《Her Royal Match》Great Expectations


Chapter 4

Marine stood at the balcony overlooking the grand hall, the interior was exuberantly lit with chandeliers, candles and flowers for the royal guests from Guernsey . “When was the last time this hall was filled with guests and music?” She sighed as her gaze surveyed the paintings of dancing people.

“The time when, princess Emma, came off marriageable age. Her ladyship often held ballroom parties here, even though your sister was invited to many during the season,” Eliza said and stood behind her.

“I remember…I never knew the parties that bored me back when I was twelve would be the elements of the grand hall that I would miss today,” Marine said and drifted to the time when she would sit in a corner with a book and sigh at all the young ladies and gentlemen dancing across the grand hall.

“Pardon me for being too bold, princess, but I believe you’ve never experienced one yourself, not that you don’t want to, but ever since Princess Emma ran away, nobody seems too invite you,” Eliza stated and paused after receiving Marine’s piercing gaze.

“Forgive me Princess, I think I’ve said far too much,” Eliza hurriedly apologies and lowered her gaze.

“Apology accepted, my sister is not to be blamed for…my misfortune as mamma would like to quote," she paused and descended the flight of stairs. “I’ve grown out the age of giggling girls, I’m too old for finding a match, besides the world is far from accepting bold women who can compete with the stronger sex,” Marine explained and crossed the grand hall before entering the parlour.

“Don’t be so harsh on yourself, princess. You’re not too old to find a match, I’m sure this time Wales will witness a royal wedding,” Eliza assured her confidently as she followed her into the parlour when all of a sudden George appeared from nowhere holding a tray of chocolates and startled them.

“Careful, George or you would have ruined the Princess’s dress!” Eliza scolded him and frowned while he humbly apologised. He cautiously noticed the princess who looked ravishing in her maroon fish tail gown. Her thin necklace complemented her smooth fair skin as she adjusted her shawl.

Regaining her composure, she looked at him and was amused to see him dressed smartly in a butler’s attire with is hair slicked behind. “Oh my, you’ve been changing roles quite frequently I suppose, should I be surprised if I were to ever see you in Eliza’s uniform?” she teased and let out a soft laugh while Mr. Hawkins noticed them from a distance and frowned.

“If it were to please you I wouldn’t mind dressing up in one,” He winked and shifted his gaze on Eliza who wasn’t too pleased with his reply. “I’m not leaving the princess's service, so you can as well pass the idea of getting into my shoes,” Eliza remarked and wrinkled her nose when Mr. Hawkins approached and interrupted them.

“Pardon me princess, I wasn’t intending to cause any disturbance in the parlour by appointing him to serve our guests this evening, but if he is a nuisance then I might as well send him back to the stable,” Mr. Hawkins suggested and stared at George from the corner of his eyes.

“Not at all Hawkins, in fact I quite liked the idea of him helping you serve our guests this evening,” Marine smiled and looked at George.

“Very well princess,” Mr. Hawkins bowed and immediately grabbed George’s arm, “Now if you remember I’ve got lots to teach you before our guests arrive,” He looked at George angrily and whisked him away.


“But Mr. Hawkins, I’ve learnt all that you’ve taught me about etiquettes in serving, I won’t let you down,” George explained and wondered why Hawkins was in such a grumpy mood that evening.

“You may have learnt the duties , but you haven’t learnt how to sink into character. Aren’t you sensible enough to understand that you’re not supposed to get too friendly with any member of the royal family?” He remarked and stiffened his chest while George sighed.

“I don’t see any harm in talking to the royal family especially if one strikes a conversation first,” George replied and felt that Mr. Hawkins was simply over reacting.

“If one does strike a conversation then it’s your duty to make it brief, maintain your distance from the princess , George. I’m aware you’ve known each other since you both were little, but don’t forget who you are, you’re a stable boy,” he warned him and raised his collar.

“And may I know where this conversation is heading?” George retorted in a soft tone and stared at him. Mr. Hawkins stared back and narrowed his eyes before letting out a deep sigh.

“Pray everything goes well this time, I want to see the princess find her match,” He whispered and smiled at George before walking past him. George flinched his temples and picked up a silver spoon. The footman’s remark had upset him. Watching his reflection in the spoon, he shifted his gaze over the royal family who were seated in the parlour, quietly anticipating the arrival of their guests. He noticed the boredom on Marine’s face as she sat there lost in thoughts.

Far away in a land of mountains equally serene as Wales, Prince Eric of Scotland was welcomed by his people and family with great pompous. Unlike Wales, Scotland was far more prosperous and the people there lived in merry, it was the only kingdom amongst all that had never seen the shadows of misfortune, thanks to the Blackwoods. Lord Edgar however was not as one would expect a ruler of a merry city to be. He was far from being the carefree, sensitive and understanding Lord that one would think he ought to be, for he was more of a strict and a disciplinary administrator who never took no for an answer and despised his enemies bitterly.

The castle doors had been opened as usual to let the people of Scotland join in the celebration, and Eric hated it.“Oh no! Not again…” He slapped his forehead and ducked inside the car while his assistant, Jeffrey glared at the people waiting to cheer the prince at the entrance.

“I wonder how they contemplate to celebrate when you come back with your certificate, seems like the people of Scotland merely need an opportunity to celebrate lavishly,” Jeffrey chuckled and turned to face him when Eric hastily got out of the moving car.

“And that’s what makes me mad,” Eric quoted and reached for one of the horsemen accompanying the steam car on either sides.

“Prince Eric, have you lost your mind?” Jeffrey widened his eyes in bewilderment and yelled.

“Well, at this rate I’ll surely lose it someday the way father abuses the treasure,” Eric frowned and climbed the horse. Replacing the royal horseman, he borrowed his feather' hat along with the blue cape and breezed forward like the strong southern wind.

Striding along the red brick pathway, he entered the castle gates and lowered his head while the crowd looked ahead at the black royal steam car parading with the horsemen at a distance. Galloping through the street and by lanes, Eric climbed up the hill and entered the royal backyard of the castle. Standing tall and elegant, the magnificent castle looked as perfect as a fairytale illustration with the backdrop of the blue snow clad mountains. The horse he rode was breathing heavily, it left deep hoof prints in the snow as it neighed and suddenly came to a standstill when the guards at the back door of the castle stopped them.


“Aren’t you aware that horsemen are supposed to stay out of the castle's yard,” one of the guards stated and shook his rifle.

Eric remained silent and raised his head, his fiery gaze fell on the guard’s boots and then on him. “I presume your buckle has come off young man,” he broke his silence and got down.

“The prince!” the other guard recognized Eric and gasped in fright. “Lower your gaze, it’s the prince!” He alerted his partner and bowed before Eric.

“Pardon me, prince Eric. I was unaware that you’ll come riding on a horse,” The earlier guard apologised and bowed as well.

“Neither did I...get the horse back in the royal stable, it’s getting colder,” Eric ordered and walked past them.

Getting rid of the cape and feather hat, he entered the castle and walked in the hallway. The south part of the castle was as expected, quiet and vacant. Eric rubbed his boot at the back of his trouser and stopped near the double door that divided the grand hall. Cautiously, he leaned sideways and pressed his ear against the door to the left. He heard the hustle and bustle of the guests on the other side and sighed.

“Why do I have to sneak into my castle like a thief,” he whispered when all of a sudden the other door swung open, followed by a stream of butlers rushing out to refill the trays. Eric froze seeing them and stood still while the butlers rushed past him without noticing his presence.

Thanking his luck, Eric swiftly closed the door and ran up the spiral stairs that led to the watch tower. Catching his breath , he reached the top and noticed the row of guards guarding the castle roof. His chamber was in the tower to the far end of the roof. Pulling one of the royal flags from its place, he concealed himself and walked past them. After successfully crossing the path, he dropped the flag and barged into his chamber. Shutting the door with a loud thud, he heaved a sigh of relief and felt safe in the comfort of his chamber.

“No waltzing, no greeting royals, no boring talks…Ahh! The prince finally escaped it all!” Eric closed his eyes in bliss and collapsed on the bed.

“All except his clever princess,” Princess Gloria, his younger sister added and pulled the sheets beneath him, causing him to tumble down with a start.

“Gloria! What are you…How did you know where to find me?” he looked at her in utter amazement and frowned.

“You’re my brother, I know you better than the nannies who raised us,” Gloria stated and smirked while the prince got back on his feet.

“Very well then, you may also be knowing that I usually prefer some privacy, if you haven’t forgotten.” He smiled and tried pushing her out his chamber.

“Ouch, a prince shouldn’t be treating a noble lady like that. His hands are supposed to be gentle while waltzing in the ballroom, “She suggested and glared at him in excitement.

“I’m not meant for waltzing…” He said and left his grip from her hand.

“Oh dear, now don’t start all over with tscience and the human tommy,” She rolled her eyes.

“It’s anatomy…” He corrected her as he reached for the doorknobs

“They’re both the same…and there’s no harm in waltzing, imagine you’re checking pulses while holding those delicate hands and waltzing if that sounds more appealing in your medical terms,” she explained and looked at him with imploring eyes.

Eric gave her a nasty stare and shut the door. “Eric! You can’t hide away from the party that father has thrown for you. In fact we’ve arranged a surprise especially for you,” she said out loud and banged the door.

“It doesn't excite me,” he retorted.

“Not even if it’s related to the medical profession? “she enquired and tempted him into opening the door which he did out of sheer curiosity.

“Did you say something?” he asked her with a quizzical brow while she smiled.

“He’s here…The one whose theories you love to read and the one whom you idolise more than our father,” she hinted and noticed the glint of happiness in his eyes.

“This can’t be true…Father invited the renowned physician, specialised in infectiology?” he dropped his jaw and looked at his sister in utter disbelief.

“Really? Oh I assumed he had invited Dr. Harvey Douglas...The one who was recently gifted the title of knighthood...” she pouted and wondered if she had missed anything.

“They’re one and the same, oh Gloria! Couldn’t you have informed me about this earlier?” He panicked and rushed inside to have a look at the mirror.

“You mean like sent a telegram?”she raised her brows while he picked up his royal blue uniform that he only wore on special occasions, and hurriedly changed into them.

“I meant a telephone call, why did Graham bell invent it if you still depend on telegrams ?” he muttered and brushed his coat.

“Oh so a gentleman invented it, does he belong to our land? I would love to have him demonstrate how to use one, mother won’t let me near the telephone in father’s drawing room,” She frowned and sulked before realising that he had left without any intimation.

“Eric, you’re supposed to escort your sister and not walk separately, what will my potential suitors think of me? It would look so un-lady like to be walking down the stairs alone,” she said as she tried catching up with him.

“Hide your face behind your folding fan, that’s what every lady does when embarrassed,” he suggested and stride forward as he stepped into the grand hall. Gloria wrinkled her nose and angrily opened her folding fan as she followed him.

The royal announcer noticed the prince and princess and immediately announced their presences in the grand hall. The guests were taken aback on seeing the prince amidst them for they had been expecting him to enter through the entrance of the castle where his father and mother had been waiting. Dressed in silver, Lord Edgar,a tall and lean built man in his 60's stared at his son from the corner of his eyes.

Lord Edgar wasn’t too pleased with his son’s alternate entry and preferred ignoring him while his wife, Lady Emily rushed to greet her son. They exchanged greeting, but Eric’s gaze searched for the man who had inspired him to become a medical student. It wasn’t long before he found Dr. Harvey Douglas standing beside his father, having an intellectual conversation.

Eric excused himself and cautiously walked towards them before stopping beside his father. Lord Edgar felt his presence and proudly introduced his guest to his son though he avoided setting his gaze on Eric for he was still angry on him. “He will be graduating soon as a doctor of medicine, I presume he’ll choose a specialization of your interest,” he said and crossed his arms while Dr. Harvey scrutinized Eric from head to toe.

“Pleased to meet you, Prince Eric. I’m honoured to know that a nobel has chosen a path of medicines and science,” Dr. Harvey admired him and adjusted his glasses.

“The pleasure is all mine, Dr. Harvey. A nobel is meant to serve his people, I find it appealing in serving them as a physician,” Eric replied confidently and impressed him while his father kept a straight face.

“Interesting, no wonder my niece enjoys the company of a brilliant young man like you,” Dr. Harvey stated and confused Eric.

“Your niece...Pardon me but do I know her,” he tilted his head and stared at him while his father flared his nostrils.

“I suggest you think before you speak, Prince Eric. You shouldn’t insult our guest like that,” Lord Edgar warned him and finally met his gaze when all of a sudden a soft voice distracted them.

“It’s not his fault my lord, I’m sure the Prince had no clue my uncle was referring to me,” Princess Catherine interrupted and grabbed their attention. Prince Eric looked at her and was left dumb struck. “Pardon me, I shouldn’t have interrupted your conversation like that. Forgive me,” she hurriedly apologised and hid her face behind her elegant fan after sensing the awkward silence.

“Don’t be too harsh on yourself, Catherine. You’re family after all, as for Eric he should have studied the history of his fiancé’s family well in advance,” Lord Edgar remarked and stared at his son while Eric lowered his gaze and apologised for his ignorance.

“Forgive me, Princess. Allow me to rectify my folly by having the first dance with you,” he requested and offered his hand as the musicians prepared to play another sweet medley. Catherine blushed and fluttered her fan in acceptance and gracefully slipped her hand in his before he guided her towards the ball room.

While Prince Eric’s kingdom, rejoiced with his arrival, the candles in Marine’s fortress melted with every passing hour. The princess had been starving since morning since she hadn’t eaten anything in all her excitement to teach George. Much to her disappointment she couldn’t eat the appetisers either as the guest hadn’t arrived as yet.

“I can’t take this anymore mamma, why do we have to wait when people don’t know how to value time,” Marine sulked and looked at the bowl of fruits resting on the corner table.

Her mother however was too hyper to hear her complains, she paced across the parlour and kept wondering what could have delayed the twins from Guernsey . “Did the train derail? Oh Christ, I shouldn’t be thinking so negative, I hope they are all fine,” she whispered and rubbed her hands when all of a sudden the footman barged in and announced in one breath, “They’re here !The princes of Guernsey have graced the fortress with their royal presence.”

Lady Helen burst in joy on hearing the good news, she rushed to the King who had fallen asleep on his armchair. “Wake up my Lord, they’re here...It’s time to greet our daughter’s future husband,” she shook him violently until he woke up with a start.

“Finally...” Marine rolled her eyes and held her stomach that growled in hunger. She noticed how Mr. Hawkins ordered George to light the candles in the dining hall while the two attendants rushed out of the parlour.

“I wonder what type of gentlemen are they, when they can’t even manage time properly. I’m sure they are selfish or maybe careless,” she frowned and rose from her seat to follow her father, but was stopped when her mother pulled her back.

“Ladies aren’t supposed to leave the parlour, and where’s your fan?” her mother warned her and looked at Eliza.

“It’s right with me. But I don’t think I need one. I’m sure your royal guests aren’t going to impress me,” Marine shifted her gaze on the grandfather clock and remarked when all of a sudden her mother noticed Marine’s ink stained hands.

“What in the world is this? Marine! Can’t you stay away from inks and pens at least on such occasions? Eliza what was she doing while dressing you up? Oh God! You’re in such a mess,” She panicked and pulled off her muslin gloves while Marine stared at her stained hands.

“Here, put these on and invest in a good pair of gloves once you get back to London instead of wasting your father’s money on paper and ink,” she remarked and helped her wear the gloves.

“And remember what i told you earlier. You’re not supposed to think, if there’s anything getting in your way then it’s your judicious manners. Now hold your fan straight and lower your gaze, I don’t want anything to go wrong this time,” Lady Helen explained animatedly and turned right on time to witness the handsome young gentlemen walking in.

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