《Her Royal Match》Never doubt a ballerina's words.


Chapter 1

Diana clinged to his broad shoulders and began breathing heavily while his gaze drifted over her soft bare arms. Catching her by the waist, Parker pulled her up on her toes and made her face him. Diana trembled with his touch as he brought his lips closer to hers and whispered, “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this…” Princess Marine murmurred and blushed as usual when she read her favourite part of the novel she held close to her heart.

The leather binding had wrinkled along with the pages that had soiled and developed dog ears owing to her obsession with the novel. The Baron, was one of Marine’s priced positions when it came to reading romance novels. Being the bookworm that everyone knew, she had a wide collection of books at home, The Baron & His Lady being her favourite, she managed to carry it wherever she went. The novel was her window to feelings that she longed for in reality. Still being single at twenty-five and having no prior stint in romance, Marine always turned to her novel and wondered what being in love really felt like.

Nevertheless it didn’t connote that she was a naïve young lady who only fantasized about love. Apart from novels, she had a wide collection of books ranging from all subjects in her private library. Unlike other ladies of her stature, she had a keen interest in reading and studying the discoveries and inventions in the world. No wonder she could talk confidently before a group of intellects on any subject be it politics or science. However this was one of the qualities in her that disappointed her mother terribly since she often stated that her daughter’s bold comments on subjects that were un-feminine, were the root cause of her not finding a match.

Likewise the era in which Princess Marine lived was the late 1890’s, when women liberation was still a distant dream. This was an era where women struggled to match up with men in all fields. Though the efforts weren’t appreciated and termed derogatory by the opposite sex, strong headed women like Princess Marine strived to follow their dreams and set examples for others who coyly spent their lives knitting and nurturing children at home.

Seated elegantly at the backseat of the hired steam driven carriage, she closed the novel and drifted her eyes over the silhouette of Logwood University of London, the only medical institute in United Kingdom which had reluctantly opened its gates for women’s higher education. It wouldn’t seem surprising if you all were to find out that Marine was the only lady along with other three women who had enrolled in the university for pursuing higher studies. This year was a year of triumph for our princess of Wales, as she was on the verge of completing her graduation as a certified psychiatrist and was months away from receiving her certificate.

Stepping out the carriage with the assistance of the driver, she slipped the novel in her satchel and proceeded towards the entrance of the grand university. Smoothening out the wrinkles over her ruffled sleeves that closed near her wrist, she adjusted her high collar and strutted down the hall with her head held high. Marine always felt confident in her Shirtwaist, since it looked a lot like a men’s shirt that was tight at the waist. Her A-line skirt fit close to her waist and flared above the ankle, giving her a formal yet feminine look. This was the current fashion in Paris for working women, and Marine loved it since it went pretty well with her personality, not to mention the elegant walking cane that she always carried when in the university.


As Marine walked excitedly with thoughts of returning to Wales for her winter break, she failed to see the man who detested her, approaching from the opposite direction. It wasn’t long before she bumped into the young man and dropped her satchel with a start. His familiar grunt grabbed her attention as she regained her composure. Knowing who exactly he was, she avoided meeting his gaze and stared at the books that were spread across the floor. True to his nature, Prince Eric ignored her and without caring a damn to apologies, walked past her with heavy footsteps. Likewise, Marine drew in a deep breath and calmly bent down to pickup her book when one of her batchmate, offered to help.

“Leave that to me, it would be a shame to see a princess lift such heavy books,” Andrew commented as he picked them all and handed it back to her. “Good to know that chivalry still exist, by the way I’ve carried much heavier things than these,” she thanked him with a warm smile and sighed while his gaze followed Eric till he disappeared from his sight.

“He was here on the trusty’s request, he’s leaving for Scotland now,” Andrew said and shifted his gaze back on Marine as she stared at him with a straight face.

“Why are you even telling me about him? I’m not concerned with why he was here or where is he going,” Marine stated and tipped her laced hat.

“Pardon me, I just thought I should let you know that his thesis on Influenza Pandemic was accepted and that he will be making a presentation on the same before a mass audience of medical professionals and academicians,” he apologised but didn’t forget to mention the news that sent Marine storming towards the trusty’s office.

Pursing her lips, she looked at the trusty questioningly and stood before his desk. “Ahh! Good afternoon Princess Marine, I assumed you’d already left for Wales,” The old man smoked his pipe and offered her a seat, but Marine hardly had the patience to sit.

“I will be leaving today, but not until I receive a proper explanation for rejecting my thesis on mental disorder,” she made herself clear and pressed her palms against his desk. “How could you do this to me after encouraging me all these years?” she demanded and crunched her brows while the trusty appeared un-affected by her complains.

“Why do you think we’ve reject your thesis my dear? Like I said, we need time to select the best,” he replied and continued smoking his pipe.

“And I assume the best has got to be a thesis on Influenze pandemic that broke out in Russia last year , right? “ She remarked and made him cringe in his seat.

“Oh dear, so it’s reached your ears already then? I knew you wouldn’t like it, but don’t lose heart. One can’t achieve everything they want, can they?” he replied and lowered his pipe. There was a hint of sarcasm in his comment which didn’t go unnoticed by Marine for she knew very well how much the institute authorities supported her and the other three ladies in reality.

“It’s because I’m a woman, isn’t it? You still believe that accepting my thesis would make nothing but a fool of you & the institute for its written by me,” She protested and caught him off guard.


“Hold your horses, Princess. Rejecting your thesis has got nothing to do with you being a woman,” He corrected and leaned forward.

“Then may I know what exactly led you to reject my work?” She pouted and narrowed her eyes while he contemplated how to tell her the real reason.

“You see Princess Marine, the trusty doesn’t comprise of me alone, but many others too. I think you should have been aware by now that one of our member belongs to the Blackwood family…and he coincidently happens to be Prince Eric’s father, Lord Edgar” the old man explained and noticed her face turn pale.

She couldn’t conjure how Eric’s father was a part of the institute’s trust. Her pupils dilated as thoughts about Eric crossed her mind till she found the missing link. “Logwood…Blackwood…The university partly shares their name…would that be a coincidence too?” she thought and muttered as her temples flinched in anger.

“Are you alright, Princess Marine?” he enquired and watched her hands shivering as she balled her fist.

“As alright as I can be, thank you for sparing me your precious time. I believe it’s time I take my leave,” she tried to sound as formal and calm as she could pretend before leaving the premises in haste.

Eric noticed her marching by, from the courtyard as he stood there with his set of friend who congratulated him on his achievement. “And how do you feel after receiving yet another feather in your hat?” his friend asked him eagerly.

“To be honest…I shall say I feel wonderful…” Eric smirked and crossed his arms after realizing that Marine now knew whose thesis had been selected.

As for poor Marine, she couldn’t conjure how to react. Screaming or writing a complaint would do her no good. She always knew that life wasn’t easy for her, because the life that she had chosen had hurdles along the way. Every phase in her life came with a struggle, especially her mid 20’s when she encountered Eric Blackwood, Prince of Scotland. He was like a nail in a bed of straw. As if her struggle to stand at par with men in medical education wasn’t enough, Prince Eric always made it a point to snub her and make her life in the institute all the more miserable.

However life wasn’t all that pretty for the Princess outside either. Ever since her elder sister Emma, dragged down their family reputation by eloping with a duke who was in reality an imposter, Marine became the centre of attraction for problems like a live magnet. Her chances of finding a groom diminished and the selected few who met her at first sight were turned off by her judicious attitude and knowledge about everything under the sun. She was already twenty-five, an age when women raised kids of their own instead of waltzing in the ballroom.

Princess Marine was still living life without the company of a man. She never portrayed her disappointment on her face though, but deep down she did feel lonely and believed that finding a suitable match was just a distant dream for her. No wonder she would secretly sneak in Queen Rose’s chamber and play the musical heart shaped jewellery box that had a couple spinning at the centre when opened.

And that’s exactly what she did when she stopped by the royal palace to pay a visit before leaving for Wales. Observing that Rose was taking longer than usual to meet her in her chamber, Marine cautiously opened her wardrobe and pulled out the elegant jewellery box. Raising the cover, she smiled in delight as the soothing melody refreshed her mood. Watching the figures dance inside, she sighed and tilted her head when all of a sudden Rose walked in.

“Why don’t you keep it?” Rose suggested and startled her.

Marine turned red in embarrassment and shut the box before returning it to Rose. “I…I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have touched your personal things…” She stuttered and broke into a sweat after realizing that she was caught red handed by her sister in law.

“Calm down, I’m not accusing you of anything. I know how fascinated you’re with my jewellery box, hence I suggest, you keep it with you. I’ve known you since you were twelve, I’ve often seen you play with it,” Rose explained and embarrassed Marine even more.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” she added and waited for her reply, but Marine was too tongue tied to speak.

“Here keep it as a graduation present from my side in advance, we’re all so proud of you,” Rose handed the jewellery box back to her and smiled lovingly while Marine lowered her gaze and remained quiet.

“What happened? Is something bothering you?” Rose enquired worriedly and sat beside her.

“I don’t think I’m the right person you should be giving this to,” Marine's voicetrailed off.

“You’re wrong, I’ve given it in the right hands. Never doubt a Ballerina’s words, you will soon find a royal match. You’re still young, lovable, caring and most of all you’ve knowledge as vast as the sea, only a fool would think it disagreeable to marry you,” Rose innocently explained and tried to cheer her up while Marine faked a smile for she knew how much of that was true.

“Not all men are as liberal minded as cousin Thorn, all that I’ve known despise me for the very reason that makes me stand out from rest,” she said in her thoughts and embraced her.

“Thank you, Rose. I promise to take good care of it,” she added and pulled back before preparing to leave.

After all the arrangements were made, Marine took her leave and boarded the steam train to Wales. It was a much awaited winter break that she needed, just the thought of returning home felt rejuvenating. Holding the jewellery box gifted to her by Rose, Marine wondered if the ballerina’s words would ever come true. But whether or not the ballerina’s words would come true? Only time could tell.

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