew the princess’s health was poor since she was suffering from a weak immune system that she had developed at birth.

“You fondly said the same words last spring, but you never came,” Catherine replied softly and shifted her gaze away.

Eric paused and wondered how he had failed to keep his promise yet again, that’s when it dawned on him that he had spent his spring break in proving Princess Marine wrong in an international debate organised by the university.

The events of that day crossed his mind before he got lost in thoughts about Marine. Princess Catherine noticed the faraway look in his eyes and withdrew her slender arms from his broad shoulders. She coughed and grabbed his attention before raising her fan.

“Are you alright, Catherine? Shall I get you a chair?” Eric noticed her flushed face and caught her wrist to check her pulse while she fanned herself.

“Thank you, Eric but I suppose some fresh air is all I need,” she suggested and felt cluster phobic amidst the other guests. Eric understood and politely guided her out to the balcony.

“You’re sure you don’t want me to arrange for a chair? You look fatigue,” he stated while she drew in a deep breath and stood near the railings.

“I’m perfectly fine, Eric, though I wish you would talk on anything, but my health,” she sighed and paused. The side locks of her auburn hair swayed with the wind while the jewels embedded over her gown shimmered in the moonlight and complemented her fair complexion.

There was an awkward silence between them since Eric had no clue what else to speak other than her health. He rested his elbow against the railings and stared at her beauty for an eternity until she decided to speak.

“I essayed the art of painting, you should see the cups & saucers I painted last week. Uncle says they’re too pretty to be resting at home,” she said and glanced at him. “I hope that didn’t sound offensive, you wouldn’t mind me painting for pleasure would you?” she added and fixed her gaze on him.

“Not if you were to do it for a living, I have no objections on what you fancy,” he assured her and smiled.

“Unfortunate are those who do things for a living, I don’t see the need why women these days are earning for a living. Doesn’t it sound completely abhorrent, Eric? Women walking shoulder to shoulder with men...I fear fashion is partly to be blamed for this change, look at the way ladies dress up these days, high collar shirts with straight cut jacket like men...I would never wear one of those, I’m sure you feel the same about it, don’t you?” she adjusted her umbrella skirt and went on speaking about how cultured and homely she was compared to working ladies.

Eric listened and was reminded about Marine once again, the description she gave was similar to the way Marine dressed in the academy. Holding her elegant walking cane in one hand and thick books in the other, she would saunter during late afternoons in the front lawn and pass her free time.


“Women are supposed to be nurturers not workers, I’m glad I have my senses and virtues in place. I wonder how others see it though,” She paused to take a breath when Eric took the conversation forward.

“Disagreeable as always, some just don’t know where to draw the line. If they feel they can compete in every field then they must be proved wrong, not every path belongs to them,” he stiffened and ran his fingers through his hair.

Catherine sensed the resentment in his tone and at once realised where this topic was going. “You’re referring to Princess Marine of Wales again, aren’t you?” she asked and noticed the excitement in his body language.

“Of course, she’s an embarrassment to the academy. I mean why can’t she just stop? If she was so interested in higher studies why couldn’t she join the arts university, but instead she chose a manly profession, where one needs brains not emotions...huh medicines are useless unless the mental state is conditioned to be cured by it,” he muttered Marine’s favourite quote in the classrooms and rolled his eyes while Catherine watched him intently.

“She’s always on your mind, isn’t it?” she said and waited for his response but he was too lost in complaining about his rival.

“A lady physician can’t be trusted, she can’t even pronounce Gastroenterology properly,” he shook his head in disappointment and finally paused.

“You know quite a lot about her...” Catherine calmly stated and continued staring at him.

“Of course I do...she knows nothing about science,” he frowned.

“What’s her favourite colour?” She enquired casually.

“Maroon!” he replied promptly.

“And mine...” she asked while he glanced at her gown.

“Uhm...Pink...uh peach...” he struggled and chose the latter before looking at her suspiciously.

“Why are you asking me such questions?” he enquired and raised his brows while she merely smiled for he had failed to answer correctly.

“ I guess I should be heading home,” Catherine suddenly sighed and turned to walk away when Eric caught her hand.

“Pardon me if my talks bored you again, I didn’t know when I drifted that way,” he pulled her back and looked deep into her eyes.

“You don’t have to apologise, at least that’s one topic that sets you talking other than my health,” she smiled and lowered her gaze. Eric returned the smile and gently cupped her face in his hands as he sent shivers down her spine. Catherine leaned closer to his face and felt her heart thump in excitement when all of a sudden Eric whisperd.

“Your eyes appear watery, I told you coming out in this weather could prove fatal. You need to stay warm.”

He withdrew his hands before guiding her back inside the ball room. Catherine was left disappointed for she had expected something much better, but that didn’t stop her from acknowledging how much the Prince of Scotland cared for her. Looking forward to his gentle touch and loving words were what drove her to ignore her poor health.

While Eric took utmost care of his special guest, Marine tired to decipherer the personalities of the two princes. Seated next to her mother with her head hung low, she listened to their husky voices followed by Lady Martha , the socialite, matchmaker and a true friend to the Lady Helen.

“I hope we didn’t keep you all waiting much, the roads have gotten bumpier than ever,” Martha complained as the footman helped her take off her overcoat.


“Oh dear, I hope our guests excuse us for the inconvenience caused to them, talks on clearing the roads will materialise soon, wouldn’t it my Lord,” Lady Henlen glanced at her husband who wondered when was the last time they had invested in roads.

“Details can be looked after later, let me first introduce you all to these two young gentlemen, oh and by the way Princess Marine looks ravishing in her new evening gown, who would believe that she’s just twenty-three years of age,” Martha giggled and shifted her gaze over the twins while Marine looked at her in disbelief, for she had lied about Marine’s age to the twins.

“Well, then you shouldn’t waste time in introducing us to these fine men of royalty,” Lady Helen exclaimed in anxiety and looked at the twins with great expectations before Martha cleared her throat.

“It’s my honour to introduce our host, Lady Helen and the beautiful young Princess Marine of Wales to our esteemed guests, Prince Darwin & his twin Prince Henry of Guernsey,” She announced with pride and watched in delight as the four exchanged greetings with a nod of the head and a bow.

Marine looked at each with a quizzical brow. Both the prince looked charming enough to have princesses falling head over heels for them. They were the same age as her, and appeared immature to the princess as per her observation. Dressed in fine clothes and leather boots, they each held their walking cane and in unison brushed their jet black beard.

“I hope it was easy to find our fortress, it’s cut off from the main town,” Marine chose to speak to Darwin, whom she assumed was less immature since he sported an elegant pair of golden rimmed glasses.

“Hmm…I can see that,” Darwin surveyed the walls and made a mental note of how outdated the parlour was. “No wonder you all fancy candles in the age of electricity,” He commented sarcastically and disappointed her.

“Don’t mind my brother’s words, he has no taste in art. I see why you all use candles in the fortress, it highlights the grandeur of the fortress better than what an electric lamp would do. Did you order them from France? “ Henry joined in and tried to ease the mood with a broad smile, while Marine had a quick glance at him.

“He smiles too much, I wonder what’s cooking in his head or maybe he’s plain nervous,” Marine thought and shifted her gaze back on Darwin who examined the chair before taking a seat. She tried striking a casual conversation with Darwin assuming that he was an intellect who would love to talk on politics, but to her disappointment again, she didn’t get the kind of response that she had been expecting. The more she tried, the more she realised that he wasn’t showing any interest in her except for the interiors of the fortress.

“Calculative I must say, is he even aware why Martha invited him here?” she wondered and raised her fan.

“Would you like to have some?” Henry suddenly approached her with a glass of wine, but Marine wasn’t impressed by him, for she considered him to be childish. She felt disturbed with Darwin’s mannerisms and excused herself while her mother and Martha discussed about the prospects of have a wedding in Wales.

“Both would make suitable match for our Marine, though I would love to hear whom you prefer?” Martha rubbed her hands and whispered in excitement.

“That would sound too rude, but since you insist, I fancy seeing Marine with Prince Henry, though I fear she would have formed an opinion on both already,” Lady Helen grew concern and glanced at the twins.

“And that’s precisely why I convinced them into staying over till Christmas at the fortress,” Martha smiled gleefully and startled Lady Helen. “Knowing Marine’s judicious personality, it’s best that she gets enough time to know the twins personally,” she added and noticed the glow in her face.

“Oh my! Martha, what would I have done without you?” Lady Helen held her hands and pressed it in sheer delight.

While the ladies whispered and dreamt of finally seeing the princess settled, Marine walked towards the corner of the parlour and stared at the grand piano. She had a sinking feeling that things wouldn’t work out the way her mother was expecting. She had failed the kingdom and her family again, by not catching Prince Darwin’s fancy. What went wrong? She wondered as she recollected the efforts that she had put in. “Was it because I spoke too much? But what was I supposed to do if he wasn’t making an attempt to talk? Mamma requested me to act dumb, but I believe that wouldn’t have captured his fancy either for he looks more interested in the interiors. Is he calculating our financial status or is he merely feeling uncomfortable?” she argued in her mind as she began forming opinions about Darwin once again.

As she stood there lost in thoughts, she happened to over hear her father speaking to someone in the drawing room next to the parlour. The door leading to the drawing room was attached to the parlour. Curious to know whom her father was talking to at this time of the night, she walked towards the door and gently opened it only to find him talking on the telephone to his royal adviser.

Paying a keen ear to what transpired between them, she realized that it wasn’t just her mother, but her father too who had great expectations from her. She sensed the excitement and relief in his voice as he expressed how happy he was that not one but to suitors had arrived as a blessing to Wales.

“Times have not been very good with us, but all that will be a forgotten nightmare once either of them proposes. I can’t express how heavily relieved I’m. It won’t be long before Wales will shine with prosperity. I just hope, Marine doesn’t disappoint us this time, she must know it’s high time she settles down with a man. Pardon me for sharing my deep thoughts with you but being a father it would break her heart if I were to say these words before her,” he had an outburst of emotions as he spoke to his royal advisor.

Marine cringed and recoiled from the door. Leaving it ajar, she lowered her head and wiped a tear that trailed down her cheek. She felt torn between her family’s expectations and her ideologies. Her family deeply desired to see her settled but the fact was that it wasn’t as easy as they pressumed. Though Marine tried her best, she felt it folly to just throw herself on propective suitors and pretend to be someone who she wasn’t. If a man proposed, he would have to propose, accepting the way she was.

Marine wanted to see herself settled too, just like any other women, but not by choosing the wrong man. Finding her royal match was a tough task though her parent’s didn’t see it that way. The princess had an image of her future partner who resembled Parker, the male protagonist in her priced novel. All she wanted was someone handsome, intellectual and romantic as Parker, but alas not every expectation could be fulfilled, after all where would she find a Parker in real life.

“Dinner is served my Lady,” Mr. Hawkins announced and walked into the parlour as everyone preceded towards the dining hall except for Marine.

Pursing her lips, Marine darted towards the hallway and took a turn towards the wine cellar. She looked for a glass when all of sudden George startled her from behind.

“Princess, what are you looking for?” he enquired in astonishment as she pulled a bottle of alcohol.

“Can’t you see?” she snapped since she was in a pretty bad mood. Struggling to open the cork, she cussed and scolded George for just standing there and not helping her.

“Princess, I don’t think this would sound too agreeable, what will your guests think?” George got worried and instead pulled the bottle away from her reach.

“That’s exactly why I’m doing this. I’m giving them a reason to consider me as the best match they could ever get ,” she retorted as she tried to subside the turmoil in her heart. She could no longer take the pressure of her family’s desire to see her settled.

“I can’t let my father down!” she yelled and ordered George to hand the bottle back to her.

“But you will be letting him down by going ahead with this,” He frowned and tried to explain, but she wasn’t ready to listen.

“Fine don’t give it!” She snapped and ran her hands down his trousers. “I know you keep one with you somewhere,” she said and reached for his waist band before pulling out the beer case. George was horrified to see that she knew he kept one with him.

“Princess, no!” He tried to stop her, but it was too late. Marine finished the contents of the case in one go and dropped it on the floor. But what surprised him more was that she showed no discomfort after consuming it as if she were used to drinking.

“Is that what they taught you in the academy?” he crunched his brows and made her face him.

“Eric says the best way to operate on a patient is to first get him drunk so he can’t feel any physical pain, little does he know that it makes your emotions go numb as well,” she dragged her body down with her back against the wall, before hiding her face in the cup of her hands.

“I’m going to ruin everything again, right? Say it, you know it’s not going to happen , it never will,” she cried as her voice choked.

George felt sorry listening to her soft cries and knelt beside her. Unable to stop himself, he reached for her hands and lowered them away from her face. Wiping her tears, he parted his lips to whisper a good word or two when to his surprise, Princess Marine held him in a tight embrace. George couldn't conjure how to react as she buried her face in his chest. Her warm breath teased him as they both sat there in silence.

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