《Her Royal Match》Teach me


Chapter 3

The night seemed longer than usual to Marine as she sat by the typewriter and contemplated what to type. There was not a moment that went by without thinking about ways to outwit Eric especially on the academic frontier. Term them as sworn enemies or not, they greatly despised each other. While he found it derogatory to have the fairer sex competing with men in all fields, Marine had her own reasons to detest him in which her family had a major influence. True to her nature, apart from being a bookworm, she was highly judicious. There was not one such incident where she had not judged a person or thing before approaching it. She believed in the opinions she formed about everything and wouldn’t budge from it.

Unlike Rose, being carefree was far away from her dictionary. Her mind could never stay idle, she would make it work round the clock, judging people or studying to prove the world that a woman could make a difference too.

Likewise she was now wondering how to improve her thesis on mental disorder, being a medical student she strongly felt that medicines alone couldn’t help cure a patient and that it was more to do with the patient’s psychology. As she set the paper roll in the typewriter, she heard her mother step in and close her chamber door. Walking in with a candle in hand, she placed it beside the typewriter and caressed her daughter’s head.

“I thought you may need more light, knowing that you stay up late…studying,” Lady Helen whispered and took a brief pause before uttering the last word.

Marine looked across her chamber and noticed all the lit candles that were gradually melting. “The last time I visited you all, the electric lamps were working fine,” she broke her silence and shifted her gaze on the dusty wall lamps.

“Need I explain why?” her mother stated and looked at her with a straight face while Marine sighed.

“Are you still angry on me?” she enquired hesitantly.

“Why do you ask when you know that I can’t stay angry on you for long?” Marine replied and shifted her gaze on her mother who heaved a sigh of relief.

“I know that, and I also know that you will agree to whatever I say,” Lady Helen smiled and rested her hands over her shoulders. “I’m doing this for your own good, Marine. Your knowledge and degree won’t help you alone to survive this society, what you need in the end is a man to lean on and build a family of your own when we are gone,” She added.

“That was old school, mamma. Times are changing things are not the same as they were eleven years back. This is 1890’s where a lady can survive alone without depending on a man,” Marine explained animatedly and spoke about the time when Thorn married Rose. “Women are managing stores, working in factories, assisting doctors and inventing…” She had hardly completed her sentence when her mother interrupted.

“So am I supposed to visualize your future in the leagues of the labour class or let’s say since you’re a princess you’ll end up being a nanny to the Queen's children,” Lady Helen passed a sarcastic comment and paused while Marine sighed in disappointment.

“I won’t mind ending up as a nanny to Rose's kids, I love them, and I’ll live for them,” Marine replied and fixed her attention on the typewriter.

“And when will you start living for yourself?” her mother stated and took a pause.


After a brief moment of silence, Marine gave up and looked at her mother. “When are your guests coming over to see me?” She asked and delighted her mother.

“I knew you were sensible enough to know what’s right for you, because no matter how much you try to hide it, you’ll always feel the void that can only be filled by a man,” her mother drew in a deep breath and got excited.

“This isn’t just about my void, is it? Marine pressed the key and typed the letter E. “It’s about getting back our lost fortunes & status in the elite society, right?” she added and typed the letter R.

“Of course, that’s something that will follow when you marry into a royal family. You do know the condition of our kingdom and our royalty ever since your sister betrayed us,” Lady Helen remarked and had a faraway look in her eyes as she remised about the times spent with Emma.

“Of course I do, I’m reminded of it where ever I go or whomever I meet,” Marine lowered her gaze and withdrew her hand from the typewriter.

“Hmm…By the way, you may have visited the Royal palace in London often while studying at the university…I hope you haven’t told anyone about our pitiful state,” Her mother enquired and felt doubtful.

“You need not worry mamma, I’m doing my best to keep our family honour intact,” Marine replied and assured her mother that she hadn’t revealed anything about their condition to the royal family of London.

“Hmm…I can see that…” her mother frowned at the typewriter and prepared to leave. “Don’t stay up late though, you’ve got to look your best tomorrow,” she kissed her goodnight and left the chamber.

Marine sighed and left her study table, she approached her wardrobe and ran her fingers over her silk evening gown. It was the sole expensive gown that she had, which she would often wear for dinner parties when suitor came to see her. “I wonder what surprises you will bring this time,” she whispered and turned away.

Blowing out the candles on her way, she crawled into bed and snuggled under her blanket. Holding her pillow tightly, she drew in a deep breath and felt the softness of the pillow. What the lady had said was true, though she tried her best to fool the world, she couldn’t fool herself. Deep down she did feel the absence of a man in her life, but it wasn’t her fault that she wasn’t meeting her match. It depressed her and made it all the more difficult to fall asleep. Times like these, she would resort to her pillow and find solace in embracing it tightly and later falling asleep.

The next morning, Marine woke up with a start after seeing a nightmare about Eric. She had dreamt that the authorities had expelled her from the institute under his influence. Relieved that it was merely a nightmare, she sighed and held her pillow close to her chest when suddenly her gaze fell on George, who was standing at the doorway with a bucket of water.

“What are you doing here?” she gasped and recoiled before Eliza came in-between to clear the confusion.

“Pardon me, princess. It was on my insistence that George came up all the way to your chamber,” she hurriedly apologised and pulled the bucket from his hands. “I was making arrangements for your bath and needed extra help in filling your bath tub, doing it alone would lower the temperature of the water,” She explained and hoped that Marine wouldn’t take it the other way round as she was known to judge situations her way.


“Oh is it?” she paused and turned to face the window that was covered in frost. “Alright, go ahead,” she excused them and shifted her gaze on George who appeared a bit nervous. He stepped in but was nudged back by Eliza as she warned him with a whisper and pushed him out. “Princess, if you’re ready, I’ll be waiting in the bathroom for you,” Eliza said and rushed in.

Marine untangled her hair with her fingers and closed her eyes, “Today’s going to be a long day,” she murmured and stepped on the cold floor to begin her morning chores. After bathing in rose water and dressing up neatly, she strutted in the courtyard and sighted George in her father’s library. Wondering what work he had there, she opened the French windows and walked in.

“Good morning, George, what a pleasant surprise to find you in here,” she startled him from behind and smiled.

George broke into a sweat and hastily pushed the book back from where he had picked it. “Uh…Pardon me, I was just going through the…” he stammered and took an abrupt pause before rushing out with a hammer and bunch of nails. Dressed in her father’s old white shirt and braces that held up his brown trousers, George preceded towards the stable to fix the horses’ shoes.

Miffed, Marine pulled out the book that had caught his fancy and traced his location. It had been long since she had walked into the royal stable. “George, I’m sorry if I startled you, but there was really no need to run away like that,” Marine said as she carefully stepped inside the stable.

“Princess I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sneak in…” he avoided meeting her gaze and apologised once again before she snapped.

“Oh stop it, there’s nothing wrong in entering father’s library and how many time do I have to tell you not to call me princess?” she frowned and presented the book before him.

“Here, this is what you were reading, right? Keep it and return when you’re done, don’t hesitate,” she said and forced him to take it, but George refused.

“I wish I could, but I can’t…” he replied and finally faced her with his gaze darting across the stable.

“What do you mean you can’t…Father wouldn’t mind if I were to tell him that you borrowed a book to read, in fact reading is good to improve one’s knowledge,” she explained and insisted on him taking the book.

“The book is of no use to me,” he said and refused.

“How can you say something like that…A book is much useful than anything, now stop making excuses and take it,” She felt annoyed at his statement and pushed the book in his hands.

“I can’t read…” was his prompt reply that suddenly shocked her.

“You can’t read?” she paused and withdrew her hands. “Then why were you in the library?” she asked in utter disbelief and at the same time felt sorry for him.

“To see the pictures and illustrations…I have no clue what the words say, it’s the pictures that I relate to,” he commented and cringed in embarrassment after revealing his drawback.

Marine studied his expression for a brief moment and suddenly smiled. “What if I were to tell you that you could relate to the words as well?” she stated and confused him.

“Pardon me, but I don’t think that’s ever going to be possible,” he lowered his gaze and tightened his grip around the hammer.

“It could be if you had someone to teach you how to read and write, there’s no age to learning,” she explained and cleared his confusion.

“You’re teasing me, princess. Who would teach a grown up man like me?” he felt she was having fun at his expense and got back to fixing the horse shoe.

“I would…now there, do you still feel I’m teasing you?” she replied and caught his arm. “Don’t just stare at me like that, speak up. Would you agree to learn if I were to teach you?” she asked him eagerly not realizing that her touch made him nervous. Likewise he was also taken aback by her offer, he couldn’t believe that a princess was offering to teach him how to read and write.

“That’s really kind of you princess, but I….” he gently withdrew his arm from her grip and ran his fingers through his blonde hair , wondering if it was agreeable to make a princess teach him since she belonged to royalty, but the princess had made up her mind. Reading was a topic close to her heart and if someone wanted to read she would go out of her way to help that person.

“I shall take that as a yes from you then, let’s begin your session right away,” she exclaimed in excitement and pulled him out the stable. George recoiled with her soft touch, “But princess…I’ve got lots of work to do like fixing the chimney and washing the walls,” he protested in fear as she took him back inside her father's library.

“Work can wait, besides an hour or two everyday won’t do any harm. The fortress has had its share of glorious day, it’s time you start doing something for yourself,” she quoted and made him sit by the study table.

“Here?” he gulped and felt awkward sitting in the library. “I doubt if others would approve of this…Mr. Hawkins might complain if he finds me seated her,” he added and looked tensed.

“Hmm…old Mr. Hawkins does get cranky at times, fine do you have a better alternative?” Marine asked and picked up the stationeries while George contemplated where to go.

“My loft would be an idle spot to learn, provided you’re comfortable with it,” he snapped his fingers but latter felt doubtful if she would agree.

“Your loft…? George where do you stay?” she felt confused and raised her brows.

“You’ve forgotten, haven’t you?” He smiled and lowered his gaze before standing upright. Guiding her outside once again, he took her towards the barn and pointed up. “I stay up there,” he pointed at the loft and surprised her.

“You don’t have a separate lodge like the Hawkins and attendants?” she asked in disbelief while he smiled coyly. “This is my lodge, I’ve been living here ever since his lordship spotted me loitering around the fortress as a little boy,” he explained and rushed to get a ladder. It didn’t surprise him that she had no memory of their times spent in his loft as children. Holding the ladder firmly, he hesitantly requested the princess to climb up.

Much to his surprise, she willingly climbed up since she was curious to know how he lived in such a tiny space. What she saw up made her feel overwhelmed, to the corner was a trunck with two photo frames resting over it, a bed of straws to the left and a hammock made out of rags where one end was tied towards the oval window that overlooked the gorgeous mountains.

“I apologies for it not matching up to your standards,” he commented as he approached her from behind. The space was cosy, but too low in height for an individual to stand. Crawling, he dusted the spot near his trunk and placed a sheet of cloth before requesting her to sit.

“The view from up here is breath taking,” she smiled as she saw through the window.

“Not as breath taking as the view from your chamber, Princess,” he stated and knelt beside her.

There was an awkward silence between the two, George wondered what she was thinking about, while she studied his expression. “George, how is it I never saw you during my visits to the fortress? The last time I may have seen you was when we were little,” she said and tilted her head.

“You never noticed me, but I always did…” he said and took an abrupt pause after realising what he had said. “It’s normal for a stable boy like me to go un-notice by a princess, after all we come from different walks of life, “ he corrected his words and shifted his gaze away from her.

Marine smiled and looked at the stationeries she had carried along. “So then, let’s begin with your first class,” she said and placed the book on the trunk. Taking the ink pen in her nimble fingers, she showed him how to write the English alphabets. Everything looked new to the stable boy, but the princess tried her best to make it as elementary as possible for him.

It was the first time he was using an instrument to write, he found it exciting yet difficult to manage the pen. Following her instructions he repeated the alphabets with his clumsy handwriting and amused her. Marine saw his dedication and interest in learning something new and immediately formed an opinion about him being a hardworking and ambitious man, which was quite true.

“You aren’t handling it firmly, let me show you,” she laughed and held his hand to guide the pen. George’s heart thumped as he felt the warmth of her soft fingers over his. The sweet smell of her hair distracted him when she leaned forward.

Hours passed by teaching him how to write when all of a sudden Mrs. Hawkins came in yelling. “George, where in the name of Christ have you been? My boys have been looking all over for you,” she yelled and distracted them. George recoiled and got tensed while Marine appeared calm. She was about to speak for him and take the blame on her when he hurriedly stopped her.

“Don’t show yourself to her, she won’t like it if she were to find out you were here,” He whispered and requested her to keep it as a secret. “Wait till she leaves,” he added and climbed down the ladder.

“My apologies, Mrs Hawkins…I think I may have overslept this morning,” he said and dusted his hands as he approached her.

“Eh…With a lazy lad like you I doubt today’s dinner party will ever be sorted out. Now hurry and get me a basket of strawberries from the fields,” she ordered him and waited till he left the barn. George obeyed and sprinted out. Marine waved out to him through the window and smiled as he headed towards the fields.

Assured that the coast was clear, she cautiously climbed down and walked back. As she crossed the hallway, she met her mother who was rather cross with her. “Do you know how worried I’ve been? Where were you?” She enquired with a frown.

Marine was about to speak but was cut short by her, “Now hurry up and get ready, our guest will be arriving any minute now,” she exclaimed and ordered Eliza to get her dressed for the evening. “And remember, act dumb before them, no man fancy’s a lady with wit,” she advised and rushed to get the table set while Marine reluctantly went to her chamber.

Eliza helped her dress up for the occasion and offered her some friendly advice, “ You have a gorgeous smile, keep smiling, princess. A woman’s smile is what captures a man’s attention,” she said as she fastened the buttons of her silk evening gown.

“Smile…I believe a woman’s presence is enough to capture a man’s attention,” Marine sighed and felt least bit interested in attending the dinner party hosted by her mother, for she knew it would bear no fruits.

“That’s for us to see when the twins arrive,” Eliza smirked and winked at her mischievously.

“Twins, you mean you know who are guests are?” Marine felt surprised and looked at her.

“Yes, everyone does. After all they belong to the royal family in Guernsey and I’ve heard they’re quite a handsome pair,” Eliza giggled and cheered the princess. “Oh twins I see…I suppose one of them is going to be quite the opposite of the other,” Marine created a picture of the twins in her mind as she placed her tiara elegantly over her head.

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